Shanghai-area Autumn & Winter Birding, 2014-15

Shanghai-area Autumn & Winter Birding, 2014-15
By Craig Brelsford and Elaine Du

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“Shanghai-area Autumn & Winter Birding, 2014-15” is part of a series on birding in the Shanghai region. Other reports in the series:

Shanghai-area Springtime Birding, 2016
Shanghai-area Autumn & Winter Birding, 2015-16
Shanghai-area Springtime Birding, 2015

Who Are We?

Craig Brelsford lived in Shanghai from 2007 to 2018. When he departed China in January 2018, Craig was the top-ranked eBirder in that country, having noted 932 species, as well as the top-ranked eBirder in Shanghai (323 species). A 1993 graduate of the University of Florida, Craig was an award-winning newspaper editor in the United States for 10 years. In 2002, he earned a master’s in business administration from the University of Liege in Belgium.

Elaine Du is from Boli, Heilongjiang and has a master’s degree in food science and engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology. Elaine is the highest-ranked woman eBirder in China, with more than 730 species on her list, and is second only to Craig on the all-time eBird lists for Shanghai and Heilongjiang. Elaine’s Chinese name is Dù Lián Róng (杜连荣).

Craig and Elaine currently live in Debary, Florida with their son, Tiny.


For taxonomy and English names, my first reference is the IOC World Bird List.

Introduction and Highlights

Spoon-billed Sandpiper: critically endangered species, found on five occasions in September and October at Yangkou

Nordmann’s Greenshank: endangered species seen on 9 Sept. and twice at Yangkou in early October

Red-crowned Crane, Hooded Crane: former noted at Yancheng and latter on Chongming, with Common Crane present at both locations

Black-faced Spoonbill: endangered species noted on Chongming and at Nanhui, with Eurasian Spoonbill noted there as well as on Hengsha and at Yancheng

Oriental Stork: endangered species found at Nanhui and Yancheng

Swan Goose: classified as vulnerable by IUCN, noted on Chongming in December

Reed Parrotbill: regional favorite, increasingly at risk by rampant coastal development, seen on Hengsha and at Nanhui and Yancheng

Baikal Teal: pair seen on Hengsha Island in November

Chinese Grey Shrike: nominate ssp., an uncommon winter visitor to the Shanghai region, was noted on five occasions on Hengsha and Chongming

Grey-tailed Tattler: on 9 Sept. we found a member of this near-threatened species that had been banded in Broome, Western Australia, and we reached the birder who most likely banded it

Great Knot: listed as vulnerable by the IUCN, Calidris tenuirostris was seen at Yangkou

Fairy Pitta: a member of this vulnerable species found 13 Sept. in little wood at Haiyin Temple

Japanese Paradise Flycatcher: this near-threatened East Asian endemic was seen nearly every day in late September at Yangkou as well as on Lesser Yangshan

Siberian Thrush, White’s (Scaly) Thrush, Grey-backed Thrush, Chinese Blackbird, Eyebrowed Thrush, Pale Thrush, Brown-headed Thrush, Naumann’s Thrush, Dusky Thrush: China is a thrush hotspot, and these East Asian taxa bear witness to thrush diversity in the Shanghai region

Among the 12 Emberiza species noted were the East Asian specialties Tristram’s Bunting, Chestnut-eared Bunting, Yellow-throated Bunting, and Chestnut Bunting, as well as the endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting

Blue-and-white Flycatcher, Verditer Flycatcher, Rufous-tailed Robin, Siberian Rubythroat, Mugimaki Flycatcher, Taiga Flycatcher: these East Asian muscicapids each made appearances, with Blue-and-white and Mugimaki being common and Verditer being seen once. Far out of range was a Northern Wheatear, seen 21 Sept. on Lesser Yangshan Island

Among our unusual sightings were Pallas’s Gull and Water Rail at Yancheng, Black-winged Kite on Chongming and at Yangkou, Great Spotted Woodpecker at inner-city Century Park in Shanghai, Brown-eared Bulbul on Chongming and Lesser Yangshan, and December records of Dusky Warbler on Hengsha, Barn Swallow at Nanhui, Stejneger’s Stonechat on Chongming, and Eastern Yellow Wagtail (ssp. taivana) on Chongming and at Nanhui

Oriental Scops Owl and Northern Boobook: Asian specialties noted at Yangkou and on Lesser Yangshan

Bull-headed Shrike: handsome East Asian shrike, frequently noted

Simple List of Species of Bird Noted Around Shanghai, China, Autumn-Winter 2014-15 (216 species)

Swan Goose
Taiga/Tundra Bean Goose
Ruddy Shelduck
Mandarin Duck
Eurasian Wigeon
Eastern Spot-billed Duck
Northern Shoveler
Northern Pintail
Baikal Teal
Eurasian Teal
Common Merganser
Japanese Quail
Common Pheasant
Little Grebe
Great Crested Grebe
Oriental Stork
Eurasian Spoonbill
Black-faced Spoonbill
Eurasian Bittern
Yellow Bittern
Black-crowned Night Heron
Striated Heron
Chinese Pond Heron
Eastern Cattle Egret
Grey Heron
Purple Heron
Great Egret
Intermediate Egret
Little Egret
Great Cormorant
Western Osprey
Black-winged Kite
Crested Honey Buzzard
Chinese Sparrowhawk
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Eastern Marsh Harrier
Black Kite
Eastern Buzzard
Water Rail
White-breasted Waterhen
Common Moorhen
Eurasian Coot
Red-crowned Crane
Common Crane
Hooded Crane
Black-winged Stilt
Pied Avocet
Northern Lapwing
Grey-headed Lapwing
Grey Plover
Little Ringed Plover
Kentish Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Greater Sand Plover
Eurasian Woodcock
Pin-tailed/Swinhoe’s Snipe
Common Snipe
Black-tailed Godwit
Bar-tailed Godwit
Eurasian Curlew
Far Eastern Curlew
Spotted Redshank
Common Redshank
Marsh Sandpiper
Common Greenshank
Nordmann’s Greenshank
Wood Sandpiper
Grey-tailed Tattler
Terek Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper
Ruddy Turnstone
Great Knot
Red-necked Stint
Curlew Sandpiper
Temminck’s Stint
Long-toed Stint
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Broad-billed Sandpiper
Red-necked Phalarope
Black-headed Gull
Saunders’s Gull
Pallas’s Gull
Vega Gull
Black-tailed Gull
Gull-billed Tern
Caspian Tern
Common Tern
Whiskered Tern
White-winged Tern
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove)
Oriental Turtle Dove
Red Turtle Dove
Spotted Dove
Greater Coucal
Cuculus cuckoo
Oriental Scops Owl
Northern Boobook
Grey Nightjar
Oriental Dollarbird
Black-capped Kingfisher
Common Kingfisher
Eurasian Hoopoe
Eurasian Wryneck
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Common Kestrel
Eurasian Hobby
Peregrine Falcon
Fairy Pitta
Black-winged Cuckooshrike
Bull-headed Shrike
Brown Shrike
Long-tailed Shrike
Chinese Grey Shrike
Black-naped Oriole
Black Drongo
Ashy Drongo
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher
Azure-winged Magpie
Eurasian Magpie
Large-billed Crow
Japanese Tit
Chinese Penduline Tit
Eurasian Skylark
Light-vented Bulbul
Brown-eared Bulbul
Sand/Pale Martin
Barn Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow
Asian House Martin
Locustella sp. I
Locustella sp. II
Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler
Asian Stubtail
Black-throated Bushtit
Dusky Warbler
Radde’s Warbler
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler
Two-barred Warbler
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler
Eastern Crowned Warbler
Black-browed Reed Warbler
Zitting Cisticola
Plain Prinia
Chinese Hwamei
Red-billed Leiothrix
Vinous-throated Parrotbill
Reed Parrotbill
Crested Myna
Red-billed Starling
White-cheeked Starling
Siberian Thrush
White’s Thrush
Grey-backed Thrush
Japanese Thrush
Chinese Blackbird
Eyebrowed Thrush
Pale Thrush
Brown-headed Thrush
Red-throated Thrush
Naumann’s Thrush
Dusky Thrush
Oriental Magpie-Robin
Siberian Blue Robin
Grey-streaked Flycatcher
Dark-sided Flycatcher
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Blue-and-white Flycatcher
Verditer Flycatcher
Rufous-tailed Robin
Siberian Rubythroat
Red-flanked Bluetail
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
Mugimaki Flycatcher
Taiga Flycatcher
Daurian Redstart
Blue Rock Thrush
White-throated Rock Thrush
Stejneger’s Stonechat
Northern Wheatear
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Scaly-breasted Munia
Forest Wagtail
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Grey Wagtail
White Wagtail
Richard’s Pipit
Olive-backed Pipit
Red-throated Pipit
Buff-bellied Pipit
Water Pipit
Japanese Grosbeak
Chinese Grosbeak
Grey-capped Greenfinch
Eurasian Siskin
Meadow Bunting
Tristram’s Bunting
Chestnut-eared Bunting
Little Bunting
Yellow-browed Bunting
Rustic Bunting
Yellow-throated Bunting
Yellow-breasted Bunting
Chestnut Bunting
Black-faced Bunting
Pallas’s Reed Bunting

For more information on places visited, see “List of Place Names” at end of this report.

04 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
05 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
06 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
07 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
08 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
09 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
10 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
11 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
12 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
13 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
14 Sept. 2014: Yangkou

20 Sept. 2014: Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui
21 Sept. 2014: Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui

27 Sept. 2014: Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui
28 Sept. 2014: Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui
29 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
30 Sept. 2014: Yangkou
01 Oct. 2014: Yangkou
02 Oct. 2014: Yangkou
03 Oct. 2014: Yangkou
04 Oct. 2014: Yangkou
05 Oct. 2014: Yangkou
06 Oct. 2014: Yangkou
07 Oct. 2014: Yangkou

11 Oct. 2014: Lesser Yangshan
12 Oct. 2014: Lesser Yangshan
13 Oct. 2014: Zhongshan Park
14 Oct. 2014: Zhongshan Park
15 Oct. 2014: Zhongshan Park
16 Oct. 2014: Zhongshan Park
17 Oct. 2014: Zhongshan Park
18 Oct. 2014: Chongming Island
19 Oct. 2014: Lesser Yangshan
20 Oct. 2014: Zhongshan Park
21 Oct. 2014: Zhongshan Park
22 Oct. 2014: Changfeng Park
23 Oct. 2014: Century Park
24 Oct. 2014: Zhongshan Park
25 Oct. 2014: Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui
26 Oct. 2014: Lesser Yangshan
27 Oct. 2014: Zhongshan Park
28 Oct. 2014: Century Park

02 Nov. 2014: Lesser Yangshan
03 Nov. 2014: Zhongshan Park
04 Nov. 2014: Hengsha Island
05 Nov. 2014: Zhongshan Park
06 Nov. 2014: Hengsha Island

18 Nov. 2014: Shanghai (Zhongshan Park)

22 Nov. 2014: Lesser Yangshan
23 Nov. 2014: Hengsha Island

30 Nov. 2014: Shanghai (Century Park)

02 Dec. 2014: Shanghai (Changfeng Park)

04 Dec. 2014: Shanghai (Century Park)

07 Dec. 2014: Hengsha Island

11 Dec. 2014: Chongming Island

14 Dec. 2014: Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui

16 Dec. 2014: Shanghai (Huangpu Park)

18 Dec. 2014: Chongming Island

23 Dec. 2014: Chongming Island
24 Dec. 2014: Yancheng
25 Dec. 2014: Yancheng

02 Jan. 2015: Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui

06 Jan. 2015: Shanghai (Zhongshan Park)

25 Jan. 2015: Shanghai (Century Park)

The Trip

Thurs. 4 Sept. 2014
Yangkou, Rudong County, Jiangsu

Elaine and I departed Shanghai at 10:50 in a Skoda Scout rented from Avis. We drove 192 km to Yangkou, arriving in the fishing town at 14:15. As has been my habit since 2010, Elaine and I stayed at Yángkǒu Défèng Dàjiǔdiàn (洋口大德凤酒店; +86 513-68922777).

Weather: On the drive up, the haze was thick, and as a result I once again failed to enjoy the view of the mighty Yangtze River as we crossed the Sutong Bridge (苏通大桥 [Sūtōng Dàqiáo]). On arrival at Haiyin Temple, we were pleasantly surprised to see blue sky. The horizon was visible from the nearby sea wall. There was little wind, as evidenced by the stilled rows of windmills. Temp.: 27˚ C.

On the drive into Yangkou, we saw

Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 1
Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus 37
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 4
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 3
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 6
Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus 4

Our first stop was Haiyin Temple (海印寺, Hǎiyìn Sì).

Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 14:20-14:50

Cuculus cuckoo: 1
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 7
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 4
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 5
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 4
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 2
White Wagtail Motacilla alba 3

At 14:50, Elaine and I drove south along the road atop the sea wall. At 15:10 we parked the car and ducked into the “forest” (a strip of locust trees planted on the landward side of the wall). This forest runs for miles but is only about 30 m wide. If you’re a forest bird and want some of the comforts of your forest home as you migrate, then this plantation is your only choice; there are few tall trees, let alone forests, anywhere near the sea wall. Our observation point is in this forest. This past April and May, Elaine and I used this location for our observation point. We set up the tent and got in. The call of Sakhalin/Pale-legged Leaf Warbler was constant.

Observation Point S of Yangkou (ca. 32°N, 122°E; 15:10-17:30)

Cuculus cuckoo: 6
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 1
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 1 female

We returned to the Skoda and drove back to the hotel, arriving at 18:10.

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 14
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 6
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 2
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 1
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 3
Common Tern Sterna hirundo 2
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 12

Fri. 5 Sept. 2014

Elaine and I drove straight to the observation point, arriving at 06:35. We remained there until 09:00.

Weather: 21-28˚C. Fog was thick in morning and gradually burned off by afternoon. The air was still, and the windmills were not running. At the observation point, the nearby windmills usually buzz in the background. Today, we took advantage of the quiet to make excellent recordings of birds calling near the tent.

Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 4
Japanese Tit Parus minor 3
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 1
Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus 1

At 09:00 the tide had reached a point about 100 m from the sea wall. Elaine and I emerged from the tent, walked across the sea-wall road, and descended to the edge of the mudflats. We counted 1,534 birds foraging on the mudflats along a 300 m stretch of the sea wall. We saw a Black-tailed Gull with an orange ring attached to its left tarsus and a blue ring attached to its right tarsus. Because of the large numbers of Kentish Plover, the sand plovers, and Dunlin, numbers for them were estimated.

Mudflats S Yangkou

Great Egret Ardea alba 3
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 10
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 22
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus ca. 450
Greater/Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii/C. mongolus ca. 270
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 23
Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 6
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 16
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 16
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 3
Sanderling Calidris alba 20
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 39
Dunlin Calidris alpina ca. 600
Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus 27
Saunders’s Gull Chroicocephalus saundersi 18
Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris 5
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 6

At 10:05 we returned to the observation point. The birds from the previous session made another appearance. New birds appeared:

Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 1

We left the observation point at 12:50. A thief had shattered the passenger window of our Skoda Scout. Luckily for us, we had left nothing of value in the car, so all we had to deal with was the broken window. We drove back to Yangkou and met a representative of a local car-repair company.

At 15:55, Elaine and I returned briefly to the small wood at Haiyin Temple. We found an Anthus sp., most likely Richard’s Pipit but possibly Blyth’s Pipit A. godlewskii. The bird had squarish, not triangular, blackish centers to its median coverts, unlike a typical Richard’s Pipit. On Blyth’s, Alström and Mild write: “Adult and first-summer birds are also usually safely identifiable by the appearance of the median (especially) and greater coverts … the median and greater coverts have paler, less rufous-tinged tips and more ‘square’, less ‘triangular’ dark centres, which are clearer-cut on the sides” (Pipits & Wagtails, p. 237). However, on p. 241, the authors say there can be overlap: “A few fresh individuals of all species have untypically patterned median and greater coverts, e.g. some Richard’s and Paddyfield have rather ‘square-tipped’ dark centres to the median coverts (but the dark centres are more diffuse on the sides than in typical Blyth’s).” I therefore hesitate to claim that the bird I saw was a Blyth’s, a rare migrant in the region. More likely it was a Richard’s with atypically shaped blackish centers to its median coverts.

Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 15:55-16:20

Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 15
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 3
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 4
Anthus sp. 1

At 16:20, the auto-repair shop called Elaine and told us the glass had arrived and that they could now install it. We drove to the auto-repair shop.

Sat. 6 Sept. 2014

Our first stop was Haiyin Temple. A grey-headed male Accipiter zipped by twice. Either Chinese Sparrowhawk A. soloensis or Japanese Sparrowhawk A. gularis.

Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 06:50-07:30

sp.: 1
Cuculus cuckoo: 4
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 1
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 3
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 1
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 1
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 4
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 2
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 3
Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus 10 (flock)
Red-billed Starling Spodiopsar sericeus 6
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 6
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 2

From 07:30 to 7:50, we drove to our observation point. Because of the incident with the shattered window, we are now parking the car at a more heavily trafficked point a few minutes’ walk from the observation point.

Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus 1
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 1
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 1

We remained at the observation point from 07:50 to 12:30. Among the highlights were a juvenile Black-naped Oriole grooming itself, utterly unaware it was being watched; a Forest Wagtail that has made the observation area its home and approached to within a meter of our tent, calling constantly; a Eurasian Hoopoe that dug into and probed the sandy soil and walked to within a few meters of the tent, it too unaware it was being watched; and a Cuculus cuckoo that alighted on a branch next to the tent, looked around nervously, then spied me looking at it through the window of the tent and scrambled off. A Japanese Paradise Flycatcher also made an appearance.

Observation Point S of Yangkou (07:50-12:30)

Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 2
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 3
Cuculus cuckoo 8
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 4
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 3
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 4
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 1 juv.
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 1
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 5 (flock)
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 3
Vinous-throated Parrotbill Sinosuthora webbiana ca. 10 (flock)
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 1
Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus 1

We drove back to Yangkou for lunch, arriving at 13:10. The tide was far out, but on the mudflats below there were a few birds.

Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 3
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 1
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 1
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 1
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 1
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 4
Saunders’s Gull Chroicocephalus saundersi 13
Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis 2
Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus 3
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 1
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 7

We rested at the hotel until 15:50. We then drove to the end of the S225 at Haiyin Temple. We turned left and headed N along the sea-wall road, crossing the drawbridge immediately N of the temple. About 500 m N of the drawbridge, we turned left, leaving the sea-wall road, and drove on an unpaved road running parallel to the sea-wall road. We drove the unpaved road to its end (at the entrance, now gated, of the old “Magic Forest”). We then circled back toward Haiyin Temple on the sea-wall road. The purpose of the drive was to find wetlands suitable for shorebirds. In recent years, more and more wetlands around Yangkou have been drained, and many of the once-shallow fish ponds have been deepened. We wanted to see how much wetland suitable for shorebirds was left. Not much is left. On the road parallel to the sea-wall road, Elaine and I found a Black-winged Kite.

Unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple (32.570807, 121.015638; length: 3.5 km; 15:55-16:30)

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 7
Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus 1
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 8 around ponds
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea 2
Great Egret Ardea alba 2
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 7
Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus 1
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 6
White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 1
Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis 2
Cuculus cuckoo 4
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 2
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 2
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 1
Plain Prinia Prinia inornata 2 in reeds
Red-billed Starling Spodiopsar sericeus 12 (flock)
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1 heard

Elaine and I drove S along the sea-wall road toward our observation point, all the while continuing to look for shallow pools. We found very little habitat suitable for roosting shorebirds. We made a quick stop at our observation point. We then traveled back to Yangkou. This segment lasted from 16:30 to 18:00.

Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 2
Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus 1
Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus 1
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 4
Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia 2
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 1
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius 2
Gallinago snipe 1
Common Redshank Tringa totanus 1
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 7
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 1
Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta 1
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 3
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 4
Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus 1
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 6
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus ca. 25
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 3

Sun. 7 Sept. 2014

We left Yángkǒu Défèng Dàjiǔdiàn at 07:20 and arrived at the observation point at 07:55. The bird of the morning was a female Siberian Thrush. It appeared briefly at 11:20. It was quickly chased off by one of the Long-tailed Shrike and was not seen again. I had never seen a Blue Rock Thrush in a woodland (though this hardly qualifies as such).

Weather: 20˚-29˚C. Skies clear, air still; most windmills weren’t running.

Observation Point S of Yangkou (07:55-12:25)

Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 3 heard
Cuculus cuckoo 8
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 3
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 1
Japanese Tit Parus minor 3
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 3
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 1
Vinous-throated Parrotbill Sinosuthora webbiana ca. 20 (flock)
Siberian Thrush Geokichla sibirica 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 2
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius philippensis 1
Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus 1

After emerging from our observation point, I walked along the sea-wall road toward our new, safer parking spot. An impressive flock of 204 Eurasian Curlew passed overhead. Time: 12:30-12:50.

Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 3
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 15
Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii 7
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata 204 (flock)
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 1
Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 3
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 3
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 4
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 12
Saunders’s Gull Chroicocephalus saundersi 7
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 3
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 7
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 15

Elaine and I drove back to Yangkou, ate lunch, and rested until 15:30. Just as yesterday, we began our afternoon explorations by driving N from Haiyin Temple.

Unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple (32.570807, 121.015638); 15:35-16:15

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 21
Common Tern Sterna hirundo 1
Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis 5
Cuculus cuckoo 4
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 1
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 2
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 5
Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus 2
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 1
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 1
Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 1 female

At 16:15, we circled back and continued S of Haiyin Temple on the sea-wall road. We stopped for 5 minutes at the observation point. There, I saw a Red-flanked Bluetail.

Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 1
Cuculus cuckoo 6
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 1
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 1
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 1
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 4
Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus 1

By 16:40 we were driving inland, crossing a bridge W of a clam-digger station. We made a left at the first junction. Here were found a mediocre wetland. We drove slowly through it until 17:30. Eurasian Skylark showed white edges to tail, not buff, as in Oriental Skylark.

Mediocre Wetland W of Clam-digger Station (16:40-17:30)

Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 1
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 11
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis 1
Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus 7
Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia 1
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 15
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 7
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 1
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 2
Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta 6
Eurasian Hoopoe s 1
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 3
Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis 6
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 1

Immediately after leaving the mediocre wetland, driving inland, I saw what seemed to be shallow pools. I pulled off the paved road onto a dirt track. The track skirts four pools. These pools are managed by someone from Singapore, the locals told us. We examined this site for an hour. We found 2 Common Snipe and studied them. These surprisingly approachable individuals showed most of the key characteristics of Gallinago gallinago, among them a long, straight bill and longish tail, a black loral stripe that is broadest at the base of the bill and broader at that point than the supercilium, dark bars on the tertials that are wider than the pale bars on the tertials, a white trailing edge to the wing (visible in flight), and zig-zaggy flight (Message & Taylor, Waders of Europe, Asia, and North America).

Singaporean Farm S of Yangkou (17:35-18:35)

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 20
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius 1
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 3
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago 2
Common Redshank Tringa totanus 2
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 3
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 5
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 3
Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus 37 (flock)
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 18

Mon. 8 Sept. 2014

This afternoon, I focused on photography at the Singaporean farm. Floating on my mattress, I photographed an Asiatic specialty, Long-toed Stint. Made in perfect light near sundown, the photo clearly shows the long digits that lend this Calidrid its name. It’s just the kind of “beauty + utility” image I’m needing for my photographic field guide to the birds of China. I also floated to within 12 m of a Common Snipe. I took care not to scare these birds off; I backed away slowly when I was finished taking photos.

Weather: 20˚-28˚C. Skies partly to mostly cloudy.

We left Yángkǒu Défèng Dàjiǔdiàn at 07:15 and drove along the sea-wall road to our observation point. We found a Black-capped Kingfisher.

Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus 24
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 2
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 1 heard
Black-capped Kingfisher Halcyon pileata 1
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 9 (3 heard only)
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 1 heard
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 2
Red-billed Starling Spodiopsar sericeus 2
White-cheeked Starling Spodiopsar cineraceus 2
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 38

We remained at the observation point from 07:40 to 13:35. I had flu-like symptoms and slept for more than an hour in the roomy tent.

Observation Point S of Yangkou (07:40-13:35)

Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1
Cuculus cuckoo 12
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 2
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 1
Japanese Tit Parus minor 4
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 1
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 1
Grey-streaked Flycatcher Muscicapa griseisticta 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 2
Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus 1

At about 13:45, as I was walking the sea-wall road to get the car, I saw a big flock of Eurasian Curlew.

Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata 325 (flock)

The rest in the tent had done me good, and I was feeling energetic when we arrived at the Singaporean farm at 14:25. Here, I did some good photographic work, getting photos of Scolopacids from my mattress in the shallow pools. Numbers of individual birds were small, but a fair amount of species was represented.

Singaporean Farm S of Yangkou (14:25-18:10)

Eastern Spot-billed Duck Anas zonorhyncha 2
Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 1
Little Grebe Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 5
Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus 2
Great Egret Ardea alba 2
Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia 1
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 3
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 1 juv.
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 10
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius 2
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago 3
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 5
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 2
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 2
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 6
Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta 3
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata 1
Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus 37 (flock)
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 2
White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 3
Sand/Pale Martin Riparia riparia/R. diluta 20
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 7
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 5

Tues. 9 Sept. 2013

Elaine and I viewed large flocks of shorebirds both inland and on the mudflats. We found Nordmann’s Greenshank and a banded Grey-tailed Tattler at an inland roost.

Weather: 22˚-28˚C. Humidity: 82%. Fog in morning gave way to mostly cloudy skies in afternoon.

We drove along the sea-wall road. I found a Locustella warbler whose species I could not determine. The bird was brown and black-streaked. It was an extreme skulker. It disappeared into brush along road after offering me only the most fleeting of glimpses. It definitely was a different species from “Locustella warbler II” (2014-09-10). Possibles: Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler (L. certhiola), Lanceoloated Warbler (L. lanceolata).

Little Egret Egretta garzetta 17
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata 9
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2 heard
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 15
Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis daurica ca. 30
Locustella warbler I 1
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 1
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius philippensis 1

At 11:40 shorebirds had assembled inside the sea wall. I studied the roosting birds until 13:30. I was looking for Spoon-billed Sandpiper (found none), Nordmann’s Greenshank (found 7), and banded birds. I photographed a Grey-tailed Tattler that had been banded in Broome, Western Australia. I counted 1,002 birds.

Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis 1
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 2
Great Egret Ardea alba 2
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 3
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 49
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 92
Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus 63
Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii 130
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 47
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 32
Nordmann’s Greenshank Tringa guttifer 7
Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 35
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 89
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 66
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 10
Sanderling Calidris alba 30
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 56
Dunlin Calidris alpina 186
Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus 65
Saunders’s Gull Chroicocephalus saundersi 34
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 3

After the tide receded, Elaine and I counted birds on the mudflats. We counted along a 700 m stretch for 35 minutes. During the time we counted, the sea was 50 m to 200 m from the wall. Because the tide was moving out quickly, we worked this way:

1. We divided up the 700 m stretch into 10 blocks
2. We counted 3 of the blocks as exactly as possible
3. We averaged our results for the 3 blocks
4. We scanned the other 7 blocks to verify that the number and mix of birds were comparable
5. We multiplied each averaged result from Step 3 by 10 and rounded off the result to the nearest 10.
6. For some of the conspicuous birds few in number (such as Grey Heron), we counted each bird.

We were aware that this way would be inexact, but we were impressed with the number of birds before us (much more than at the more static inland roost), and we thought this the best way to do a count. We counted 3,923 birds. Given the speed with which the tide was receding and the fluidity of the situation, Elaine and I did not attempt to distinguish between Greater and Lesser Sand Plover.

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 9
Little Egret Egretta garzetta ca. 70
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola ca. 60
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus ca. 100
Greater/Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii/C. mongolus ca. 1230
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica ca. 80
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata ca. 130
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis ca. 90
Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes ca. 250
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus ca. 180
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres ca. 170
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris ca. 120
Sanderling Calidris alba ca. 130
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis ca. 240
Dunlin Calidris alpina ca. 700
Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus ca. 210
Saunders’s Gull Chroicocephalus saundersi ca. 140
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 12

We drove back to Yángkǒu Défèng Dàjiǔdiàn. Along the way, I found an Anthus sp., probably Pechora Pipit.

Anthus sp. 1 seen at 17:40 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09. Had smart, sharply streaked plumage with two buff wingbars plus “braces” (parallel lines) on mantle of same color as wingbars. My very first impression, looking at the bird, was “pipit, certainly not Olive-backed.” Instinctively, I looked for the white spot on the ear coverts, a hallmark of Olive-backed; saw none. Bird had large caterpillar in bill. Probably Pechora Pipit (A. gustavi). Also possible: Red-throated Pipit (A. cervinus).

Wed. 10 Sept. 2013

Elaine and I took a slow drive along the sea-wall road S of Yangkou, spent a few hours at the observation point, and spent the afternoon at the Singaporean farm.

Weather: A bit cooler than yesterday. 20˚-26˚C. Humidity: 74%.

Our drive along the sea-wall road netted us fleeting views of what was possibly Gray’s Grasshopper Warbler. This bird was large (size of robin), unstreaked, and extremely skulking. Brownish. Silent. Struck me as “slim” (long-tailed, long-winged). Bird was atop low (< 1 m high) wall separating meter-wide strip of scrub along road from top of sea wall. Definitely different sp. from “Locustella warbler I” (2014-09-09). Viewed for perhaps two seconds while I was sitting in car looking out at mudflats. Bird jumped back into strip of scrub along road and was not seen again. Possibly Gray’s Grasshopper Warbler (L. fasciolata), but Pleske’s Warbler (L. pleskei) cannot be discounted.

Along Sea Wall Road (07:35-09:35)

Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 1
Great Egret Ardea alba 1
Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia 2
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 1
Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 3
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 4
Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus 6
Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii 15
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 3
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata 1
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 12
Saunders’s Gull Chroicocephalus saundersi 1
Cuculus cuckoo 2
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 1
Locustella warbler II 1

We focused on photography at the observation point.

Observation Point S of Yangkou (10:05-13:00)

Cuculus cuckoo 11
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 1 juv.
Japanese Tit Parus minor 2
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 1
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 2 (1 1st-winter male & 1 female)
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius philippensis 1

Having rested and eaten in the tent, I was ready to float in the shallow pools of the Singaporean farm. The late-afternoon light was excellent. We found Temminck’s Stint.

Singaporean Farm S of Yangkou (13:35-17:10)

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 35
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 4
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 4
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 10
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius 3
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 5
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago 3
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 4
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 6
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 1
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 3
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 12
Temminck’s Stint Calidris temminckii 2
Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta 3
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata 1
Dunlin Calidris alpina 18
Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus 9 (flock)
White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 4
Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus 2
Sand/Pale Martin Riparia riparia/R. diluta ca. 200
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus ca. 75
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis tschutschensis 8

On the way back to Yangkou (17:10-17:50), we found Asian Stubtail.

Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 1 heard
Asian Stubtail Urosphena squameiceps 1
White Wagtail Motacilla alba 1

Thurs. 11 Sept. 2014

Weather: 21˚-27˚C. Humidity: 63%.

Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 07:45-08:10

Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 2
Cuculus cuckoo 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2
Japanese Tit Parus minor 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 2
Siberian Thrush Geokichla sibirica 1 female or 1st-winter male
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 1

We drove to the observation point from 08:10 to 08:55.

Black-capped Kingfisher Halcyon pileata 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 3
Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis daurica ca. 15
White Wagtail Motacilla alba 2

Birding was slow at the observation point, but we once again used the tent as a place to rest and eat lunch.

Observation Point S of Yangkou (09:00-12:30)

Cuculus cuckoo 2
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 3
Vinous-throated Parrotbill Sinosuthora webbiana ca. 10 (flock)
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 1

I covered an inland roost from 12:45 to 14:00. Great Knot were more numerous than on the inland roost of 2014-09-09. I found no Nordmann’s Greenshank or banded birds. I counted 847 birds.

Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis 2
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 5
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 15
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 113
Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus 34
Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii 115
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 17
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata 35
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 59
Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 19
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 89
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 37
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris 45
Sanderling Calidris alba 58
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 52
Dunlin Calidris alpina 136
Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus 6
Saunders’s Gull Chroicocephalus saundersi 9

As the tide receded, I walked onto the mudflats. I did not make a complete list; I focused on finding rare birds and getting photos of birds in flight. I captured photos of a Bar-tailed Godwit showing part of a turquoise flag attached to the right leg and a black or grey flag attached to the left leg.

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa 6
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica baueri 1

Fri. 12 Sept. 2014

Rain grounded us all day. I turned my attention to organizing my notes and processing photographs.

I got word from Adrian Boyle, an Australian shorebird researcher, that a Grey-tailed Tattler that I photographed on Tuesday 9 Sept. had been banded on 4 March 2014, probably by Boyle himself. The banding occurred in Broome, Western Australia. At the time of banding, the tattler was “2+” years old, according to Boyle and his colleagues at the Australasian Wader Studies Group. (The people at AWSG have asked me to publish the Web address of their report form.) Interestingly, Broome (122˚ E) is almost due S of Yangkou (121˚ E). Broome is 9000 km from Magadan, Russia, roughly the area in which Tringa brevipes breeds. Since leaving Boyle’s hands on 4 March, the tattler I found has probably flown 9000 km to Siberia and another 3740 km to Yangkou.

Updating my friends and associates about my current progress, I wrote the following and posted it to some Web sites, among them my own ( “Today is Day 9 of my semi-annual Yangkou Expedition. Yangkou is Elaine’s and my School of Birding. Among other accomplishments, Elaine is now accurately distinguishing winter-plumaged Intermediate Egret (shallow gape, rounded crown) from Great Egret (deep gape, flatter crown). Me, I’m embedding the various plumages of the Scolopacids deeper into my mind. I’m also having abstract thoughts. Watching thousands and thousands of birds along a shore, have you ever considered the high suitability of the Avian Model for mudflats? Aves is far and away the dominant class of vertebrate on the exposed mud. Why is this? The answer is (1) birds’ ability to fly (can move quickly across the wide plain), (2) their visual bias (can see danger from afar), (3) their warm-bloodedness (can operate even in high Arctic), and (4) their bill structure (toothless bill evolved into “straws” suitable for probing and sucking). What mammal has mastered the mudflats? None. Consider also that mudflats had been in existence in something like their present form for tens of millions of years before the arrival of birds. The food was there–but no vertebrate had evolved to take advantage of it, before Aves.”

Sat. 13 Sept. 2014

Weather: Cooler. 21-24˚C. Humidity: 94%.

The rain was tapering off by the morning. We began our day by birding the pond across the road from Haiyin Temple. We paid special attention to the terns.

Pond Across Road from Haiyin Temple (32.557849, 121.040730); 07:20-07:40

Little Egret Egretta garzetta 27
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 1
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 8
Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta 1
Common Tern Sterna hirundo ca. 100
White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus ca. 170
Plain Prinia Prinia inornata 1 in reeds
Reed Parrotbill Paradoxornis heudei 1 heard in reeds
White-cheeked Starling Spodiopsar cineraceus 2
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1 in reeds
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus ca. 15

We took yet another slow drive up the unpaved road N of the temple. This time, we found 2 Black-winged Kite in the same area in which I’d found the single Black-winged Kite on 2014-09-06. We spent about 30 mins. of this segment parked at the forested end of the unpaved road near the gated entrance to the old Magic Forest.

Unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple (32.570807, 121.015638); 07:50-09:20

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 8
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 1 juv.
Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus 1 in breeding plumage
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 6
Great Egret Ardea alba 1
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 5
Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus 2 (pair)
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 17
Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus 1
Gallinago snipe 1
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata 1
White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 13
Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis 1
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 6
Cuculus cuckoo 7
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus 1
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 2
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 6
Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus 1
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 3
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 1
Plain Prinia Prinia inornata 1
Vinous-throated Parrotbill Sinosuthora webbiana ca. 20 (flock)
Reed Parrotbill Paradoxornis heudei 1 heard
Red-billed Starling Spodiopsar sericeus 3
Chinese Blackbird Turdus mandarinus 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 5

From 09:20 to 09:25, we drove the 3.5 km back to Haiyin Temple.

Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 1
Red-billed Starling Spodiopsar sericeus 13
White-cheeked Starling Spodiopsar cineraceus 2

We were going to bypass Haiyin Temple, but we saw a Black-winged Cuckooshrike. We stopped and watched the uncommon migrant.

Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 09:25-09:35

Gallinago snipe 1
Black-winged Cuckooshrike Coracina melaschistos 1
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 4
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 1
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 10
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus ca. 20 (flock)

We resumed our drive to the observation point.

Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus 8
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 3
Cuculus cuckoo 2
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 9
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus ca. 10
White Wagtail Motacilla alba leucopsis 1

By 10:40, we were sitting in our tent at the observation point.

Observation Point S of Yangkou (10:40-12:35)

Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 1
Cuculus cuckoo 2
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 2
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 1
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 1
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 2
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 1 female

At 12:35 we left the tent and watched the tide hit the sea wall. We drove to the Singaporean farm to see whether any of the shorebirds had resorted to the place for their high-tide roost. They had not. We continued driving S, looking for large areas of shallow water. We found none. We listed only the more interesting birds that we were seeing. The best was Japanese Grosbeak, a lifer for us both. With only seconds to view what was most likely a juvenile on a utility wire, I made sure to look closely at the bill. It clearly lacked the black tip of Chinese Grosbeak. I also noted the brownish-grey upperparts and bold white wing patch (conspicuous in flight) on the three birds I viewed.

Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 1
Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus 1
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 1
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 3
Anthus sp. 4 (either Richard’s Pipit A. richardi or Blyth’s Pipit A. godlewskii)
Japanese Grosbeak Eophona personata 3

By 15:30, we had returned to Haiyin Temple. About 20 bird photographers were in the little wood. A Fairy Pitta (lifer for Elaine) was resting half-hidden on a tree branch. Walking in the wet lawn, I found 8 “Swintail Snipe (Pin-tailed/Swinhoe’s).

Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 15:30-18:05

Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 14
Pin-tailed/Swinhoe’s Snipe Gallinago stenura/G. megala 8
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Fairy Pitta Pitta nympha 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 3
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 2 juvs.
Japanese Tit Parus minor 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 2
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 6
Siberian Thrush Geokichla sibirica 1 female
Eyebrowed Thrush Turdus obscurus 1 1st-winter male
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 3
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 7
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 1 female

Sun. 14 Sept. 2014

Weather: Clear with unusually high visibility. Cirrus clouds appeared.

Our first stop was the temple. Northern Boobook, Oriental Dollarbird and Eurasian Wryneck were highlights.

Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 06:25-07:50

Great Egret Ardea alba 1
Cuculus cuckoo 13
Northern Boobook Ninox japonica 1
Oriental Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 1
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 3
Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquilla 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 1
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 3
Japanese Tit Parus minor 1 heard
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 4
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 1
Eyebrowed Thrush Turdus obscurus 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher 3
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 11
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 1 heard
White Wagtail Motacilla alba leucopsis 1

Elaine and I decided to search for Spoon-billed Sandpiper. We drove on the sea-wall road to a spot S of Yangkou. 9 Spoon-billed Sandpiper were scurrying around a rather compact portion of the mudflat. In that little area, SBS was one of the more common species. (Greater/Lesser Sand Plover and Dunlin were also present.) It was, as always, an experience both moving and troubling to be face-to-face with Spoon-billed Sandpiper, a species on the brink of extinction.

Spoon-billed Sandpiper Calidris pygmea 9 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-14. Found after 30-min. search. Saw none with bands.

We drove back to Yángkǒu Défèng Dàjiǔdiàn, rested, collected our stuff, and checked out. We made one final trip to Haiyin Temple. The highlight was finding Grey Nightjar. Someone on a boat in the channel set off fireworks, startling the nightjar and other birds. As the nightjar circled the little wood, I captured spectacular and rare daylight flight shots of this most secretive bird. The Northern Boobook of the morning was still there, having spent all day on the same branch in the same tree. It was dozing off in front of the throng of photographers assembled below.

Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 14:35-15:35

Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 29 (flock)
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 1
Cuculus cuckoo 6
Northern Boobook Ninox japonica 1
Grey Nightjar Caprimulgus jotaka 1
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 5
Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus 1 juv.
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 1 adult
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 1
Japanese Tit Parus minor 2
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 3
Siberian Thrush Geokichla sibirica 1 female
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 1

Sat. 20 Sept. 2014
Lesser Yangshan Island

Elaine and I drove from Pǔxī to Pǔdōng and the Donghai Bridge. On the bridge to Lesser Yangshan Island, we stopped at an island called Dà Wūguī Dǎo. There, we viewed 4 warblers from the Arctic Warbler Complex. Each bird (1 or 2 of which I photographed) showed some of the key characteristics of the complex, among them a supercilium that doesn’t reach the base of the bill, long primary projection, a slender body, and two rather faint wing bars.

We continued on to Garbage Dump Gully, a rich birding spot near the E terminus of the Donghai Bridge. At the gate to the Garbage Dump Coastal Plain, we saw a Chinese Sparrowhawk. In Garbage Dump Gully, we found a male Black-winged Cuckooshrike. At Xiǎoyánglíng Cove, a pair of Peregrine Falcon flew through, and we had our first-ever views in the Shanghai region of Rook. Returning to Garbage Dump Gully, an Oriental Dollarbird flew through, 2 Japanese Paradise Flycatcher were present, and I saw an adult male Siberian Thrush.

Walking back across the Coastal Plain to our car, we saw a Black-naped Oriole. After lunch and a rest, we returned to Garbage Dump Gully, where Elaine and I recorded 4 species of leaf warbler and worked on basic stuff such as how to distinguish among Asian Brown Flycatcher, Grey-streaked Flycatcher, and Dark-sided Flycatcher. At times, all three species were on the same tree.

Weather: Cloudy, 23°-24°C.

Lesser Yangshan Island (Xiǎo Yángshān [小洋山]), island in Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang, China (list includes birds noted at Dà Wūguī Dǎo [30.656585, 122.023525], Garbage Dump Gully [30.641565, 122.062836], Garbage Dump Coastal Plain [30.638860, 122.060089], & Xiǎoyánglíng Cove [30.642243, 122.066940]); 08:40-17:15

Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1
Chinese Sparrowhawk Accipiter soloensis 1
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) Columba livia 1
Cuculus cuckoo 5
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 2
Oriental Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis 1
Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 1
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus japonesis 2
Black-winged Cuckooshrike Coracina melaschistos 1 male
Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus 3
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 28
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 7
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 10
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 2
Rook Corvus frugilegus pastinator 2
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 6
Japanese Tit Parus minor 3
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 17
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 2
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealis/P. examinandus/P. xanthodryas 6
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 1
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 7
Siberian Thrush Geokichla sibirica 2 (1 adult male, 1 female)
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 2
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 5
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 11
Grey-streaked Flycatcher Muscicapa griseisticta 3
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 28
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius philippensis 20
Stejneger’s Stonechat Saxicola stejnegeri 1
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 8
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 3
White Wagtail Motacilla alba 19

Sun. 21 Sept. 2014
Nanhui and Lesser Yangshan Island

Weather: Cloudy, windy, 22°-24°C. On Lesser Yangshan, a northwesterly wind was constant and often strong.

For the first time in my life, I had a sustained view of a female Siberian Blue Robin. I should have been happy; however, the circumstances under which this encounter occurred were not ideal. The robin had just flown into a window and was badly shaken up. When the gardeners called me over and I first saw the bird, the robin was standing motionless on a step, its mouth agape and its eye bloodshot. After about 10 minutes, the blood in the eye had dissipated, and the bird wasn’t gaping anymore. After another 5 minutes., the bird flew off, nearly flying into me as it headed for the nearby trees. We saw it no more.

Site 1. Magic Parking Lot, Nanhui, Shanghai (30.882784, 121.972782); 05:40-8:25

Little Egret Egretta garzetta 6
Great Egret Ardea alba 2
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 1 heard
Gallinago snipe 1
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 1
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 1
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 7
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 10
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 1
Siberian Blue Robin Larvivora cyane 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 7
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 1 female
White Wagtail Motacilla alba 23
Japanese Grosbeak Eophona personata 9
Grey-capped Greenfinch Chloris sinica 3

We left the Magic Parking Lot and enjoyed our complimentary breakfast at the Holiday Inn. We drove to Lesser Yangshan Island. Walking on the road across the Garbage Dump Coastal Plain, I was stunned to see a Northern Wheatear. This wheatear should be flying SW across Eurasia en route to the species’s wintering grounds in sub-Saharan Africa. Instead, it has flown S along the E coast of Asia. In China, I’d previously seen Northern Wheatear only in the Altai District in N Xinjiang.

We spent an hour in Garbage Dump Gully. The highlight was ID-ing a Yellow-rumped Flycatcher by sound (deeper clicking call than that of Asian Brown Flycatcher, plus an introductory note). Earlier this month in Yangkou, I sound-recorded a “duet” between an Asian Brown and a Yellow-rumped, a recording that makes for easy comparison between the two species.

Walking across the Garbage Dump Coastal Plain, we were once again asked to leave by the security guard. Elaine did a good job mollifying the man. When we told him that we were here to study birds, the security guard said, “There are no birds here.” I attempted to explain to him the importance of the Plain and Gully for birds. I showed him the pictures of the Northern Wheatear and told him that the bird was probably from Russia and should be on its way to Africa. The guard said it figures that the wheatear doesn’t want to be in Russia, because a war’s going on there, and life is better in “peaceful” China. The guard then asked us why we didn’t just catch the birds we wanted to study. Fortuitously, the wheatear made another appearance on the road, allowing us to show the guard firsthand our Exhibit A. Looking through Elaine’s binoculars, he was able to distinguish the wheatear from White Wagtail. Finally, the guard said we could come back any time.

Site 2. Lesser Yangshan Island (Xiǎo Yángshān [小洋山]), island in Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang, China (list includes birds noted at Garbage Dump Gully [30.641565, 122.062836] and Garbage Dump Coastal Plain [30.638860, 122.060089]); 10:25-14:50

Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 4
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 2
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 1
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 3
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 1
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealis/P. examinandus/P. xanthodryas 2
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 2
Japanese Tit Parus minor 1
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 5
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 6 (2 heard only)
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 3 (1 female, 2 1st-year males)
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia 1 heard
Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe 1 1st-year bird
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius philippensis 5
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 2
White Wagtail Motacilla alba 7

We drove back to Nanhui. We saw a sod farm. Seeing the sod farm brought back good memories of the old sod farm at Sān Jiǎ Gǎng (三甲港), a place, since destroyed, near Pudong Airport where I cut my teeth as a birder. At this sod farm, Elaine and I looked for unusual species and, seeing none, worked on determining what type of skylark was before us (they turned out to be Eurasian Skylark; the birds I observed had white trailing edge to wing and white outer rectrices, in contrast to Oriental Skylark). 78 tschutschensis Eastern Yellow Wagtail were an impressive sight.

Site 6. Sod Farm on Gǎnlǎn Lù (橄榄路), Nanhui, Shanghai; 15:15-15:50

Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus 4
Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis 26
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis tschutschensis 78

Elaine and I drove back to Shanghai. At home, I found out that another Shanghai-based foreign birder had independently discovered the Northern Wheatear early Sunday morning. This birder also found Rufous-bellied Woodpecker (Dendrocopos hyperythrus) on the Temple Mount on Lesser Yangshan and a Zappey’s Flycatcher (Cyanoptila cumatilis) at Nanhui.

Sat. 27 Sept. 2014
Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui

Weather: 22°-27°C, cloudy and breezy.

Elaine and I left Pǔxī at 05:50, crossed the Lupu Bridge to Pǔdōng, and crossed the Donghai Bridge to Lesser Yangshan Island. At 07:20, we parked at the gate next to the Garbage Dump Coastal Plain, near the E terminus of the Donghai Bridge. Birding was slow on the Coastal Plain and in Garbage Dump Gully. The Temple Mount was hopping with flycatchers (mainly Asian Brown Flycatcher), and we saw 2 Ashy Drongo. Japanese Paradise Flycatcher was present both in the Gully and on the Temple Mount. We saw a Yellow-browed Bunting on the Temple Mount and a female Siberian Thrush. The Richard’s Pipit that we saw showed classic triangular black centers to median coverts. A flock of pipits, flying quickly, was probably Richard’s. We clearly viewed the white trailing edge to wing of both Common Snipe that we saw. The quail species that we saw was most likely Japanese Quail.

Lesser Yangshan Island (Xiǎo Yángshān [小洋山]), island in Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang, China (list includes birds noted at Garbage Dump Gully [30.641565, 122.062836], Garbage Dump Coastal Plain [30.638860, 122.060089], & Temple Mount [30.639945, 122.048277]); 07:20-16:15

Quail sp. 1
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis 2
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 1
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago 2
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 2
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 2
Cuculus cuckoo 3
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1
Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 3
Ashy Drongo Dicrurus leucophaeus 2
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 7
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 13
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 3
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 1
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 13
Japanese Tit Parus minor 7
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 11
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 10
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealis/P. examinandus/P. xanthodryas 6
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 5
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 1
Plain Prinia Prinia inornata 5
Siberian Thrush Geokichla sibirica 1 female
Taiga Flycatcher Ficedula albicilla 3
Grey-streaked Flycatcher Muscicapa griseisticta 6
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 39
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 6
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius philippensis 24 (2 singing)
Stejneger’s Stonechat Saxicola stejnegeri 3
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 15
Richard’s Pipit Anthus richardi 3
Pipit sp. 5
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 3
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 1
Yellow-browed Bunting Emberiza chrysophrys 1
Emberiza sp. 1

Sun. 28 Sept. 2014
Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui

Weather: 22°-27°C. Cloudy and breezy.

At dawn, Elaine and I birded the Magic Parking Lot. We later drove to Lesser Yangshan Island.

Site 1. Magic Parking Lot, Nanhui, Shanghai (30.882784, 121.972782; 05:50-10:20)

Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 2 heard
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 3
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 2
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 4 (1 juv., 3 adults)
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 3
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 1
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 3
Red-billed Starling Spodiopsar sericeus 5
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 1
Grey-streaked Flycatcher Muscicapa griseisticta 1
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 3
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 8
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 2 (1 male, 1 female)
Taiga Flycatcher Ficedula albicilla 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus ca. 25
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 2
White Wagtail Motacilla alba 4 (2 heard only)
Grey-capped Greenfinch Chloris sinica 2

Elaine and I drove to Lesser Yangshan Island, arriving just before noon.

Site 2. Lesser Yangshan Island (Xiǎo Yángshān [小洋山]), island in Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang, China (list includes birds noted at Garbage Dump Gully [30.641565, 122.062836], Garbage Dump Coastal Plain [30.638860, 122.060089], & Temple Mount [30.639945, 122.048277])

Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 1
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 1
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago 1
Cuculus cuckoo 1
Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 6
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 5
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 4
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 1 male
Large-billed Crow Corvus macrorhynchos 2
Japanese Tit Parus minor 2
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 3
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 3
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 5 (1 heard only)
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealis/P. examinandus/P. xanthodryas 2
Leaf warbler or bush warbler sp. 1
Plain Prinia Prinia inornata 3
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 2
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 10
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 7
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius philippensis 11
Stejneger’s Stonechat Saxicola stejnegeri 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus ca. 35
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 2
White Wagtail Motacilla alba 7
Richard’s Pipit Anthus richardi 3
Meadow Bunting Emberiza cioides 3

Mon. 29 Sept. 2014

Weather: 20°-28°C. Intermittent drizzle.

Elaine and I rested up and restocked in Shanghai and departed for Yangkou around noon. We did some birding in the late afternoon.

Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 16:20-17:10

Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 3
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 1
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 1
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 2
Japanese Tit Parus minor 1
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 25
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealis/P. examinandus/P. xanthodryas 1
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 2
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 10
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 4
Mugimaki Flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 2

Tues. 30 Sept. 2014

Weather: 16°-22°C. Much cooler than in recent days. Cloudy and windy.

Site 1. Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 09:10-09:55

Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 1
Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 2
Japanese Tit Parus minor 2
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 1
Pale-legged/Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes/P. borealoides 1
Siberian Thrush Geokichla sibirica 1 1st-yr. male
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 2
Grey-backed Thrush Turdus hortulorum 1
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 2
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 3
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 4
Rufous-tailed Robin Larvivora sibilans 3
Mugimaki Flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki 3
Japanese Grosbeak Eophona personata 1

Pond Across Road from Haiyin Temple (32.557849, 121.040730); 10:10-11:10

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis ca. 60
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis 1
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea 1
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 5
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 1
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 2
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis 7
Vega Gull Larus vegae vegae or L. v. mongolicus 1
Common Tern Sterna hirundo 4
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 1
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 15
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 1
Plain Prinia Prinia inornata 1 heard
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus ca. 100
White Wagtail Motacilla alba 2

Site 3. Sea Wall Road S of Yangkou

Quail sp.: 1 (almost certainly Japanese Quail)
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 2
Saunders’s Gull Chroicocephalus saundersi 1
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1

Site 4. Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 13:50-16:05

Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis 1
Northern Boobook Ninox japonica 1
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 2
Asian Stubtail Urosphena squameiceps 2
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus 1
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 4 (1 heard only)
Eastern Crowned Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus 5
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 2
Grey-backed Thrush Turdus hortulorum 1
Grey-streaked Flycatcher Muscicapa griseisticta 2
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 2
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 10
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 7
Rufous-tailed Robin Larvivora sibilans 4
Mugimaki Flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki 4
Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni 1
Yellow-browed Bunting Emberiza chrysophrys 2
Chestnut Bunting Emberiza rutila 1 female
Black-faced Bunting Emberiza spodocephala 1

Site 5. Unpaved Road N of Haiyin Temple (32.570807, 121.015638); 16:15-17:40

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 5
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 5
Great Egret Ardea alba 1
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 16
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 18
Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus 1
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 1 heard
Vega Gull Larus vegae vegae or L. v. mongolicus 1
Common Tern Sterna hirundo 4
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 1
Cuculus cuckoo 2
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 5
Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus 8
Azure-winged Magpie Cyanopica cyanus 9
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 1
Radde’s Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi 1
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 7 (4 heard only)
Siberian Thrush Geokichla sibirica 1 female
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 1
Grey-backed Thrush Turdus hortulorum 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 1
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 1
Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni 1
sp. 1

Wed. 1 Oct. 2014

Site 1. Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740)

White-throated Rock Thrush Monticola gularis 1
Oriental Scops Owl Otus sunia 1

Site 2. Unpaved Road N of Haiyin Temple (32.570807, 121.015638)

Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus 2
Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis 2
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus borealis/P. examinandus/P. xanthodryas 1
Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus 1

Thurs. 2 Oct. 2014

Weather: 18°-26°, sunny.

Site 1. Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 09:05-09:30

Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 1
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 2 heard
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 1 heard
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 1 1st-yr. male
White-throated Rock Thrush Monticola gularis 1

Site 2. Unpaved Road N of Haiyin Temple (32.570807, 121.015638); 9:50-11:20

Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 1
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 10
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 16
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 19
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 1
White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 4 (3 juvs., 1 adult)
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 7
Cuculus cuckoo 11
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 5
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 3
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 1
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 13
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis 3
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 2
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 5
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 7
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus 1 heard
Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 9 (1 heard only)
Plain Prinia Prinia inornata 18
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 3
Grey-streaked Flycatcher Muscicapa griseisticta 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa latirostris 7
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana 4
Taiga Flycatcher Ficedula albicilla 2
Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni 3
Chestnut Bunting Emberiza rutila 1
Emberiza sp. 1 heard

Site 3. Observation Point S of Yangkou (15:25-16:25)

Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 1
Japanese Tit Parus minor 2

As I walked back to the car, I saw Grey-tailed Tattler on the mudflats below.

Site 4. Sea Wall Road S of Yangkou

Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 1

Site 5. Singaporean Farm S of Yangkou (16:35-17:15)

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 3
Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia 2
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 15
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 5
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 1
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago 2
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 5
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 1
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 1
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 2
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 4

Fri. 3 Oct. 2014

Weather: 15°-23°C. Sunny.

Elaine and I birded with Michael Grunwell, an Englishman living in Nánchāng (南昌), Jiangxi. Michael was with his Chinese friend, Stephen An. In the morning around the temple, we caught a glimpse of Eurasian Woodcock and Two-barred Warbler, and along the unpaved road we found Red-throated Thrush and Ashy Drongo.

Site 1. Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 06:45-08:50

Quail sp. 1
Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola 1
Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 1
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops 6
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 4
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 5
Radde’s Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi 1
Two-barred Warbler P. plumbeitarsus 1
Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus 3
Red-billed Starling Spodiopsar sericeus 40
White’s Thrush Zoothera aurea 4
Grey-backed Thrush Turdus hortulorum 1
Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher M. latirostris 1
Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus 1
Mugimaki Flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki 1
Daurian Redstart Phoenicurus auroreus 1
White-throated Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius philippensis 2

Site 2. Unpaved Road N of Haiyin Temple (32.570807, 121.015638); 10:20-11:50

Little Grebe 3
Grey Heron 1
Purple Heron 1
Oriental Turtle Dove 2
Cuculus cuckoo 3
Common Kingfisher 1
Eurasian Hoopoe 4
Common Kestrel 1 female
Ashy Drongo 1
Eurasian Magpie 2
Yellow-browed Warbler 3
Red-throated Thrush 1

Michael Grunwell and Stephen headed back for lunch. Some of the fish ponds were nearly dry; in a corner of one of them, just enough water remained to attract a handful of shorebirds. At another fish pond, Elaine and I found 3 Caspian Tern. North of the “Little Temple,” Elaine and I found Red Turtle Dove.

Site 3. Around ‘Little Temple’ 8 km N of Haiyin Temple, Yangkou (32.595616, 120.971194); 12:15-13:20

Common Pheasant 1
Grey Heron 20
Little Egret 1
Kentish Plover 1
Black-winged Stilt 12
Pied Avocet 4
Marsh Sandpiper 3
Wood Sandpiper 1
Terek Sandpiper 1
Common Sandpiper 1
Red-necked Stint 7
Red-necked Phalarope 4
Caspian Tern 3
Oriental Turtle Dove 4
Red Turtle Dove 1
Cuculus cuckoo 1
Black Drongo 2
Eurasian Magpie 2
Japanese Tit 1
Light-vented Bulbul 20
Taiga Flycatcher 2
Eastern Yellow Wagtail 5
White Wagtail 2

Michael Grunwell, Stephen An, and I walked onto the mudflats S of town. It took us about 20 minutes to find 2 Spoon-billed Sandpiper. I later found 2 Nordmann’s Greenshank. There were no bands on any of “my” SBS nor on the other 2 SBS seen by Michael Grunwell. I saw my 2 SBS well; both were adults, with one showing faint traces of breeding plumage. Both of my Nordmann’s were juveniles (two-toned bill).

Site 4. Mudflats S of Yangkou (16:10-17:20)

Nordmann’s Greenshank 2
Great Knot 1
Spoon-billed Sandpiper 2

Sat. 4 Oct. 2014

Michael Grunwell, Stephen, and David Kihlberg joined Elaine and me.

Site 1. Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 06:05-07:15

Common Greenshank 1 heard
Eurasian Hoopoe 9
Long-tailed Shrike 2 (1 heard only)
Light-vented Bulbul 3
Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 2 heard
White-cheeked Starling 13
White’s Thrush 14
Grey-backed Thrush 3
Dark-sided Flycatcher 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher 5 (2 heard only)
Rufous-tailed Robin 4
Red-flanked Bluetail 3
White-throated Rock Thrush 1 female
Olive-backed Pipit 1
Black-faced Bunting 1 female

After we pulled up at the parking spot near the mudflats, a Chinese photographer showed me a photo of a Eurasian Woodcock. He’d photographed the woodcock on the mudflats. While Michael, Stephen, and Elaine scanned from the sea wall, David and I walked onto the mudflats. We found 10 Nordmann’s Greenshank. Even if it weren’t famous as a stopover site for Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Yangkou would still be well-known as a stopover site for Nordmann’s Greenshank. The “Spooner” gets more press than Nordmann’s, possibly because its cute spatulate bill makes it more marketable, but the situation of Nordmann’s is nearly as dire as that of SBS. Roughly 1,000 Nordmann’s Greenshank remain.

Site 2. Mudflats S of Yangkou (07:50-09:50)

Eurasian Teal 22 (flock)
Western Osprey 1
Grey Plover ca. 70
Bar-tailed Godwit 7
Nordmann’s Greenshank 10
Terek Sandpiper ca. 40
Great Knot ca. 20
Dunlin ca. 20

After a quick bite at Lanzhou Noodles (Lánzhōu Lāmiàn [兰州拉面]), David Kihlberg, Elaine, and I walked and drove the 3.5 km unpaved road.

Site 3. Unpaved Road N of Haiyin Temple (32.570807, 121.015638); 11:55-12:50

Gull-billed Tern 3
Yellow-browed Warbler 2
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler 2
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 1
Black-faced Bunting 1

Site 4. Observation Point S of Yangkou

Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler 1
Daurian Redstart 1 male

Sun. 5 Oct. 2014

Weather: 16°-24°C, sunny.

We got started at 06:00. We saw a Japanese Bush Warbler (Horornis diphone canturians) or Manchurian Bush Warbler (H. borealis borealis) at Haiyin Temple. This bird was making a dry, rattling “trr,” frequently repeated. Elaine crawled to within 1 m of this bird, which was in thick, low vegetation, and recorded the “trr.” Bird seen briefly and photographed. We also found Black-browed Reed Warbler.

Site 1. Haiyin Temple (06:00-07:45)

Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler 1
Black-browed Reed Warbler 1
White’s Thrush 5
Dark-sided Flycatcher 1

Elaine, David Kihlberg, and I drove to a roosting site inside the sea wall south of town. On our way out, we saw Striated Heron. At the roosting site, we found ca. 2200 small scolopacids and plovers on one island and another 800 on a smaller island nearby. Scanning the flock of 2200 birds, we found 1 Spoon-billed Sandpiper.

Site 2. Sea Wall Road S of Yangkou

Striated Heron 1
Eurasian Skylark 1

Site 3. Roosting Site Inside Sea Wall S of Yangkou

Grey Plover
Kentish Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Greater Sand Plover
Terek Sandpiper
Red-necked Stint
Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Broad-billed Sandpiper

After lunch, Elaine and I returned to Haiyin Temple and the unpaved road.

Site 4. Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 13:50-15:00

Oriental Scops Owl 1
Eurasian Hoopoe 1
Bull-headed Shrike 1
Asian Stubtail 1
Eastern Crowned Warbler 1
White’s Thrush 1
Dark-sided Flycatcher 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 1 female
Rufous-tailed Robin 4

Site 5. Unpaved Road N of Haiyin Temple (15:20-16:30)

Oriental Turtle Dove 2
Eurasian Hoopoe 1
Bull-headed Shrike 2 juvs.
Long-tailed Shrike 2
Eurasian Magpie 1
Light-vented Bulbul 3
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 heard
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler 2
Eastern Crowned Warbler 1
Grey-backed Thrush 1 female
Asian Brown Flycatcher 2
Taiga Flycatcher 2
Stejneger’s Stonechat 1
Black-faced Bunting 3

Mon. 6 Oct. 2014

Weather: 16°-24°C, sunny

Site 1. Haiyin Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺], 32.558756, 121.044740); 06:25-07:55

Common Greenshank 1 heard
Spotted Dove 1
Common Kestrel 3
Eurasian Hobby 7
Long-tailed Shrike 2
Light-vented Bulbul 2
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 heard
White-cheeked Starling 11
White’s Thrush 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher 1
Black-faced Bunting 1 female

A quick trip onto the mudflats as the tide rolled in. Because I was hunting for Spoon-billed Sandpiper, I noted only the most remarkable birds.

Site 2. Mudflats S of Yangkou (08:20-08:45)

Curlew Sandpiper 3
Spoon-billed Sandpiper 2

Once the tide hit the sea wall, Elaine and I moved inland. At a roosting site inside the sea wall, Elaine and I found a Spoon-billed Sandpiper, an adult in non-breeding plumage. When I picked the bird out from among the ca. 3000 plovers and small scolopacids, my heart started beating fast. Why is seeing this bird so thrilling? Unfortunately, part of the reason is that it is rare, and the biggest reason for its rareness is that human beings are pushing it over the edge. Spoon-billed Sandpiper has existed for eons, long enough for it to develop its unique spatulate bill. After such an unimaginably long time on the Earth, how can it be that I happened to see the species in what is possibly its final 20 years of existence? What makes me so important? Why are the doings of man so important that we cannot find a way to preserve a vertebrate species, a visually biased tetrapod? Only 500 of these birds remain. It would be a powerful blow against the forces of destruction if the Spoon-billed Sandpiper were to be saved.

Yangkou is a big link in the chain of cooperation that is needed to save the Spoon-billed Sandpiper. As the “home” in China of Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Yangkou is special–but it is being destroyed. To save this area on the Yellow Sea as a stopover site for Spoon-billed Sandpiper and the endangered Nordmann’s Greenshank, (1) the Blob-like spread of the introduced Smooth Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) must be halted and (2) areas inside the sea wall must be set aside as wetland preserves. When the tide gets close to the sea wall, areas on the mudflats covered by Smooth Cordgrass are useless to shorebirds, and when the tide hits the wall, birds have fewer and fewer places to roost inland, because new factories are being built almost to the very base of the sea wall. The Smooth Cordgrass will be a tough problem to solve, but the problem of gobbling up land along the seacoast has an obvious solution–simply set aside a few square kilometers for the birds. With enlightenment and willpower, the future of Yangkou as a stopover site could be secured.

Site 3. Roosting Site Inside Sea Wall S of Yangkou (09:25-11:20)

Grey Plover
Kentish Plover
Lesser Sand Plover
Greater Sand Plover
Terek Sandpiper
Red-necked Stint
Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Broad-billed Sandpiper

After lunch, Elaine and I drove toward our observation point. We found a female Siberian Rubythroat.

Site 4. Sea Wall Road S of Yangkou

Siberian Rubythroat 1

Site 5. Observation Point S of Yangkou

Daurian Redstart 1

Tues. 7 Oct. 2014

Elaine and I made a quick stop at the observation point before returning to Shanghai.

Observation Point S of Yangkou (07:10-09:00)

Japanese Tit 2
Light-vented Bulbul 2
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler 2
Richard’s Pipit 4

Sat. 11 Oct. 2014
Lesser Yangshan

Weather: 18°-24°C, cloudy.

After a four-day hiatus, Elaine and I continued our research on Lesser Yangshan Island. Black Kite and Northern Boobook were highlights.

Lesser Yangshan Island (Xiǎo Yángshān [小洋山]), island in Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang, China (list includes birds noted at Garbage Dump Gully [30.641565, 122.062836], Garbage Dump Coastal Plain [30.638860, 122.060089], & Temple Mount [30.639945, 122.048277])

Black Kite 1
Oriental Turtle Dove 1
Spotted Dove 1
Northern Boobook 1
Common Kestrel 3
Peregrine Falcon 1
Bull-headed Shrike 3 (1 adult, 2 juvs.)
Brown Shrike 1
Long-tailed Shrike 1
Japanese Tit 2
Light-vented Bulbul 2
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler 1
Plain Prinia 1
White-cheeked Starling 1
Daurian Redstart 1
Asian Brown Flycatcher 19
Mugimaki Flycatcher 1
Blue Rock Thrush 3
Stejneger’s Stonechat 2
Grey Wagtail 1
White Wagtail 3
Richard’s Pipit 1
Olive-backed Pipit 6
Brambling 1
Chinese Grosbeak 1
Little Bunting 1
Black-faced Bunting 2

Sun. 12 Oct. 2014
Lesser Yangshan

Gusting winds made for the single-worst day I’ve ever had on Lesser Yangshan. We soon gave up and headed home.

Lesser Yangshan Island (Xiǎo Yángshān [小洋山]), island in Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang, China (list includes birds noted at Garbage Dump Gully [30.641565, 122.062836], Garbage Dump Coastal Plain [30.638860, 122.060089], & Temple Mount [30.639945, 122.048277])

Common Kestrel 1
Long-tailed Shrike 1
Bull-headed Shrike 2
Barn Swallow 8
Plain Prinia 2 heard
Stejneger’s Stonechat 1
Blue Rock Thrush 3
White Wagtail 1
Grey Wagtail 2
Richard’s Pipit 1

Mon. 13 Oct. 2014

The closest I get to backyard birding is at Zhongshan Park, a large green space 6 km W of People’s Square in Chángníng (长宁), Shanghai. A good thing about this type of birding is that it is not an excursion, it requires no planning, and it doesn’t take up a big part of the day–and yet it is birding. Occasionally, remarkable birds show up, as for example the Varied Tit that I enjoyed at Zhongshan in 2012, and Grey Nightjar, which can be seen regularly at dusk in September.

Today, the most fun was had battling glare and finally getting a good enough view of Yellow-browed Warbler to determine the species. Chinese Hwamei was seen high in trees singing unnaturally loudly and is very likely an escapee.

Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]), Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai (31.221888, 121.420066); 15:00-17:00

Spotted Dove 3
Japanese Tit 2
Light-vented Bulbul ca. 20 at various locations
Yellow-browed Warbler 3
Chinese Hwamei 1
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 10 heard (flock in thick bamboo)
Chinese Blackbird 3
Mugimaki Flycatcher 2 females
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 30
White Wagtail 2

Tues. 14 Oct. 2014

This morning’s highlight was discerning, through the blaring exercise music being played by the old folks, the thin call of a Grey-backed Thrush–and searching, searching, searching the trees high above until a female Grey-backed appeared.

As I was viewing a flock of Vinous-throated Parrotbill, which was foraging close to the ground, one of the many feral cats in the park pounced. The cat caught nothing but was intent on making a kill, so much so that even after I started running toward the cat to shoo it away, it made one final attempt at a catch before scampering off.

Site 1. Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]), Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai (31.221888, 121.420066); 07:35-09:05

Spotted Dove 9
Long-tailed Shrike 1
Japanese Tit 1 heard
Light-vented Bulbul 25 (ca. 20 heard only)
Yellow-browed Warbler 5 (2 heard only)
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 25 (flock)
Grey-backed Thrush 4 (1 heard only)
Chinese Blackbird 6
Oriental Magpie-Robin 1
Mugimaki Flycatcher 2 females
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 70
White Wagtail 1
Chinese Grosbeak 4

The beautiful fall weather enticed Elaine and me to visit the park for the second time today. A Rufous-tailed Robin perched on a rock, emitted a short, shrill call, and disappeared. I’d never heard a Rufous-tailed Robin vocalize.

From other side of pond at back of park, we faintly heard the “dweet” of what was prob. Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus. But as the sound was competing with sound of a man playing the saxophone, we couldn’t hear the “dweet” clearly enough, and we therefore cannot rule out Pallas’s Leaf Warbler P. proregulus.

Site 2. Zhongshan Park (16:25-17:35)

Spotted Dove 7
Long-tailed Shrike 2
Common Magpie 3
Japanese Tit 1
Light-vented Bulbul 20 (ca. 14 heard only)
White’s Thrush 1
Grey-backed Thrush 3 (1 male, 1 female, 1 heard only)
Chinese Blackbird 6 (2 heard only)
Oriental Magpie-Robin 3 (pair plus lone male)
Rufous-tailed Robin 1.
Mugimaki Flycatcher 1 female
Phylloscopus sp. 1
Vinous-throated Parrotbill 13 (flock)
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 30
White Wagtail 2
Tristram’s Bunting 2

Wed. 15 Oct. 2014

Zhongshan Park in Shanghai is 100 years old this year. Like any old park, it has many tall trees. Some of the best birding action is going on high above; birdwatchers at Zhongshan should be prepared for sore necks. Today, Elaine and I once again continued to dig up interesting species at the inner-city park.

Today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday, we’ve been scrutinizing the leaf warblers we’ve been seeing, and they’re all checking out to be Yellow-browed Warbler. One began calling today, possibly in response to the manic calls of the nearby Chinese Hwamei, giving us a good chance to study the “dweet” or “su-eet” call and note its differences from the “dweet” call of Pallas’s Leaf Warbler.

Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]), Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai (31.221888, 121.420066); 16:30-17:30

Spotted Dove 5
Long-tailed Shrike 1
Japanese Tit 8 (5 heard only)
Light-vented Bulbul 21 (10 heard only)
Grey-backed Thrush 2 heard
Chinese Blackbird 3
Oriental Magpie-Robin 5 (2 male, 2 female, 1 heard only)
Red-flanked Bluetail 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 4 (1 heard only)
Chinese Hwamei 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 7
White Wagtail 2

Thurs. 16 Oct. 2014

We saw a Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler. The bird we saw was slightly rufous on crown. Brownish above, contrastingly brownish-grey below, pale buff eyebrow, bill black with orange on base of lower mandible. Not tiny; size of robin. Silent. Bird seen at 0735 in a tree hanging over a pond; the tree is often used by birds on their way to getting a drink. Bird seen clearly (except tail) by Elaine and me for 5 seconds.

Site 1. Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]), Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai (31.221888, 121.420066); 07:20-08:40

Spotted Dove 6
Long-tailed Shrike 1
Japanese Tit 5 (2 heard only)
Light-vented Bulbul 42 (ca. 20 heard only)
Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler 1
Black-throated Bushtit 10 (flock)
Yellow-browed Warbler 6 (1 heard only)
Chinese Blackbird 9 (3 heard only)
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2 (1 female, 1 heard only)
Mugimaki Flycatcher 2 females
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 40
Chinese Grosbeak 8


Pallas’s Squirrel 1

On my second visit of the day, I saw just 4 Light-vented Bulbul. I arrived late on an overcast day, and the bulbuls had already begun to retire.

Site 2. Zhongshan Park (16:40-17:35)

Black-crowned Night Heron 1 juv.
Spotted Dove 2
Japanese Tit 2
Light-vented Bulbul 4
Black-throated Bushtit 8 (flock)
Yellow-browed Warbler 3 (1 heard only)
Chinese Blackbird 3
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2
Mugimaki Flycatcher 1 female
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 15 (flock) heard
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 9


Pallas’s Squirrel 1
Bat sp.: 5 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.). Large, with powerful wingbeats making for straight, steady flight–not erratic, fluttering flight typical of some bat species. Circles pond at elev. of ca. 20-40 m.

Fri. 17 Oct. 2014

Today at Zhongshan Park in Shanghai, we saw another Rufous-tailed Robin. A single individual jumped from “Cat-free Island” across the pond to the “mainland.” Cat-free Island and its pond are near the center of Zhongshan Park. The numerous feral cats in the park tend to stay off the island, making it a sanctuary-within-a-sanctuary for birds. Tristram’s Bunting made an appearance, and we got close views of the common and beautiful Black-throated Bushtit. Two other migrants, Mugimaki Flycatcher and Yellow-browed Warbler, continued their sustained presence in the park.

Another leaf warbler may have been Two-barred Warbler P. plumbeitarsus, but I can’t rule out Yellow-browed Warbler P. inornatus. With glare and quick moves and swift disappearance of specimen, it was impossible to make out distinctive features of Yellow-browed, such as black “shadow” near wingbar on greater coverts. Here are the notes I took at the time: “Silent. Two bars seen. Can’t determine whether shadow there.”

Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]), Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai (31.221888, 121.420066); 16:40-17:40

Spotted Dove 2
Long-tailed Shrike 1 heard
Japanese Tit 2 heard
Light-vented Bulbul 38 (ca. 30 heard only)
Black-throated Bushtit 7 (flock)
Yellow-browed Warbler 2
Phylloscopus sp. 1.
Chinese Blackbird 4 heard
Grey-backed Thrush 2 (1 female, 1 heard only)
Oriental Magpie-Robin 5
Rufous-tailed Robin 1
Red-flanked Bluetail 1
Mugimaki Flycatcher 1 female
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 25
Tristram’s Bunting 3

Sat. 18 Oct. 2014
Chongming Island

Weather: 18°-23°C. Sunny.

On Elaine’s and my recon trip to eastern Chongming Island today, we had a pretty good haul, the highlight being the 11 Chestnut-eared Bunting. Also, taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail popped up on the great alluvial island. And here’s the greatest highlight of ’em all: meeting Jiāng Lóng (姜龙) and His Merry Band of Raiders. The Shanghai native and his two Chinese sidekicks tore down 38 mist nets in the agricultural land around the Dongtan Wetland Park today. Moved by their efforts, Elaine and I birded with the Raiders for 90 minutes, then saved them a ride on a hēichē (unlicensed taxi) by taking them in our car back to Pǔxī. In these Dark Environmental Ages here in the Central Kingdom, Jiāng Lóng and his Raiders are unsung heroes. They are keeping the dream alive!

Around Chongming Dongtan National Bird Sanctuary and Nature Reserve (Chóngmíng Dōngtān Niǎolèi Guójiājí Zìrán Bǎohùqū [崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区], Chongming Island, Shanghai, China (31.510109, 121.961955); 12:10-14:45

Japanese Quail 1
Common Pheasant 1
Little Grebe 2
Common Moorhen 4
Little Egret ca. 135
Black-winged Stilt 1
Eurasian Curlew 4
Common Snipe 6
Common Redshank 1
Marsh Sandpiper 4
Common Greenshank 14
Wood Sandpiper 1
Common Sandpiper 2
Red-necked Stint 3
Oriental Turtle Dove 1
Spotted Dove 3
Common Kingfisher 2
Eurasian Wryneck 1
Bull-headed Shrike 1 adult
Long-tailed Shrike 9
Eurasian Magpie 4
Eurasian Skylark 2
Light-vented Bulbul 11 (5 heard only)
Barn Swallow ca. 85
Black-browed Reed Warbler 2
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 heard
Plain Prinia 2
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 15 (flock) heard
Daurian Redstart 2 males
Stejneger’s Stonechat 4 (2 male, 2 female)
Crested Myna 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 200
Brambling 5
Eastern Yellow Wagtail 8 taivana
White Wagtail 7
Richard’s Pipit 2
Tristram’s Bunting 1
Chestnut-eared Bunting 11

Sun. 19 Oct. 2014
Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui

Weather: Warm, sunny, dry. Visibility excellent. High 25°C.

On Lesser Yangshan Island today, two Dutch friends, Elaine, and I saw 1 male Siberian Rubythroat and 1 male Siberian Thrush, 1 splendid male Chestnut Bunting, 1 pale female Crested Honey Buzzard soaring above Garbage Dump Gully, and a Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler (Horornis diphone canturians/H. borealis borealis). A Pallas’s Leaf Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler “dweeted” together, allowing easy comparison of the calls. We found 70 Brambling. At Nanhui, we saw 29 Common Snipe plus yet another bird (male Blue-and-white Flycatcher) killed by colliding with a window.

Henjo Hielkema Sr., his son Henjo Hielkema Jr., Elaine Du, and Craig Brelsford started from Okura Hotel in Pǔxī at 04:45. We drove across Pǔdōng and the Donghai Bridge and arrived on Lesser Yangshan Island.

Garbage Dump Gully proved its worth. We found a Pallas’s Leaf Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler in the same tree. Both were calling. We used the opportunity to do a quick workshop on the differences in the calls of the two species. We found Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler. This bird was making a dry, rattling “trr,” frequently repeated. Elaine recorded the “trr” from a distance of less than 2 m. The bird was seen well, though only briefly, by all of us. Mr. Hielkema and I saw a bush warbler or Locustella warbler. We viewed it for about 3 seconds. The bird was brown, plain, with bill bright orange at base of lower mandible. Streaks or flecks on upper breast. Silent. Vanished into thick vegetation.

At 07:35, our team walked through the tunnel to Xiǎoyánglíng Cove. There, to our surprise, we heard Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler singing. The mystery of the autumn song is partly solved by Peter Kennerley and David Pearson (in their excellent Reed and Bush Warblers): “Young birds in autumn have been heard to give a short song resembling the opening sequence of the adult song” (p. 596). Although canturians isn’t mentioned specifically as the ssp. in which autumn singing occurs, this passage seems to be referring to canturians, because the authors always begin by describing the nominate race (which according to their understanding canturians is; Kennerley and Pearson classify what they call Cettia canturians canturians and Cettia canturians borealis under “Manchurian Bush Warbler”). What’s more, in the very next paragraph, the authors begin a separate discussion on borealis, neither denying nor affirming that autumn singing is a characteristic of borealis. We heard this song several times, sometimes coming from near the temple, and sometimes from below, by the water. We guessed that 2 birds were singing. The singing was intermittent; we heard it off and on for about an hour.

At Xiǎoyánglíng Cove we were pleased to get a lifer for Mr. Hielkema: Siberian Rubythroat.

We moved over to the Temple Mount, where, in the gully below Guānyīn Temple, Elaine spotted a male Siberian Thrush. Elaine had never seen a male Siberian Thrush, but as soon as she saw the striking bird, she recognized it from photographs. A lifer also for Mr. Hielkema.

We noted 40 species on Lesser Yangshan.

Site 1. Lesser Yangshan Island (Xiǎo Yángshān [小洋山]), island in Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang, China (list includes birds noted at Garbage Dump Gully [30.641565, 122.062836], Garbage Dump Coastal Plain [30.638860, 122.060089], Xiǎoyánglíng Cove [30.642243, 122.066940], and Temple Mount [30.639945, 122.048277]); 05:55-12:35

Crested Honey Buzzard 1 orientalis
Cuculus cuckoo 1
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) 4
Oriental Turtle Dove 1
Common Kestrel 8
Peregrine Falcon 1
Bull-headed Shrike 5
Long-tailed Shrike 1
Japanese Tit 2
Light-vented Bulbul 12
Barn Swallow ca. 35
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 3
Yellow-browed Warbler 10
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler 2
Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler 3 (2 heard only)
Bush warbler or Locustella warbler sp. 1
Plain Prinia 5
White’s Thrush 1
Siberian Thrush 1 male
Rufous-tailed Robin 4
Siberian Rubythroat 1 male
Grey-streaked Flycatcher 2
Dark-sided Flycatcher 3
Asian Brown Flycatcher 8
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 2
Red-flanked Bluetail 2
Mugimaki Flycatcher 4
Daurian Redstart 18
Stejneger’s Stonechat 2
Blue Rock Thrush 6
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 40
White Wagtail 2
Olive-backed Pipit 21
Brambling 70
Chinese Grosbeak 3
Tristram’s Bunting 8
Chestnut Bunting 1 male
Yellow-browed Bunting 1
Meadow Bunting 1 singing male
Little Bunting 1

The nearly 3 hours on the Temple Mount included a lunch break in the courtyard of Guānyīn Temple. After several hours in the bright sun, we were tired, and we welcomed the leisurely ride back across the Donghai Bridge to Nanhui.

Site 2. Sod Farm on Gǎnlǎn Lù (橄榄路), Nanhui, Shanghai (14:00-14:05)

Crested Myna 3
Eastern Yellow Wagtail 23

We made a brief stop at the Magic Parking Lot.

Site 3. Magic Parking Lot (14:15-14:25)

Grey-streaked flycatcher 2
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 2

Site 4. Pudong Nanhui Dongtan Wetland (Pǔdōng Nánhuì Dōngtān Shīdì [浦东南汇东滩湿地]): Nanhui, Shanghai (30.920507, 121.973159 [corner of Shìjìtáng Lù (世纪塘路) & main access road leading inland]); 14:25-15:25

Eastern Marsh Harrier 3
Chinese Pond Heron 6
Grey Heron 9
Little Egret 15
Common Snipe 29
Common Greenshank 3
Common Sandpiper 1
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) 1
Spotted Dove 1
Common Kestrel 2
Long-tailed Shrike 9
Barn Swallow ca. 30
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 15 (flock) heard
Asian Brown Flycatcher 2
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 1
White Wagtail 2
Tristram’s Bunting 1

At 15:25 we drove back to the city. Elaine and I dropped off the Hielkemas at the Okura Hotel.

Mon. 20 Oct. 2014

Site 1. Zhongshan Park (16:20-17:30)

Spotted Dove 1 heard
Long-tailed Shrike 1 heard
Light-vented Bulbul 65 (ca. 58 heard only)
Japanese Tit 2
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 2 (1 heard only)
Yellow-browed Warbler 7 (5 heard only)
Chinese Blackbird 5 heard
Oriental Magpie-Robin 1
Red-flanked Bluetail 3
Mugimaki Flycatcher 2 females
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 26 (15 heard only)


Bat sp.: 4

Tue. 21 Oct. 2014

Weather: Grey skies, drizzle. Visibility poor.

Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]), Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai (31.221888, 121.420066); 16:20-17:15

By 16:55, not a single bulbul was seen or heard. The familiar background music of Zhongshan Park had completely ceased. When the light is low, Light-vented Bulbul shuts down.

I noted a Phylloscopus. I saw the wingbars, but in poor light couldn’t make out shadow next to bar on greater coverts that is a key feature of Yellow-browed Warbler P. inornatus. It was probably Yellow-browed Warbler, but Two-barred Warbler P. plumbeitarsus can’t be ruled out. Saw enough of bird to notice lack of bold crown stripe characteristic of Pallas’s Leaf Warbler P. proregulus.

Spotted Dove 2
Long-tailed Shrike 2 (1 heard only)
Light-vented Bulbul 26 (23 heard only)
Black-throated Bushtit 2
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 heard
Phylloscopus sp. 1
Chinese Blackbird 7 (5 heard only)
Mugimaki Flycatcher 3 (2 1st-yr. males, 1 female)
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 35

Wed. 22 Oct. 2014

Weather: Beautiful fall day. Dry and clear, high 23°C.

Elaine and I birded Changfeng Park, about 2 km W of Zhongshan Park as the crow flies and like Zhongshan near Suzhou Creek. We noted 19 species.

As is the case at Zhongshan, a plague of cats is suppressing bird numbers, particularly of thrushes and chats. It’s hardly an exaggeration to say that one can cast one’s gaze in any direction and find a cat. Old women seed the park with cat food and water; at one place, we saw 12 cats lounging around after dinner. It wouldn’t be accurate to say there are merely a few dozen cats in the 364,000 sq. m park; there must be a few hundred. At the foot of man-made Tiěbìshān (铁臂山), I found thrush habitat so good that I said to Elaine, “Just keep looking; a thrush is bound to pop up.” Within seconds, a Grey-backed Thrush did pop up–startled by a cat. We saw not a single Red-flanked Bluetail, a species that should be commonly found by now in Changfeng Park but that is highly terrestrial and so at risk of predation by cats. A few years ago, stray cats were in Changfeng Park, but in nowhere near the numbers seen now.

Our bird of the day was a female Japanese Thrush. We saw the thrush perching nervously on a tree branch on the south side of Tiěbìshān (铁臂山), the man-made mountain in the park. About size of Grey-backed Thrush. Arrowhead spots covered entire underside except throat. Distinct black malar stripes. Despite backlight could make out orange wash on flanks. When it flew it let out a thin “tsee” call.

Changfeng Park (Chángfēng Gōngyuán [长风公园]), Putuo District (Pǔtuó Qū [普陀区]), Shanghai (31.224860, 121.399155); 14:55-17:30

Black-crowned Night Heron 6 on Suzhou Creek
Little Egret 40 (flock)
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) 4
Spotted Dove 12
Long-tailed Shrike 4
Azure-winged Magpie 9
Eurasian Magpie 2
Japanese Tit 4 (3 heard only)
Light-vented Bulbul 48 (35 heard only)
Yellow-browed Warbler 4 (1 heard only)
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 15 (flock) heard
White’s Thrush 1
Grey-backed Thrush 1 female
Japanese Thrush 1 female
Chinese Blackbird 25 (4 heard only)
Mugimaki Flycatcher 2 females
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 1
White Wagtail 1
Yellow-throated Bunting 1 male

Thurs. 23 Oct. 2014

Weather: 21°C, sunny.

On another beautiful fall afternoon, Elaine and I birded Century Park. This is the largest park in Shanghai, with many little hidden corners. In contrast to Zhongshan Park and Changfeng Park, Century isn’t overrun with cats; in fact, during our two-hour session today, we didn’t see a single feline.

We saw 2 Black-faced Bunting, a male and a female. The male was either of ssp. sordida or spodocephala, the female either sordida or personata. The female had yellow underparts from throat to undertail coverts and “faded” supercilium and malar stripe. Male was grey-hooded (possibly olive-green [as in sordida; light too weak to determine precisely]) and had bright yellow underparts and weak buffish bars on its greater and median coverts. The female and male were seen separately in the same area at about the same time. If they were a pair, were they then sordida?

Century Park (Shìjì Gōngyuán [世纪公园]), Pudong New Area (Pǔdōng Xīn Qū [浦东新区]), Shanghai (31.219361, 121.551900); 15:30-17:30

Eastern Spot-billed Duck 1
Little Grebe 3
Black-crowned Night Heron 13
Common Moorhen 7
Spotted Dove 15
Eurasian Hoopoe 1
Long-tailed Shrike 1
Azure-winged Magpie ca. 80
Japanese Tit 3 (1 heard only)
Light-vented Bulbul 19 (16 heard only)
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 20 (flock)
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 4 (1 heard only)
White’s Thrush 6
Grey-backed Thrush 8 (7 heard only)
Chinese Blackbird 74
Red-flanked Bluetail 2 (1 adult male)
Daurian Redstart 1 male
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 55
White Wagtail 1 juv.
Olive-backed Pipit 13
Black-faced Bunting 2
Tristram’s Bunting 4


Bat sp.: 6. All 6 seemed to belong to one species. Large (size of small thrush), with relatively fluid motions, very occasionally gliding. Constant clicking noises. Always over water.

Fri. 24 Oct. 2014

Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]), Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai (31.221888, 121.420066); 16:20-17:25

Spotted Dove 10
Common Kingfisher 1
Long-tailed Shrike 1 heard
Japanese Tit 3
Light-vented Bulbul 30 (ca. 25 heard only)
Black-throated Bushtit 25 (2 flocks)
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 6 (2 heard only)
Vinous-throated Parrotbill 10 (flock)
Grey-backed Thrush 4 (2 females, 2 heard only)
Oriental Magpie-Robin 1 heard
Mugimaki Flycatcher 2 females
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 35

Sat. 25 Oct. 2014
Lesser Yangshan & Nanhui

Weather: 17°-24°C. One of those rare, crystal-clear days in the Shanghai region. The mainland was visible from Lesser Yangshan, 25 km away.

Site 1. Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (06:30-06:40)

Olive-backed Pipit: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-25
Brambling: 35 (flock) on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-25

We moved to Garbage Dump Gully, staying there until 10:10 (with a stop at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove in between).

Site 2. Garbage Dump Gully (06:40-08:00, 09:15-10:10)

Long-tailed Shrike: 3 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Japanese Tit: 3 (1 heard only) in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Light-vented Bulbul: 17 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 33 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
White’s Thrush: 2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Grey-backed Thrush: 5 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Asian Brown Flycatcher: 3 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Blue-and-white Flycatcher: 2 1st-yr. males in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Siberian Rubythroat: 1 male in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Red-flanked Bluetail: 4 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Daurian Redstart: 9 (7 males, 2 females) in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Grey Wagtail: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Brambling: 23 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Meadow Bunting: 1 singing male in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Little Bunting: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Yellow-browed Bunting: 10 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
Yellow-throated Bunting: 2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25

Site 3. Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (08:00-09:10)

Eastern Buzzard: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Spotted Dove: 2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Common Kestrel: 2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Light-vented Bulbul: 9 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Asian House Martin: 3 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25. Smaller white rump than Northern.
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Red-flanked Bluetail: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Daurian Redstart: 3 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Blue Rock Thrush: 2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Olive-backed Pipit: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Brambling: 20 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
Meadow Bunting: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25

Site 4. Temple Mount (10:40-15:00)

Grey Heron: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Common Kestrel: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Long-tailed Shrike: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Japanese Tit: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Barn Swallow: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 4 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Plain Prinia: 2 (1 heard only) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Japanese Thrush: 2 (1 male, 1 female) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Pale Thrush: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Dusky Thrush: 1 male on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Asian Brown Flycatcher: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Red-flanked Bluetail: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Daurian Redstart: 10 (8 males, 2 females) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Blue Rock Thrush: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Stejneger’s Stonechat: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Eurasian Tree Sparrow: 41 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Scaly-breasted Munia: 1 juv. on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
White Wagtail: 1 heard on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Olive-backed Pipit: 7 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Brambling: 4 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Meadow Bunting: 3 (2 singing males, 1 female) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Tristram’s Bunting: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Yellow-throated Bunting: 4 (2 male, 2 female) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
Black-faced Bunting: 1 female on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25

Site 5. Sod Farm on Gǎnlǎn Lù, Nanhui (15:30-16:45)

Long-tailed Shrike: 2 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
Eurasian Magpie: 1 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
Eurasian Skylark: 8 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
Crested Myna: 3 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
Dusky Thrush: 3 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
Eastern Yellow Wagtail: 16 taivana at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
White Wagtail: 13 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
Richard’s Pipit: 2 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
Buff-bellied Pipit: 17 japonicus at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25

Site 6. Magic Parking Lot (17:00-17:30)

Black-crowned Night Heron: 6 near Magic Parking Lot on 2014-10-25
Vinous-throated Parrotbill: ca. 15 (flock) heard near Magic Parking Lot on 2014-10-25
Pale Thrush: 1 at Nanhui on 2014-10-25
Asian Brown Flycatcher: 3 at Nanhui on 2014-10-25
Red-flanked Bluetail: 1 female at Nanhui on 2014-10-25
Daurian Redstart: 1 at Nanhui on 2014-10-25

Sun. 26 Oct. 2014
Lesser Yangshan

Weather: 17°-26°C, sunny, but hazier than Saturday.

Site 1. Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (06:45-07:00)

Daurian Redstart: 5 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (a.m.)
Brambling: 40 (flock) on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (a.m.)

We moved to Garbage Dump Gully, staying there until 12:35 (with a stop at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove in between).

Site 2. Garbage Dump Gully (07:00-10:50, 12:00-12:35)

Spotted Dove: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Long-tailed Shrike: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Japanese Tit: 3 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Light-vented Bulbul: 8 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 40 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Yellow-browed Warbler: 6 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Goldcrest: 8 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
White’s Thrush: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Grey-streaked Flycatcher: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Asian Brown Flycatcher: 5 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Blue-and-white Flycatcher: 3 (2 females, 1 1st-yr. male) in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Verditer Flycatcher: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Red-flanked Bluetail: 4 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Mugimaki Flycatcher: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Daurian Redstart: 12 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Grey Wagtail: 2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
White Wagtail: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Olive-backed Pipit: 3 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Brambling: 42 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Meadow Bunting: 1 singing male in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Yellow-browed Bunting: 4 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
Yellow-throated Bunting: 5 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26

Site 3. Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (10:50-12:00)

Mallard: 1 male in water at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
Spotted Dove: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
Common Kestrel: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
Eurasian Magpie: 7 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
Japanese Tit: 3 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
Light-vented Bulbul: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
Siberian Rubythroat: 1 male at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
Daurian Redstart: 2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
Blue Rock Thrush: 6 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
White Wagtail: 4 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26

Site 4. Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (12:35-12:45)

Yellow-browed Warbler: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (p.m.)
Plain Prinia: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (p.m.)
Daurian Redstart: 2 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (p.m.)
White Wagtail: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (p.m.)
Stejneger’s Stonechat: 2 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (p.m.)

Site 5. Temple Mount (14:10-17:00)

Grey Heron: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Spotted Dove: 3 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Common Kestrel: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Long-tailed Shrike: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Light-vented Bulbul: 4 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Japanese Tit: 2 (1 heard only) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 21 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Eyebrowed Thrush: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Asian Brown Flycatcher: 5 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Red-flanked Bluetail: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Mugimaki Flycatcher: 2 (1 male, 1 female) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Daurian Redstart: 14 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Blue Rock Thrush: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Eurasian Tree Sparrow: 30 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
White Wagtail: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Olive-backed Pipit: 5 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Brambling: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Eurasian Siskin: 1 male on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Meadow Bunting: 3 (2 singing & sparring males, 1 female) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Yellow-throated Bunting: 1 female on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
Black-faced Bunting: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26

Mon. 27 Oct. 2014

Site 1. Zhongshan Park (16:20-17:25)

Spotted Dove 7
Long-tailed Shrike 1 heard
Japanese Tit 3
Light-vented Bulbul 35 (30 heard only)
Yellow-browed Warbler 4 (2 heard only)
Vinous-throated Parrotbill 15
Grey-backed Thrush 5 (3 heard only)
Chinese Blackbird 2
Mugimaki Flycatcher 2
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 25

Tues. 28 Oct. 2014

Weather: 20°C, sunny with excellent visibility.

Site 1. Century Park (13:40-16:30)

Eastern Spot-billed Duck 1
Little Grebe 1
Black-crowned Night Heron 6
Little Egret 2
Eurasian Sparrowhawk 1 female
White-breasted Waterhen 1
Common Moorhen 4
Spotted Dove 12
Eurasian Hoopoe 2
Long-tailed Shrike 3
Azure-winged Magpie 41
Japanese Tit 2
Light-vented Bulbul 35 (30 heard only)
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 1
Yellow-browed Warbler 6 (4 heard only)
Chinese Hwamei 1
White’s Thrush 2
Grey-backed Thrush 8
Chinese Blackbird 44
Eyebrowed Thrush 2
Pale Thrush 3
Red-flanked Bluetail 4 (1 adult male)
Daurian Redstart 6
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 10
White Wagtail 5 (1 heard only)
Olive-backed Pipit 7
Brambling 2
Eurasian Siskin 72 (3 flocks)
Tristram’s Bunting 4
Black-faced Bunting 7. Most likely spodocephala.


Pallas’s Squirrel: 1 at Century Park on 2014-10-28

Sun. 2 Nov. 2014
Lesser Yangshan

Weather: Morning cloudy, intermittent drizzle, low visibility (< 5 km). Visibility gradually improved to about 20 km as the skies cleared. Wind continued throughout the day. 10°-19°C.

In the Shanghai region, 14 Emberiza species are common to rare, either as migrants or breeders or both. Today, within the space of a few hours on the Temple Mount on Lesser Yangshan Island, we stood among 7 of the 14, one of them the endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting. Tundra or Taiga Bean Goose made a dramatic pass overhead, and a Western Osprey carried a fish in its talons in its aerodynamic way. Eurasian Siskin and Brambling were present in appreciable numbers.

Site 1. Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (07:20-07:35, 10:25-10:35, 15:50-16:25)

Eastern Buzzard: 2 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
Peregrine Falcon: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
Daurian Redstart: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
Stejneger’s Stonechat: 2 females on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
Eurasian Siskin: 40 (2 flocks) on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
Rustic Bunting: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02

Site 2. Garbage Dump Gully (07:35-07:45, 09:05-10:25)

Bull-headed Shrike: 1 juv. at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
Long-tailed Shrike: 1 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
Japanese Bush Warbler (Horornis diphone canturians) or Manchurian Bush Warbler (H. borealis borealis): 1 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 1 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
Yellow-browed Warbler: 2 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
Goldcrest: 2 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
Red-flanked Bluetail: 3 (1 adult male) at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
Daurian Redstart: 2 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
Grey Wagtail: 1 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
White Wagtail: 2 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02

Site 3. Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (07:45-09:05)

Western Osprey: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove): 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
Peregrine Falcon: 2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
Long-tailed Shrike: 1 heard at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
Eyebrowed Thrush: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
Pale Thrush: 3 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
Red-flanked Bluetail: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
Daurian Redstart: 2 (1 male, 1 female) at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
Eurasian Siskin: 70 (flock) at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
Tristram’s Bunting: 7 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02

Site 4. Temple Mount (10:50-14:40)

Taiga Bean Goose or Tundra Bean Goose: 37 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02. At 12:58, 36 passed overhead in 1 flock. At 13:43, a single individual passed overhead.
Common Kestrel: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Long-tailed Shrike: 4 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Japanese Tit: 4 (2 heard only) on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Light-vented Bulbul: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Barn Swallow: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Yellow-browed Warbler: 3 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Goldcrest: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Eyebrowed Thrush: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Red-flanked Bluetail: 4 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Daurian Redstart: 11 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Eurasian Tree Sparrow: ca. 30 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Olive-backed Pipit: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Brambling: 80 (3 flocks) on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Chinese Grosbeak: 8 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Eurasian Siskin: 2 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Tristram’s Bunting: 1 female on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Little Bunting: 1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Yellow-browed Bunting: 8 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Rustic Bunting: 4 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Yellow-throated Bunting: ca. 40 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Yellow-breasted Bunting: 1 female or 1st-winter on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
Chestnut Bunting: 2 females on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02

Not wanting to waste even the slightest bit of the short autumn day, Elaine and I ate our late lunch while driving around Lesser Yangshan. We stopped at a kind of barracks housing workers. A land-reclamation project is taking place behind the barracks. There, we saw our first Northern Lapwing of the season.

Site 5. Around Land Reclamation Project East of Main Birding Areas on Lesser Yangshan Island, Zhejiang (15:00-15:30)

Little Grebe: 2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
Grey Heron: 9 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
Great Egret: 8 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
Little Egret: 6 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
Great Cormorant: 1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
Northern Lapwing: 1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
Curlew Sandpiper: 2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
Common Kingfisher: 1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
Blue Rock Thrush: 1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
White Wagtail: 1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02

Mon. 3 Nov. 2014

Weather: Cool, dry. A beautiful fall day. Visibility excellent. Leaving Zhongshan Park, we enjoyed crisp views of the waxing moon through our binoculars. At 17:30, the pollution index was 78. 11°-17°C.

A too-brief sweep through Zhongshan Park netted us our first Zhongshan Park record this fall of Blue-and-white Flycatcher. The graceful Black-throated Bushtit continues its presence. Also seen were autumn mainstays Yellow-browed Warbler and Mugimaki Flycatcher.

Site 1. Zhongshan Park (16:35-17:30)

Spotted Dove 1
Common Kingfisher 1
Light-vented Bulbul 25 (18 heard only)
Black-throated Bushtit 15 (flock)
Yellow-browed Warbler 8 (4 heard only)
Chinese Blackbird 1 heard
Oriental Magpie-Robin 2 (1 heard only)
Blue-and-white Flycatcher 1 female
Red-flanked Bluetail 3
Mugimaki Flycatcher 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 25

Tues. 4 Nov. 2014
Hengsha Island

Weather: 11°-18°C, sunny. Glorious weather, excellent visibility.

Elaine and I visited Hengsha Island. We drove to Changxing Island (Chángxīng Dǎo [长江岛]). To get to Changxing, one drives 9 km through the Shanghai-Changjiang Tunnel, which goes under the Yangtze River. The tunnel is a marvelous achievement–the mighty Yangtze, rendered moot as a barrier by the hand of man. From Changxing, we took a 10-minute ferry ride to Hengsha. The ferry cost 50 yuan (40 yuan round trip for car plus driver, plus 5 yuan per passenger per trip). Among our highlights today were a flock of 72 Chinese Penduline Tit, 9 Red-throated Pipit, and 120 Yellow-throated Bunting.

Hengsha Island (Héngshā Dǎo [横沙岛]), small alluvial island at mouth of Yangtze River in Shanghai, China. S gate to birding area at 31.297333, 121.859434. 08:00-17:10

Eurasian Wigeon 25
Eastern Spot-billed Duck 3
Northern Shoveler 35
Eurasian Teal 40
Little Grebe 30
Black-crowned Night Heron 1 heard
Grey Heron 65
Great Egret 32
Little Egret 75
Eastern Marsh Harrier 1
Common Moorhen 2
Eurasian Coot 320
Kentish Plover 7
Common Snipe 3. White on trailing edge of wings.
Common Redshank 8
Common Greenshank 13 (3 heard only)
Common Sandpiper 2
Vega Gull (Larus vegae vegae or L. v. mongolicus) 1
Oriental Turtle Dove 10
Common Kingfisher 1
Eurasian Hoopoe 1
Peregrine Falcon 2
Bull-headed Shrike 2 (1 adult, 1 juv.)
Long-tailed Shrike 28
Chinese Penduline Tit 72
Eurasian Skylark ca. 100
Light-vented Bulbul 6
Japanese Bush Warbler (Horornis diphone canturians) or Manchurian Bush Warbler (H. borealis borealis) 1 heard singing
Black-browed Reed Warbler 1
Zitting Cisticola 2
Reed Parrotbill 1 heard
Dusky Thrush 2 (1 female, 1 male)
Daurian Redstart 108
Blue Rock Thrush 1
Stejneger’s Stonechat 35
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 230 (flock of ca. 200 plus scattered singles)
Eastern Yellow Wagtail 33
White Wagtail 36
Richard’s Pipit 9
Red-throated Pipit 9
Buff-bellied Pipit 43
Brambling 162 (4 flocks plus scattered singles)
Tristram’s Bunting 1
Little Bunting 7
Rustic Bunting 36
Yellow-throated Bunting 120
Black-faced Bunting 1
Pallas’s Reed Bunting 15

Wed. 5 Nov. 2014

Weather: 20°C, sunny.

On yet another gorgeous fall day, Elaine and I made another of our quick trips to the old park. We noted with interest the ways in which two species seem to be adjusting to the plague of cats at Zhongshan. Grey-backed Thrush have discovered that on “Cat-free Island” they can forage on the ground without pressure; all the Grey-backed Thrushes that we saw and heard today were on or near the tiny island. Likewise, some Red-flanked Bluetail, perhaps in response to cats, were seen in the upper canopy, having given up their terrestrial ways and behaving like flycatchers.

Site 1. Zhongshan Park (15:45-17:05)

Spotted Dove 7
Japanese Tit 2 heard
Light-vented Bulbul 7
Black-throated Bushtit 9 (flock)
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 3 (1 heard only)
Yellow-browed Warbler 7 (3 heard only)
Virous-throated Parrotbill 1 heard vaguely in distance
Grey-backed Thrush 8
Chinese Blackbird 1
Red-flanked Bluetail 9 (1 adult male)
Mugimaki Flycatcher 5
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 50
Tristram’s Bunting 1

Wed. 6 Nov. 2014
Hengsha Island

Another day at Hengsha Island, Shanghai. Met Beijing birder Wèi Mín (为民) and birded with him awhile. Wind and fog suppressed bird numbers today. Highlights: 37 Eurasian Wigeon, 2 Eurasian Spoonbill, 40 Reed Parrotbill, and buntings galore. Alas, the birding area on Hengsha is slated for destruction–a container port, a local man told us. Enjoy Hengsha while you can! Regarding Hengsha and conservation in Shanghai, I would like to do a comparison of mega-cities and see where Shanghai ranks as far as amount of land set aside as nature reserves. When making the comparison, it will be necessary to remember that Shanghai is in surface area the size of a small province–about as large as Delaware in the United States. Is the final plan for Shanghai Shì to preserve nothing more than that sliver of land on the eastern end of Chongming as well as a few token parks? In a place that, yes, holds millions of people but also is province-sized and is smack on the East Asian Australasian Migratory Flyway? My impression is that this Delaware-sized jurisdiction is setting aside much too little for nature. The whole scenario strikes me as being disrespectful to nature and to future generations.

Site 1. Hengsha Island (Héngshā Dǎo [横沙岛]), a small alluvial island at mouth of Yangtze River in Shanghai, China. S gate to birding area at 31.297333, 121.859434. 14°-21°C, cloudy and foggy. WED 06 NOV 2014 07:40-16:25. Craig Brelsford & Elaine Du.

Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope 37
Eastern Spot-billed Duck A. zonorhyncha 123
Northern Shoveler A. clypeata 8
Eurasian Teal A. crecca 52
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 24
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus 3
Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia 2
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 52
Great Egret A. alba 25
Little Egret Egretta garzetta 70
Eastern Marsh Harrier Circus spilonotus 2
Eastern Buzzard Buteo japonicus 1
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 32
Eurasian Coot Fulica atra 180
Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 51 (flock of 50, 1 single)
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 4
Gallinago sp. 1
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 36
Dunlin Calidris alpina 78
Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 7
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 22
Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis 90
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 2
Reed Parrotbill Paradoxornis heudei 40 (flock)
Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus 8
Daurian Redstart Phoenicurus auroreus 35
Stejneger’s Stonechat Saxicola stejnegeri 2
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 210
Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 15 (flock)
White Wagtail M. alba 17
Richard’s Pipit Anthus richardi 5
Buff-bellied Pipit A. rubescens japonicus 54
Brambling Fringilla montifringilla 26
Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla 1
Rustic Bunting E. rustica 6
Yellow-throated Bunting E. elegans 18
Pallas’s Reed Bunting E. pallasi 42

8-16 Nov. 2014

Elaine and I took a trip to Lake Poyang and Wuyuan in Jiangxi.

Tues. 18 Nov. 2014

The closest I get to backyard birding is at Zhongshan Park, a large green space 6 km W of People’s Square in Chángníng (长宁), Shanghai. A good thing about this type of birding is that it is not an excursion, it requires no planning, and it doesn’t take up a big part of the day–and yet it is birding. Zhongshan Park in Shanghai is 100 years old this year. Like any old park, it has many tall trees. Some of the best birding action is going on high above; birdwatchers at Zhongshan should be prepared for sore necks.

A quick walk-through today produced a single Mugimaki Flycatcher and a single Yellow-browed Warbler. These species, present in the Shanghai region since September, should soon complete their migration through the area and not be seen again until next spring. Despite the plague of cats at Zhongshan Park, Red-flanked Bluetail was present today and will be a constant presence throughout the winter at this and other green spaces in the city.

Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]), urban green space 6 km W of People’s Square in Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai, China (31.221888, 121.420066); 15:35-16:40

Spotted Dove Spilopelia chinensis 8
Japanese Tit Parus minor 2
Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 20
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus 7
Yellow-browed Warbler P. inornatus 1
Chinese Blackbird Turdus mandarinus 2
Oriental Magpie-Robin Copsychus saularis 1
Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus 5
Mugimaki Flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki 1 female
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus ca. 50

Sat. 22 Nov. 2014
Lesser Yangshan Island

Weather: 14°-19°C, foggy in morning, sunny but hazy throughout day

After a 19-day hiatus, Elaine and I returned to Lesser Yangshan Island. We noted 29 species. The most interesting bird was a Brown-headed Thrush seen in the morning at Garbage Dump Gully. Turdus chrysolaus breeds on Honshu, Hokkaido, and Sakhalin and is infrequently seen in the Shanghai region. Brown-headed Thrush was one of five Turdus species seen on Saturday, the others being Dusky Thrush (54), Pale Thrush (14), Grey-backed Thrush (1), and Eyebrowed Thrush (1). As was the case in October, Meadow Bunting were singing. 3 Scaly-breasted Munia were a somewhat uncommon sighting. On Temple Mount, about 10 good trees behind Guānyīn Temple have been felled as part of the refurbishing of the building. On an island on which trees are scarce, even the loss of 10 trees is significant.

Elaine and I made three quick pass-throughs of Garbage Dump Coastal Plain.

Site 1. Garbage Dump Coastal Plain, Lesser Yangshan Island, Zhejiang (30.638860, 122.060089; 07:35-07:45, 10:55-11:05, 13:50-14:05)

Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove): 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Long-tailed Shrike: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Light-vented Bulbul: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Plain Prinia: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Red-flanked Bluetail: 1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Daurian Redstart: 14 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Yellow-throated Bunting: 4 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22

In Garbage Dump Gully, Elaine and I once again honed our ability to distinguish the call of Yellow-browed Warbler from the call of Pallas’s Leaf Warbler. In the Shanghai region, it’s important to have these calls down pat, as the species are so common here. Once an ID of a Pallas’s or Yellow-browed is secured, one can move on to the next bird; but if it’s not clear that the leaf warbler is either Pallas’s or Yellow-browed, then more scrutiny is required, lest one miss an ID of a more difficult Phylloscopus. The Brown-headed Thrush appeared only fleetingly, and I was unable to get a record shot. However, I had a good enough look to clearly distinguish the species, and its hint of an eyebrow suggested it was a first-winter bird. Grey-backed and Eyebrowed Thrush were represented by 1 individual each. Dusky Thrush was the most conspicuous bird; its vaguely kazoo-like call was frequently heard as individuals flew from treetop to treetop.

Site 2. Garbage Dump Gully, Lesser Yangshan Island, Zhejiang (30.641565, 122.062836; 07:45-08:20, 09:00-10:55, 14:05-14:30)

Spotted Dove: 2 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Long-tailed Shrike: 3 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Japanese Tit: 6 (1 heard only) in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Light-vented Bulbul: 15 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler: 5 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Yellow-browed Warbler: 4 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Grey-backed Thrush: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Eyebrowed Thrush: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Pale Thrush: 7 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Brown-headed Thrush: 1 prob. 1st-yr. in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Dusky Thrush: 29 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Red-flanked Bluetail: 2 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Daurian Redstart: 16 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Olive-backed Pipit: 2 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Meadow Bunting: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Black-faced Bunting: 1 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Yellow-throated Bunting: 8 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22

Site 3. Xiǎoyánglíng Cove, Lesser Yangshan Island, Zhejiang (30.642243, 122.066940; 08:25-08:55, 14:30-15:00)

Peregrine Falcon: 2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Pale Thrush: 4 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Dusky Thrush: 13 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Red-flanked Bluetail: 1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Daurian Redstart: 7 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Blue Rock Thrush: 2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Meadow Bunting: 2 (1 male, 1 female) at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22

Along with Garbage Dump Gully, Temple Mount is one of the major birding areas on Lesser Yangshan. We found 3 Scaly-breasted Munia, a common species in S China but less frequently noted in the Shanghai region, the northern edge of its range.

Site 4. Temple Mount, Lesser Yangshan Island, Zhejiang (30.639945, 122.048277; 11:35-13:45)

Eastern Buzzard: 1 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Common Kestrel: 1 female on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Long-tailed Shrike: 4 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Japanese Tit: 1 heard on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Pale Thrush: 3 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Dusky Thrush: 12 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Daurian Redstart: 5 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Blue Rock Thrush: 2 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Eurasian Tree Sparrow: 20 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Scaly-breasted Munia: 3 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
White Wagtail: 1 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Olive-backed Pipit: 2 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Meadow Bunting: 1 female on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22

Elaine and I attempted sunset images of Blue Rock Thrush on the beautiful rocks of Lesser Yangshan. We drove to a land reclamation project east of the birding areas.

Site 5. Around Land Reclamation Project East of Main Birding Areas on Lesser Yangshan Island, Zhejiang (15:40-16:30)

Little Grebe: 4 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Grey Heron: 2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Great Egret: 5 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Little Egret: 4 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
Blue Rock Thrush: 2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
White Wagtail: 2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22

Sun. 23 Nov. 2014
Hengsha Island

Weather: 16°-21°C, partly cloudy.

Elaine and I made our third trip this month to Hengsha Island and first since 6 Nov. We noted 41 species.

Our bird of the day was Chinese Grey Shrike. We had sightings at four locations, two of them spaced a few kilometers from the other two. We think it most likely that the sightings involved two individuals. Birds seen in appreciable numbers were Eurasian Coot (360), Eurasian or Oriental Skylark (ca. 300), Pallas’s Reed Bunting (ca. 200) Chinese Penduline Tit (140), Northern Lapwing (65), and Dusky Thrush (50). Thanks to Jan-Erik Nilsen, Daniel Bengtsson, and Jonathan Martinez for sifting through a series of blurry photos, allowing me to add a male and female Baikal Teal to the list.

The 2 Northern Shoveler were strangers amid a sea of Eurasian Coot. Elaine did a nice job digging out 3 Great Crested Grebe (having reminded me that we’d seen that sp. in the same general area on 6 Nov.). Eurasian Bittern was a welcome addition to our Fall 2014 list. As on our two previous trips to Hengsha, we weren’t lulled to sleep by the appearance of yet another Little Egret; we were on the lookout for the telltale marks of the similar Chinese Egret. The 9 Common Snipe were ID’d by the white trailing edge to the wing. The Dunlin were foraging on the mudflats outside the sea wall at low tide. I didn’t wish to make Skylarks a special project, but I photographed them whenever possible, usually grabbing flight shots after stumbling upon a group while walking across the reedbeds. The photos don’t allow me to reach a firm conclusion regarding taxonomy. A few photos seem to show a buff trailing edge to the wing (a characteristic of Oriental Skylark) but bright white outer rectrices (a characteristic of Eurasian Skylark). I’m not even certain of which of the ssp. we may be dealing with here; Skylarks, it seems, are yet another group of East Asian birds ripe for further study. The impressively large flocks of Chinese Penduline Tit underscore the importance of Hengsha Island to this and other reed-dependent species such as Reed Parrotbill. Speaking of reed-dependent species, as I was following the Chinese Grey Shrike, I kept kicking up Pallas’s Reed Buntings; every few steps would set another 15 or so flying. Considering that I must have been startling the same birds at least some of the time, I’ll limit my estimate to 200 birds. Could Common Reed Bunting have been in the mix? Possibly, but each time I checked, I noted the pointier bill characteristic of Pallas’s. With some or most of the birding area at Hengsha Island slated to be turned into a container port, one has to wonder where in the city-province of Shanghai the reed-loving passerines as well as waterfowl are going to find refuge.

Despite visiting the same habitats and operating in a similar way to our previous two trips to Hengsha, Elaine and I noted no Rustic Bunting and only 2 Yellow-throated Bunting.

Hengsha Island (Héngshā Dǎo [横沙岛]), a small alluvial island at mouth of Yangtze River in Shanghai, China. S gate to birding area at 31.297333, 121.859434. 07:55-16:30

Mallard 13 (flock of 12, 1 single)
Eastern Spot-billed Duck 38 (3 flocks, plus singles)
Northern Shoveler 2
Baikal Teal 2 (pair)
Eurasian Teal 13 (flock)
Little Grebe 9
Great Crested Grebe 3
Eurasian Bittern 3
Grey Heron 24
Great Egret 17
Little Egret 53
Great Cormorant 2
Eastern Marsh Harrier 2 juv. males
Eastern Buzzard 2
Common Moorhen 14 (4 heard only)
Eurasian Coot 360
Northern Lapwing 65 (flock)
Kentish Plover 3
Common Snipe 9
Spotted Redshank 8
Common Greenshank 17
Common Sandpiper 1
Dunlin 120
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) 1
Common Kingfisher 1
Common Kestrel 2
Peregrine Falcon 1
Long-tailed Shrike 23
Chinese Grey Shrike 2
Eurasian/Oriental Skylark ca. 300
Chinese Penduline Tit ca. 140 (2 flocks)
Crested Myna 19
Dusky Thrush 50
Daurian Redstart 9
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 39 (flock)
White Wagtail 4
Richard’s Pipit 11
Buff-bellied Pipit 66
Little Bunting 9
Yellow-throated Bunting 2
Pallas’s Reed Bunting ca. 200

Sun. 30 Nov. 2014

For its combination of convenience and quality of birding, Century Park is the best place to bird in the city. Today, a three-hour and fifty-minute trip to Century kept the birding juices flowing and netted Elaine and me 27 species. Species of the Day honors go to Goldcrest (5), a tiny jewel of a bird that never ceases to delight. Nearly bare branches hanging over the walking trail attracted a pair, and they approached to a meter and a half of my beaming face. As is their wont in East Asia, today’s Goldcrests were associating with Pallas’s Leaf Warbler (11). Dusky Thrush (63) was the most conspicuous winter visitor, with Pale Thrush (25) also having a notable presence. 2 of the 9 Red-flanked Bluetail we saw were the attractive adult males, less common in our area.

Missing or nearly missing birds: To our surprise, Elaine and I saw zero buntings. As the session was ending, we realized we hadn’t seen a single Daurian Redstart. I suggested we go one more time to a place where I’ve often seen Daurian Redstarts. Sure enough, we found a single female there. We would not have been surprised to find Yellow-bellied Tits, but they are an irruptive species, and they don’t seem to have made an incursion into the park. Those most irruptive of species, Bohemian and Japanese Waxwing, have been reported in Century Park this time of year, and they were on our radar screen, but we saw none. Has Yellow-browed Warbler finally cycled out of the Shanghai area? Today we saw none. Mugimaki Flycatcher also may have left the Shanghai area for its core wintering areas farther south.

Century Park (Shìjì Gōngyuán [世纪公园]), Pudong New Area (Pǔdōng Xīn Qū [浦东新区]), Shanghai, China (31.219361, 121.551900); 08:45-12:35

Little Grebe 6
Black-crowned Night Heron 1
Grey Heron 1
Little Egret 1
Common Moorhen 6
Oriental Turtle Dove 1
Spotted Dove 29
Long-tailed Shrike 6 (1 heard only)
Azure-winged Magpie 45
Japanese Tit 4
Light-vented Bulbul 131 (101 heard only)
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 11
Chinese Hwamei 1
Goldcrest 5
White-cheeked Starling 8 (flock)
White’s Thrush 2
Grey-backed Thrush 3
Chinese Blackbird 68
Pale Thrush 25 (3 heard only)
Dusky Thrush 63 (1 heard only)
Red-flanked Bluetail 9 (2 adult males)
Daurian Redstart 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 20
White Wagtail 2 (1 heard only)
Olive-backed Pipit 18
Chinese Grosbeak 13
Eurasian Siskin 30 (flock)

Tues. 2 Dec. 2014

Weather: 7°C. Sunny and cool.

Elaine and I scratched out 18 species at Changfeng Park. The surprise of the day was a flock of 9 Red-billed Leiothrix at Chángfēng Yī Hào Lǜdì, the green space between the park and Suzhou Creek. These birds had surely been set free by someone, for they displayed little fear of us. After getting fleeting glimpses of truly wild Red-billed Leiothrix in Yunnan and Jiangxi, Elaine finally could appreciate the beauty of this species. The flock of Vinous-throated Parrotbill that we observed was almost completely silent. We moved quickly on the brisk December day, almost making a complete circle of Yínchú Hú (银锄湖), the man-made lake that is the centerpiece of the 364,000 sq. m park. We finished up on Gubei Bridge spanning Suzhou Creek, enjoying the beautiful cityscape and searching in vain for Black-crowned Night Heron. The plague of cats continues to be evident at Changfeng, and we happened upon a man furtively selling a slingshot to another man.

Changfeng Park (Chángfēng Gōngyuán [长风公园]), Putuo District (Pǔtuó Qū [普陀区]), Shanghai (31.224860, 121.399155); 14:30-16:45

Little Egret 1
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) ca. 30 (flock)
Spotted Dove 17
Long-tailed Shrike 4
Azure-winged Magpie 15
Eurasian Magpie 2
Japanese Tit 6
Light-vented Bulbul 95 (ca. 75 heard only)
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 5
Yellow-browed Warbler 1
Red-billed Leiothrix 9 (flock)
Vinous-throated Parrotbill 15 (flock)
Chinese Blackbird 50 (5 heard only)
Pale Thrush 5
Red-flanked Bluetail 1
Daurian Redstart 4 (1 male, 3 females)
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 14
Chinese Grosbeak 1

Thurs. 4 Dec. 2014

Weather: 7°C. Sunny. A gorgeous afternoon.

Elaine and I made our second trip this week to Century Park, the largest park in the urbanized area of Shanghai. We spent two hours and 25 minutes there and found 26 species. The lowlight was arriving seconds too late to save a Red-flanked Bluetail from the clutches of a cat. The highlight was finding a large mixed flock containing about 300 Red-billed Starling and White-cheeked Starling.

In earlier reports, I noted that, in contrast to Zhongshan Park and Changfeng Park, Century Park is relatively free of stray cats. I was, therefore, shocked today to see a stray cat with a small bird in its mouth. The cat had just killed the bird and seemed to be trying to bury it under some fallen leaves. I sprinted toward the cat. The feline dropped its prey and ran off. I picked up the bird: a Red-flanked Bluetail! The bird was still warm. The cat came back, mewing plaintively, as if asking for its toy back. Disgusted, I photographed the dead bird and set it in a garbage can. Elaine and I walked off and returned about half an hour later. A man in his 50s was feeding the very cat that had killed the Bluetail. We told him that the cat he was feeding had just killed a bird, and could he please consider no longer giving cats that don’t belong here his support? We showed him the photo of the dead Bluetail. His response? Cats killing birds is “part of nature.” I looked at him for a second; I imagine my face had that “Where do I begin?” look. I decided not to invest my time explaining that stray cats dependent on feedings from kind-hearted but misguided old folks are a lot farther away from nature than a wild bird that flew thousands of kilometers to this park fueled solely by food it had foraged. After the man left, I angrily kicked away the pile of cat food he’d set out for the cat. The cat mewed again, beautifully, and all my anger at the cat melted away. The cat was not the villain here; people are. Shanghai’s parks don’t have a cat problem so much as they have a management problem. The cats are acting in accordance with their nature; what’s not natural is one of the world’s major cities not having a system to deal with abandoned pets. Does Shanghai even have an animal-control department? If not, when is Shanghai going to institute one?

Red-billed Starling was seen in various places throughout the park. It also was a component of a large, noisy mixed flock, the main species of which was White-cheeked Starling. The flock was roosting atop tall trees around Bird Island, a piece of land surrounded by a moat and off-limits to visitors. Birds take advantage of the cat- and human-free island and assemble in large numbers there. Bird Island is an example of proper park policy.

Goldcrests zipped by us, uttering their high-pitched call; we watched them awhile. Elaine discovered our only White’s Thrush of the afternoon. She found it on the dark forest floor and proudly pointed it out to me. A female Grey-backed Thrush found some leaf litter it liked and refused to leave, offering us close views of this handsome species. Dusky Thrush and Pale Thrush once again were conspicuous winter visitors. I recorded a Chinese Blackbird singing at full volume. Emberizids, puzzlingly unrecorded by us on Sunday, were back, represented by Yellow-throated Bunting and Black-faced Bunting.

Century Park (Shìjì Gōngyuán [世纪公园]), Pudong New Area (Pǔdōng Xīn Qū [浦东新区]), Shanghai, China (31.219361, 121.551900); 14:25-16:50

Eastern Spot-billed Duck 2
Little Grebe 5
Little Egret 3
Common Moorhen 15
Spotted Dove 16
Long-tailed Shrike 4
Azure-winged Magpie 70
Japanese Tit 6
Light-vented Bulbul 25
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 6 (1 heard only)
Vinous-throated Parrotbill 25 (flock)
Goldcrest 2
Red-billed Starling 105
White-cheeked Starling 209
White’s Thrush 1
Grey-backed Thrush 11
Chinese Blackbird 59
Pale Thrush 29
Dusky Thrush 97 (4 heard only)
Red-flanked Bluetail 4
Daurian Redstart 1 male
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 25
White Wagtail 1
Olive-backed Pipit 4
Yellow-throated Bunting 5
Black-faced Bunting 2 (1 male, 1 female) spodocephala

Sun. 7 Dec. 2014

Weather: 5°-13°C, cloudy

Elaine and I returned to Hengsha Island for the first time in 14 days. We noted 49 species. Dusky Warbler was a welcome surprise. I noted its hard, dry call, tack-tack-tack (“like stones being clicked together”; the apt description in the Handbook of the Birds of the World). On, Dusky Warbler has not been recorded in Shanghai in December since 2008. 6 swallows or martins flew over us; but as they appeared and were gone in seconds, a good view was impossible. On Hengsha Island, the area where we bird is 100% reclaimed land. The road atop the sea wall leads from the gate E for at least 15 km. We followed it for 10 km, reaching land so new that no vegetation is growing on it. There we found ducks, the most numerous of which was Northern Pintail (ca. 200). In ponds holding ca. 430 Eurasian Coot, 5 Eurasian Spoonbill were foraging together. Of the 5 Hen Harrier that we saw, 1 was an adult male. An Eastern Buzzard hovered. We noted 1 Chinese Grey Shrike. For the uncertainties surrounding Eurasian and Oriental Skylark, see the account of our 23 Nov. trip to Hengsha; the issues were the same today. We estimated that the flock of Reed Parrotbill contained 35 members. Chinese Penduline Tit are hard to count among the reeds; to reach our estimate of 140 individuals, we used a handful of variables, among them the loudness of their calls and the size of the area in which each flock was calling. Try as we might, we couldn’t coax out any Common Reed Bunting from among our ca. 120 Pallas’s Reed Bunting. I devoted much time to observing and photographing reed buntings, hoping to find individuals showing the larger size and arched culmen characteristic of Common.

Hengsha Island (Héngshā Dǎo [横沙岛]), a small alluvial island at mouth of Yangtze River in Shanghai, China. S gate to birding area at 31.297333, 121.859434. 07:15-16:45

Eastern Spot-billed Duck 79
Northern Shoveler 10
Northern Pintail ca. 200
Eurasian Teal 7
Little Grebe 40
Eurasian Spoonbill 5
Eurasian Bittern 2
Grey Heron 36
Great Egret 22
Little Egret 69
Hen Harrier 5 (1 adult male)
Eastern Buzzard 1
Common Moorhen 49
Eurasian Coot ca. 430
Northern Lapwing 21 (flock)
Kentish Plover 2
Common Snipe 2
Snipe sp. 2
Common/Spotted Redshank 1 juv.
Common Greenshank 3 (1 heard only)
Common Sandpiper 1
Dunlin 39
Vega Gull 3
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) 2
Common Kingfisher 2
Common Kestrel 3
Peregrine Falcon 1
Long-tailed Shrike 28
Chinese Grey Shrike 1
Chinese Penduline Tit ca. 140 (2 flocks)
Eurasian/Oriental Skylark ca. 135
Light-vented Bulbul 10
Swallow or Martin sp. 6
Dusky Warbler 1
Plain Prinia 1
Reed Parrotbill ca. 35 (flock)
Crested Myna 10
Pale Thrush 7
Dusky Thrush 11
Daurian Redstart 22
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 17
White Wagtail 19
Buff-bellied Pipit 40
Richard’s Pipit 2
Eurasian Siskin ca. 40 (flock)
Little Bunting 6
Rustic Bunting 2
Yellow-throated Bunting 10
Black-faced Bunting 12 spodocephala
Pallas’s Reed Bunting ca. 120

Thurs. 11 Dec. 2014

Weather: 1°-10°, cloudy

Elaine and I made our first visit to eastern Chongming Island since 18 October. We had a memorable day, noting 59 species. The highlight was 105 Hooded Crane accompanied by 25 Common Crane. We found 1 Swan Goose and 1 Black-faced Spoonbill. I had my first Shanghai records of Brown-eared Bulbul and Black-winged Kite. Other notable birds: 17 Ruddy Shelduck, 17 Common Merganser, 1 Eurasian Curlew, 7 Temminck’s Stint, 3 Chinese Grey Shrike, 20 Chestnut-eared Bunting, 1 taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail, 1 ocularis/lugens White Wagtail, and 3 Water Pipit. 1 male Stejneger’s Stonechat was a bit out of place this far north at this time of year.

Our final record of the day was an unidentified owl. I saw a large shape on the road and turned my car toward it just in time to get my headlights on it. The owl looked our way and was gone. Total observation time: maybe 2 seconds. In that time, 6 things stood out: (1) true owl not barn owl, (2) large (larger than Little Owl and the owlets) but not huge like an Eagle Owl, (3) plumage mainly straddling brownish on the color spectrum, (4) ear-tufts absent or possibly folded back, (5) black rim to the facial disc, and (6) large, brilliant yellow or orange eyes.

Walking back along the boardwalk that runs out to the sea, we first saw the Hooded Crane flying over the sea wall. They landed on farmland on the landward side of the wall (at 31.469361, 121.921278). This farmland is too cramped for cranes. The flock was being set to flight by passing cars and loud tractors. Do the local people know about their avian neighbors? A man asked me what I was doing, and when I told him that I was watching Hooded Crane, he didn’t seem to know what I was talking about.

A similar problem occurred with the Black-faced Spoonbill. The endangered bird was standing in a pond at the side of a road. I drove slowly toward it and shut off the engine. The bird accepted our presence and was feeding. A large, clanky truck came up from behind, scaring the Spoonbill away.

The Chestnut-eared Bunting were found in the same location (ca. 31.531912, 121.944896) where Elaine and I had found them on 18 October. The photos I made of Eurasian Skylark seem to show more primary projection than would be the case with Oriental Skylark. I observed the reed buntings closely, looking for Common Reed Bunting, but all had the smaller, straighter bill of Pallas’s Reed Bunting.

Around Chongming Dongtan National Bird Sanctuary and Nature Reserve (Chóngmíng Dōngtān Niǎolèi Guójiājí Zìrán Bǎohùqū [崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区], Chongming Island, Shanghai, China (31.510109, 121.961955); 07:50-17:15

Swan Goose 1
Taiga Bean Goose or Tundra Bean Goose 105
Ruddy Shelduck 17 (flock)
Eurasian Wigeon 2
Mallard 13
Eastern Spot-billed Duck ca. 183 (incl. ca. 150 in loose flock)
Common Merganser 17
Japanese Quail 1
Common Pheasant 2 (1 heard only)
Little Grebe 27
Black-faced Spoonbill 1
Black-crowned Night Heron 8
Grey Heron 21
Great Egret 8
Little Egret 55
Black-winged Kite 1
Eastern Marsh Harrier 2
Common Moorhen 15
Eurasian Coot 25
Common Crane 25
Hooded Crane 105
Grey Plover 14 (flock)
Little Ringed Plover 2
Eurasian Curlew 1
Spotted Redshank 12
Common Greenshank 3
Common Sandpiper 3
Temminck’s Stint 7
Vega Gull 120 (110 in 1 flock)
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) 4
Spotted Dove 20
Owl sp. 1
Common Kingfisher 1
Long-tailed Shrike 17
Chinese Grey Shrike 3
Eurasian Magpie 91 (2 heard only)
Eurasian Skylark 38 (2 flocks)
Light-vented Bulbul 16 (15 heard only)
Brown-eared Bulbul 1 amaurotis
Plain Prinia 1
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 10 (flock) heard
Crested Myna 30
White-cheeked Starling 4
Pale Thrush 9
Dusky Thrush 12
Daurian Redstart 11
Stejneger’s Stonechat 1 male
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 1300
Eastern Yellow Wagtail 1 taivana
White Wagtail 4 (3 leucopsis, 1 ocularis/lugens)
Richard’s Pipit 6
Buff-bellied Pipit 19
Water Pipit 3
Brambling 1
Chestnut-eared Bunting 20
Little Bunting 16
Rustic Bunting 27
Black-faced Bunting 14
Pallas’s Reed Bunting 36

Sun. 14 Dec. 2014
Lesser Yangshan Island and Nanhui

Weather: 2°-9°C, sunny

Elaine and I noted 53 species on Lesser Yangshan Island and at Nanhui. Species of the day was 2 Oriental Stork at Pudong Nanhui Dongtan Wetland. The storks were standing amid a flock of 36 spoonbills, of which 2 were Black-faced Spoonbill. On Lesser Yangshan Island, Elaine and I found 2 Brown-eared Bulbul and 1 Greater Coucal. Naumann’s Thrush were finally being seen in substantial numbers, usually in the company of the more numerous Dusky Thrush. At Nanhui we saw 3 Barn Swallow and heard Reed Parrotbill. Most of the White Wagtail we saw were not the usually more numerous leucopsis but ocularis/lugens. We found a group of 15 taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail.

The distribution of taivana is “incompletely known” (Alström & Mild, Pipits and Wagtails). Those authors describe the winter range as extending from “southeastern China” (no province named, but the map [p. 311] is shaded no further north than Fujian) to the Moluccas. It’s likely that the birds in Shanghai (as well as those reported recently by Paul Holt at Yancheng, Jiangsu) are some of the northernmost taivana in the world right now.

The 2 Brown-eared Bulbul were hungry, excited, and nervous. I sound-recorded them screaming as they fed vigorously on berries in the tree near the Magic Outhouse. Later, I saw them receiving a none-too-warm welcome from the resident Light-vented Bulbul. Although Brown-eareds are half again as large as Light-venteds, the Light-venteds drove the Brown-eareds off.

Site 1. Garbage Dump Gully (30.641565, 122.062836) plus Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (30.638860, 122.060089) & Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (30.642243, 122.066940); 07:45-11:00

Spotted Dove: 2 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Greater Coucal: 1 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Long-tailed Shrike: 2 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Japanese Tit: 2 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Light-vented Bulbul: 25 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Brown-eared Bulbul: 2 amaurotis around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Bush warbler sp. : 1 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Zitting Cisticola: 2 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Plain Prinia: 4 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Pale Thrush: 7 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Naumann’s Thrush: 8 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Dusky Thrush: 13 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Daurian Redstart: 16 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Blue Rock Thrush: 3 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
White Wagtail: 1 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Olive-backed Pipit: 9 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Meadow Bunting: 5 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Little Bunting: 1 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Yellow-throated Bunting: 5 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14

Site 2. Temple Mount (30.639945, 122.048277; 11:05-11:55)

Long-tailed Shrike: 3 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Japanese Tit: 1 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Light-vented Bulbul: 10 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Plain Prinia: 1 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Pale Thrush: 4 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Naumann’s Thrush: 3 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Dusky Thrush: 1 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Daurian Redstart: 6 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Blue Rock Thrush: 2 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Eurasian Tree Sparrow: ca. 100 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Scaly-breasted Munia: 2 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Meadow Bunting: 2 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
Yellow-throated Bunting: 9 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14

Site 3. Sod Farm on Gǎnlǎn Lù (橄榄路), Nanhui, Pǔdōng (浦东), Shanghai (12:30-12:35)

Spotted Dove: 1 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14
Peregrine Falcon: 1 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14
Long-tailed Shrike: 1 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14
Crested Myna: 8 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14
White-cheeked Starling: 3 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14

Elaine and I drove to various places at Pudong Nanhui Dongtan Wetland. Hen Harrier was a highlight. They’re common enough in Shanghai in winter, but they usually see birders from afar off and steer clear. Today, 3 flew close, 1 particularly close (20-25 m). The Oriental Stork, Black-faced Spoonbill, and 34 Eurasian Spoonbill were standing at ca. 30.928047, 121.963766. The ducks we saw at that spot were Eurasian Wigeon, Mallard, Eastern Spot-billed Duck, and Eurasian Teal.

Site 4. Pudong Nanhui Dongtan Wetland (Pǔdōng Nánhuì Dōngtān Shīdì [浦东南汇东滩湿地]): Nanhui, Pǔdōng (浦东), Shanghai (30.920507, 121.973159 [corner of Shìjìtáng Lù (世纪塘路) & main access road leading inland]); 12:45-16:50

Eurasian Wigeon: 6 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Mallard: 8 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Eastern Spot-billed Duck: 51 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Eurasian Teal: 10 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Common Pheasant: 2 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Little Grebe: 35 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Oriental Stork: 2 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Eurasian Spoonbill: 34 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Black-faced Spoonbill: 2 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Black-crowned Night Heron: 2 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Grey Heron: 54 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Great Egret: 31 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Little Egret: 1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Great Cormorant: 21 (incl. flock of 18) at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Hen Harrier: 3 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Common Moorhen: 3 (1 heard only) at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Eurasian Coot: 13 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Northern Lapwing: 22 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Common Snipe: 6 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Common Greenshank: 22 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove): 20 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Long-tailed Shrike: 7 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Barn Swallow: 3 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Bush Warbler sp.: 1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Plain Prinia: 4 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Vinous-throated Parrotbill: ca. 30 (2 flocks) heard at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Reed Parrotbill: ca. 10 (flock) heard at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Pale Thrush: 1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Dusky Thrush: 3 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Daurian Redstart: 5 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Eastern Yellow Wagtail: 15 taivana at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
White Wagtail: 10 (7 ocularis/lugens) at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Buff-bellied Pipit: 1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Water Pipit: 1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Chestnut-eared Bunting: 1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
Pallas’s Reed Bunting: 40 (2 flocks) at Nanhui on 2014-12-14

Tues. 16 Dec. 2014

Weather: 1°-6°C, sunny

Elaine and I went birdwatching at The Bund (Wàitān [外滩]), the famous promenade along the Huangpu River in Shanghai. We had long known that The Bund is a good place to watch gulls, and we were not surprised to find 175 Vega Gull. More surprising was the superb inner-city parkland at the nearby Former Consulate-General of the United Kingdom. In that quiet space amid the bustle of the city, we found Japanese Tit and Pallas’s Leaf Warbler.

Site 1. Around Huangpu Park & Former Consulate-General of the United Kingdom (Yīngguó Lǐngshìguǎn Jí Lǐngshì Guāndǐ [英国领事馆及领事官邸]); 31.241578, 121.490811 (Huangpu Park); 14:20-16:00

Little Egret 7
Vega Gull 175
Spotted Dove 3
Japanese Tit 2
Light-vented Bulbul 50
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 1
Chinese Blackbird 2
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 4

Thurs. 18 Dec. 2014
Chongming Island

Weather: 1°-9° C, sunny

As Elaine and I were driving out to Chongming, suddenly I felt ill. I had food poisoning. Though weakened, I managed to complete the drive out to Chongming. Species count was low, because I had to rest in the car for long periods. We could not drive atop the sea wall, because it’s unpaved and my stomach couldn’t take the shaking. We noted 38 species.

Around Chongming Dongtan National Bird Sanctuary and Nature Reserve (Chóngmíng Dōngtān Niǎolèi Guójiājí Zìrán Bǎohùqū [崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区], Chongming Island, Shanghai, China (31.510109, 121.961955); 09:00-15:00

Eastern Spot-billed Duck 1
Common Pheasant 5
Little Grebe 2
Black-crowned Night Heron 9
Grey Heron 3
Little Egret 6
Great Cormorant 20
Hen Harrier 1
White-breasted Waterhen 2
Common Moorhen 2
Kentish Plover 1
Common Snipe 5
Temminck’s Stint 7
Dunlin 35
Spotted Dove 2 (1 heard only)
Eurasian Hoopoe 1
Long-tailed Shrike 6
Chinese Grey Shrike 1
Eurasian Magpie 6
Light-vented Bulbul 25
Plain Prinia 2
Vinous-throated Parrotbill 20
Crested Myna 10
White-cheeked Starling 10
Pale Thrush 1
Red-flanked Bluetail 1
Daurian Redstart 12
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 200
Scaly-breasted Munia 2
White Wagtail 3
Olive-backed Pipit 2
Buff-bellied Pipit 1
Brambling 15
Chestnut-eared Bunting 2
Rustic Bunting 1
Yellow-throated Bunting 1
Black-faced Bunting 1
Pallas’s Reed Bunting 2

Tues. 23 Dec. 2014
Chongming Island

Weather: 4°-13°C, sunny

Elaine and I noted 58 species. We observed the mixed flock of Hooded Crane and Common Crane. The flock of Ruddy Shelduck were closer to the sea wall, allowing us close views. We added Marsh Sandpiper to our winter list. After finishing, we drove to Yancheng.

Around Chongming Dongtan National Bird Sanctuary and Nature Reserve (Chóngmíng Dōngtān Niǎolèi Guójiājí Zìrán Bǎohùqū [崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区], Chongming Island, Shanghai, China (31.510109, 121.961955); 08:50-16:50

Taiga/Tundra Bean Goose
Mallard 10
Eastern Spot-billed Duck 405
Eurasian Teal 13
Common Merganser 7
Ruddy Shelduck 27
Common Pheasant 10 (2 heard only)
Little Grebe 12
Eurasian Spoonbill 1
Black-crowned Night Heron 2
Grey Heron 67
Great Egret 17
Little Egret 24
White-breasted Waterhen 3
Common Moorhen 22
Eurasian Coot 38
Hooded Crane
Common Crane 25
Grey Plover 8
Kentish Plover 20
Common Snipe 3
Eurasian Curlew 2
Spotted Redshank 1
Marsh Sandpiper 1
Common Sandpiper 3
Dunlin 170
Vega Gull ca. 200
Spotted Dove 19
Eurasian Hoopoe 4
Common Kestrel 2
Peregrine Falcon 1
Long-tailed Shrike 25
Chinese Grey Shrike 1
Eurasian Magpie 30
Skylark sp. ca. 300
Light-vented Bulbul 36
Zitting Cisticola 2
Plain Prinia 4 (1 heard only)
Vinous-throated Parrotbill 60
Crested Myna 2
White-cheeked Starling 4
Pale Thrush 7
Naumann’s Thrush 4
Dusky Thrush 9
Red-flanked Bluetail 1
Daurian Redstart 18
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 1600
Eastern Yellow Wagtail 1 taivana
White Wagtail 9 (1 lugens/ocularis)
Richard’s Pipit 1
Buff-bellied Pipit 28
Water Pipit 3
Brambling 101 (incl. flock of ca. 100)
Chestnut-eared Bunting 6
Little Bunting 1
Rustic Bunting 7
Black-faced Bunting 7
Pallas’s Reed Bunting 1

Wed. 24 Dec. 2014

Weather: -1° to 9°C, a little hazy

Following a report from Paul Holt, Elaine and I looked for Water Rail at Crane Paradise. The ornamental pond contained many interesting birds, some of them (Baikal Teal, Great White Pelican, Dalmatian Pelican) obviously captive, others (such as the pair of Northern Shoveler that flew in) possibly wild. All the Baikal Teal we saw were missing their primaries. In the area reserved for the captive Oriental Stork, we saw a Chinese Pond Heron. Common Crane was represented by a single captive in a pen and ca. 500 of its wild cousins flying over the nearby marshes. The captive Sarus Crane and Siberian Crane were impressive sights.

Site 1. Crane Paradise (Hè Lèyuán [鹤乐园]), Yancheng, Jiangsu, China (33.600960, 120.507412); 09:50-16:50

Swan Goose 54 (captive)
Taiga Bean Goose or Tundra Bean Goose 3 (captive)
Greylag Goose 1 (captive)
Bar-headed Goose 16 (captive)
Black Swan 8 (captive)
Mute Swan 4 (captive)
Whooper Swan 15 (captive)
Common Shelduck 15 (captive)
Ruddy Shelduck 1 (captive)
Mandarin Duck 3
Mallard 153
Eastern Spot-billed Duck 46
Northern Shoveler 4
Northern Pintail 9
Baikal Teal 18 (captive)
Eurasian Teal 5
Common Merganser 19
Common Pheasant 1
Little Grebe 5
Oriental Stork 12 (captive)
Chinese Pond Heron 1
Grey Heron 4
Great Egret 1
Little Egret 15
Great White Pelican 5 (captive)
Dalmatian Pelican 1 (captive)
Great Cormorant 5
Common Moorhen 1
Eurasian Coot 160
Siberian Crane 1 (captive)
Sarus Crane 1 (captive)
Red-crowned Crane 12 (captive)
Common Crane 501 (1 captive & wild flock of ca. 500)
Black-winged Stilt 37
Common Snipe 1
Common Redshank 1
Common Greenshank 1
Vega Gull 2
Spotted Dove 6
Common Kestrel 1
Azure-winged Magpie 14
Eurasian Magpie 7
Japanese Tit 1
Light-vented Bulbul 4
White-cheeked Starling 7
Chinese Blackbird 6
Daurian Redstart 2
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 40
Rustic Bunting 1
Black-faced Bunting 2

Thurs. 25 Dec. 2014

At Crane Paradise Elaine and I found 5 Water Rail. Later, at a spot 11.4 km S of Crane Paradise, we found 1 adult-winter Pallas’s Gull. A few days before our arrival, Paul Holt reported Pallas’s at Yancheng. We scanned the large roosts of Vega Gull closely, looking for anomalies. When we saw a large, long-headed gull with vestiges of the black hood, we knew we had our Pallas’s. A mainly Central Asian species, Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus is a vagrant to the China coast. After having seen so many captives at Crane Paradise, we were happy to see 11 wild Oriental Stork and 10 Red-crowned Crane. We found 4 Black-headed Gull; one was making the strident “kraar” call while flying in circles around a pond. We found 1 White’s Thrush, at Yancheng a bit N of its usual winter range. A constant roar came from the flock of 5700 Taiga or Tundra Bean Goose.

Weather: -2° to 7°C, sunny

Today’s partial list from Crane Paradise excludes the captive birds.

Site 1. Crane Paradise (Hè Lèyuán [鹤乐园]), Yancheng, Jiangsu, China (33.600960, 120.507412); 08:20-10:50

Common Pheasant 1
Water Rail 5 (1 heard only)
Common Moorhen 10
Vega Gull 1
Spotted Dove 2
Common Kingfisher 1
Eurasian Hoopoe 1
Light-vented Bulbul 7
Goldcrest 3
White-cheeked Starling 10
Chinese Blackbird 1

With Water Rail finally under our belt, Elaine and I drove S. We explored a pond near the Dafeng Seawall. We noted 36 species, among them the species noted above as well as Smew, Eurasian Spoonbill, and Reed Parrotbill. The drive back to Shanghai was smooth.

Site 2. Dafeng Seawall (Dàfēng Hǎidī [大丰海堤]), Yancheng, Jiangsu, China (33.514056, 120.530951; 11:25-15:00)

Taiga/Tundra Bean Goose 5700
Mallard 4
Eastern Spot-billed Duck 16
Eurasian Teal 48
Smew 3 (1 male)
Common Pheasant 6
Little Grebe 3
Oriental Stork 11
Eurasian Spoonbill 16
Grey Heron 9
Great Egret 2
Little Egret 3
Great Cormorant 8
Red-crowned Crane 10
Common Crane 3
Pied Avocet 1
Common Snipe 1
Common Redshank 1
Common Sandpiper 1
Black-headed Gull 4
Pallas’s Gull 1
Vega Gull 87
Oriental Turtle Dove 2
Spotted Dove 1
Common Kingfisher 1 heard
Eurasian Hoopoe 2
Long-tailed Shrike 4
Eurasian Magpie 60
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 20 (flock) heard
Reed Parrotbill ca. 10 (flock) heard
White’s Thrush 1
Chinese Blackbird 2
Pale Thrush 1
Daurian Redstart 5
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 18
White Wagtail 1 ocularis

Fri. 2 Jan. 2015
Lesser Yangshan Island and Nanhui

Weather: At dawn, the temperature was -4°C; at noon, 9°C. Sunny, hazy. Light breeze.

Elaine and I noted 56 species. At Garbage Dump Gully on Lesser Yangshan, we found a pair of Brown-eared Bulbul. At Nanhui, 7 Oriental Stork were in the pond just N of the Magic Parking Lot, accompanied by 21 Eurasian Spoonbill. Ducks were strangely few at Nanhui, but 2 Ruddy Shelduck livened up the mix. We saw 1 Western Osprey at Nanhui, and on Lesser Yangshan we had 3 Large-billed Crow. We continued our streak of sightings of taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail. We gave the ca. 200 Pallas’s Reed Bunting close scrutiny and saw nothing to indicate that any Common Reed Bunting were present. We found 4 Chestnut-eared Bunting in their usual place in the line of trees between the sea-wall road and the marshes.

Today’s Brown-eared Bulbul may be the same individuals that we saw 14 Dec. On that day, the bulbuls had probably just arrived. They seemed confused, disoriented, hungry. Little Light-vented Bulbul were chasing them away. Today, the 2 Brown-eared obviously knew their way around the Gully, & the Light-vented Bulbul weren’t bullying them at all. The bulbuls and Naumann’s Thrush, Dusky Thrush, and Pale Thrush were drawn to the tiny pond in the middle of the Gully. I studied the White Wagtail to the level of “ocularis/lugens” but performed no further analysis.

Site 1. Lesser Yangshan Island, including Garbage Dump Gully (30.641565, 122.062836), Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (30.638860, 122.060089), Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (30.642243, 122.066940), & Temple Mount (30.639945, 122.048277); 07:30-12:10

Eastern Buzzard 1
Common Kestrel 1
Long-tailed Shrike 11
Eurasian Magpie 3
Large-billed Crow 3
Japanese Tit 7
Light-vented Bulbul 30
Brown-eared Bulbul 2 amaurotis
Bush Warbler sp. 1
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 1 heard
Plain Prinia 1
Pale Thrush 15
Naumann’s Thrush 9
Dusky Thrush 5
Daurian Redstart 23
Blue Rock Thrush 6
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 15
White Wagtail 6
Olive-backed Pipit 17
Meadow Bunting 6 (3 pairs)
Little Bunting 1
Yellow-throated Bunting 17
Black-faced Bunting 2

Site 2. Around Pudong Nanhui Dongtan Wetland (Pǔdōng Nanhui Dōngtān Shīdì [浦东南汇东滩湿地]), Shanghai, China (30.920507, 121.973159); list includes birds found at Magic Parking Lot (30.882784, 121.972782). 12:40-17:00

Ruddy Shelduck 2
Mallard 1 heard
Eastern Spot-billed Duck 22
Eurasian Teal 2
Little Grebe 65
Great Crested Grebe 7
Oriental Stork 7
Eurasian Spoonbill 21
Eurasian Bittern 1
Black-crowned Night Heron 32
Grey Heron 48
Great Egret 27
Little Egret 14
Great Cormorant 12
Western Osprey 1
Common Moorhen 1 heard
Eurasian Coot 40
Northern Lapwing 2
Kentish Plover 18
Common Greenshank 7
Dunlin 247 (flock)
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) 1
Spotted Dove 1
Long-tailed Shrike 14
Chinese Penduline Tit 5
Zitting Cisticola 4
Plain Prinia 28
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 90 (3 flocks)
Reed Parrotbill ca. 30 (2 flocks, heard only)
Crested Myna 8
Daurian Redstart 6
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 350
Eastern Yellow Wagtail 7 taivana
White Wagtail 10 (6 ocularis/lugens)
Buff-bellied Pipit 9
Water Pipit 5
Little Bunting 2
Chestnut-eared Bunting 4
Pallas’s Reed Bunting ca. 200

Tues. 6 Jan 2015

A quick walk through Zhongshan Park netted me views of Black-throated Bushtit.

Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]), urban green space 6 km W of People’s Square in Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai, China (31.221888, 121.420066); 14:35-15:40

Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) 8
Spotted Dove 2
Long-tailed Shrike 1
Japanese Tit 3
Light-vented Bulbul ca. 35
Black-throated Bushtit 11 (flock)
White’s Thrush 1
Chinese Blackbird 8
Pale Thrush 3
Red-flanked Bluetail 1
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 25
White Wagtail 2

Sun. 25 Jan. 2015

Weather: 14°C, overcast with drizzle

After a two-week trip to northeast China, Elaine and I returned to Century Park. Jan-Erik Nilsen joined us. We noted 33 species, among them 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, a first for me at the inner-city park. Other highlights: 235 Dusky Thrush/Naumann’s Thrush (35 identified to species level), 60 Pale Thrush, and 50 Chinese Grosbeak. An adult-male Red-flanked Bluetail is always a notable sight in Shanghai. We saw a lugens White Wagtail.

Jan-Erik is a Swedish birder living in Beijing. He accompanied Brian Ivon Jones and me on our trip to Qinghai last year. Jan-Erik was captivated by the numbers of species and individual birds at Century compared to Beijing city parks in winter. Jan-Erik’s bird of the day was 1 White’s Thrush, not rare in winter here, but a species Jan-Erik loves. 10 Grey-backed Thrush were a lifer for Jan-Erik.

The second of our 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker was on Bird Island and required effort and patience to view. The drumming attracted us, but the bird was hidden amid the many broadleaved evergreen trees. Bird Island is surrounded by a deep moat, and there is no bridge.

We might have identified more of the Dusky/Naumann’s to species level, but the grey sky made colors hard to make out. Both species often perch on the crowns of trees, unlike Pale Thrush and Grey-backed Thrush, which usually perch lower.

Constantly improving her birding skills, Elaine pointed out the male Red-flanked Bluetail and was the first to distinguish Oriental Turtle Dove feeding amid Spotted Dove on Bird Island.

Site 1. Century Park, Shanghai (08:10-12:20)

Little Grebe 5
Little Egret 7
Common Moorhen 15
Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove) ca. 10 mixed in w. captive pigeons
Oriental Turtle Dove 8
Spotted Dove 24 (2 heard only)
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 males
Long-tailed Shrike 4
Azure-winged Magpie ca. 75
Japanese Tit 6
Light-vented Bulbul ca. 400
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler 9 (1 heard only)
Vinous-throated Parrotbill ca. 21 (flock of ca. 20 heard only)
Goldcrest 4
Crested Myna 20
Red-billed Starling 19
White-cheeked Starling 12
White’s Thrush 1
Grey-backed Thrush 10
Chinese Blackbird ca. 200
Pale Thrush ca. 60
Naumann’s Thrush 10
Dusky Thrush 25
Naumann’s/Dusky Thrush ca. 200
Red-flanked Bluetail 15 (1 ad. male)
Daurian Redstart 5 (4 males, 1 female)
Eurasian Tree Sparrow ca. 50
White Wagtail 9 (1 lugens)
Olive-backed Pipit 5 heard
Brambling 19 (flock)
Chinese Grosbeak ca. 50
Grey-capped Greenfinch ca. 10 heard
Yellow-throated Bunting 4
Black-faced Bunting 6

Systematic List of Birds Noted Around Shanghai, China, 4 Sept. 2014 to 25 Jan. 2015

Anseriformes: Anatidae

Swan Goose
鸿雁 (hóngyàn)
Anser cygnoides

1 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
54 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Taiga Bean Goose or Tundra Bean Goose
豆雁 (dòuyàn) / 短嘴豆雁 (duǎnzuǐ dòuyàn)
Anser fabalis or A. serrirostris

37 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
105 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
105 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
3 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
5700 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Greylag Goose
灰雁 (huīyàn)
Anser anser

1 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Bar-headed Goose
斑头雁 (bāntóu yàn)
Anser indicus

16 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Black Swan
黑天鹅 (hēi tiān’é)
Cygnus atratus

8 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Mute Swan
疣鼻天鹅 (yóubí tiān’é)
Cygnus olor

4 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Whooper Swan
大天鹅 (dà tiān’é)
Cygnus cygnus

15 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Common Shelduck
翘鼻麻鸭 (qiàobí máyā)
Tadorna tadorna

15 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Ruddy Shelduck
赤麻鸭 (chì máyā)
Tadorna ferruginea

17 (flock) on Chongming on 2014-12-11
27 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
2 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Mandarin Duck
鸳鸯 (yuānyāng)
Aix galericulata

3 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Eurasian Wigeon
赤颈鸭 (chìjǐng yā)
Anas penelope

25 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
37 (2 flocks) on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
6 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14

绿头鸭 (lǜtóu yā)
Anas platyrhynchos

1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
13 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
13 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
8 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
10 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
153 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
4 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
1 heard at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Eastern Spot-billed Duck
斑嘴鸭 (bānzuǐyā)
Anas zonorhyncha

2 flying over Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
1 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
3 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
23 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
38 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
2 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
79 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
ca. 183 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
51 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
405 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
46 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
16 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
22 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Northern Shoveler
琵嘴鸭 (pízuǐ yā)
Anas clypeata

35 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
8 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
10 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
2 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Northern Pintail
针尾鸭 (zhēnwěi yā)
Anas acuta

ca. 200 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
9 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Baikal Teal
花脸鸭 (huāliǎn yā)
Anas formosa

2 (pair) on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
18 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Eurasian Teal
绿翅鸭 (lǜchì yā)
Anas crecca

22 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04
40 on Hengsha on 2014-11-03
52 on Hengsha on 2014-11-03
13 (flock) on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
7 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
13 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
5 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
48 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
2 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

白秋沙鸭 (bái qiūshāyā)
Mergellus albellus

3 (1 male) at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Common Merganser
普通秋沙鸭 (pǔtōng qiūshāyā)
Mergus merganser

17 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
19 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Galliformes: Phasianidae

Japanese Quail
日本鹌鹑 (rìběn ānchún)
Coturnix japonica

1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-11

Common Pheasant
雉鸡 (zhìjī)
Phasianus colchicus

2 near observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
3 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 along sea-wall road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
2 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
5 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
10 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
6 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Podicipediformes: Podicipedidae

Little Grebe
小䴙䴘 (xiǎo pìtī)
Tachybaptus ruficollis

14 in pond S of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
7 in ponds N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
11 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
20 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
5 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
35 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
8 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
ca. 60 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
5 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
10 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
2 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
3 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
1 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
30 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
24 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
4 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
9 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
6 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
5 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
40 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
27 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
35 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
12 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
5 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
3 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
65 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
5 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Great Crested Grebe
凤头䴙䴘 (fèngtóu pìtī)
Podiceps cristatus

3 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
3 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
7 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Ciconiiformes: Ciconiidae

Oriental Stork
东方白鹳 (dōngfāng báiguàn)
Ciconia boyciana

2 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
12 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
11 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
7 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Pelecaniformes: Threskiornithidae

Eurasian Spoonbill
白琵鹭 (bái pílù)
Platalea leucorodia

2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
5 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
34 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
16 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
21 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Black-faced Spoonbill
黑脸琵鹭 (hēiliǎn pílù)
Platalea minor

1 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
2 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14

Pelecaniformes: Pelecanidae

Great White Pelican
白鹈鹕 (bái tíhú)
Pelecanus onocrotalus

5 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Dalmation Pelican
卷羽鹈鹕 (juǎnyǔ tíhú)
Pelecanus crispus

1 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Pelecaniformes: Ardeidae

Eurasian Bittern
大麻鳽 (dà máyán)
Botaurus stellaris

3 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
2 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
1 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Yellow Bittern
黄苇鳽 (huáng wěiyán)
Ixobrychus sinensis

1 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 flew past roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
2 flew past roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30

Black-crowned Night Heron
夜鹭 (yè lù)
Nycticorax nycticorax

1 on S305 W of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
6 in pond & flying over fish pond near sea wall 1 km S of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
1 juv. along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
14 flying over small wood at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
29 (flock) on utility wires near Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 juv. at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
6 (4 juvs., 2 adults) on Suzhou Creek (near Changfeng Park, Shanghai) on 2014-10-22
13 (11 juvs., 2 adults) at Century Park on 2014-10-23
6 near Magic Parking Lot on 2014-10-25
6 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 heard on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
1 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
8 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
2 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
9 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
32 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Striated Heron
绿鹭 (lǜ lù)
Butorides striata

1 on sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05

Chinese Pond Heron
池鹭 (chílù)
Ardeola bacchus

1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 in breeding plumage along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
6 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Eastern Cattle Egret
牛背鹭 (niúbèi lù)
Bubulcus coromandus

37 on shoulder of road along S305 W of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
1 on shoulder of road near factories in Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
7 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
24 on shoulder of road and in drainage canal S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
8 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
4 at Sod Farm on 2014-09-21

Grey Heron
苍鹭 (cāng lù)
Ardea cinerea

2 in flight above pond near sea wall 1 km S of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
1 flying over mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
8 around ponds along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
4 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
21 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
2 near roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
9 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
5 near roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
6 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 flying overhead at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
5 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
16 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
20 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
9 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
9 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
65 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
52 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
24 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
1 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
36 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
21 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
54 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
3 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
67 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
4 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
9 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
48 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Purple Heron
草鹭 (cǎo lù)
Ardea purpurea

2 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03

Great Egret
大白鹭 (dàbáilù)
Ardea alba

3 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
2 along sea-wall road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 near roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 flying overhead at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
2 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
8 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
32 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
25 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
5 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
17 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
22 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
8 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
31 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
17 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
2 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
27 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Intermediate Egret
中白鹭 (zhōng báilù)
Ardea intermedia

2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10

Little Egret
白鹭 (báilù)
Egretta garzetta

4 in marshy farmland along S225 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
10 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
1 flying over mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
7 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 in marshy area visible from observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
17 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
3 near roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 70 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
4 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 near roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
27 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
5 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
6 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
5 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
16 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
15 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
1 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
ca. 135 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
15 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
40 (flock) at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
2 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
6 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
75 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
70 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
4 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
53 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
1 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
1 flying over Suzhou Creek near Changfeng Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-02
3 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
69 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
55 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
7 around Huangpu Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-16
6 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
24 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
15 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
3 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
14 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
7 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Suliformes: Phalacrocoracidae

Great Cormorant
普通鸬鹚 (pǔtōng lúcí)
Phalacrocorax carbo

1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
21 (incl. flock of 18) at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
20 (flock) on Chongming on 2014-12-18
5 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
8 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
12 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Accipitriformes: Pandionidae

Western Osprey
鹗 (è)
Pandion haliaetus

1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
1 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Accipitriformes: Accipitridae

Black-winged Kite
黑翅鸢 (hēichì yuān)
Elanus caeruleus

1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
2 (pair) along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-01
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-11

Crested Honey Buzzard
凤头蜂鹰 (fèngtóu fēngyīng)
Pernis ptilorhynchus

1 orientalis on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19

Chinese Sparrowhawk
赤腹鹰 (chìfù yīng)
Accipiter soloensis

1 juv. on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20

Eurasian Sparrowhawk
雀鹰 (quèyīng)
Accipiter nisus

1 female at Century Park on 2014-10-28

Eastern Marsh Harrier
白腹鹞 (báifù yào)
Circus spilonotus

3 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
2 juv. males on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-11

Hen Harrier
白尾鹞 (báiwěi yào)
Circus cyaneus

5 (1 adult male) on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
3 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18

Black Kite
黑鸢 (hēi yuān)
Milvus migrans

1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11

Eastern Buzzard
普通鵟 (pǔtōng kuáng)
Buteo japonicus

1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
2 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
1 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
1 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02

Gruiformes: Rallidae

Water Rail
西方秧鸡 (xīfāng yāngjī)
Rallus aquaticus

5 (1 heard only) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25

White-breasted Waterhen
白胸苦恶鸟 (báixiōng kǔ’ě’niǎo)
Amaurornis phoenicurus

1 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
3 on Chongming on 2014-12-23

Common Moorhen
黑水鸡 (hēi shuǐjī)
Gallinula chloropus

6 in ponds along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
15 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 juv. at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
17 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
18 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
19 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
5 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
4 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
7 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
4 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
32 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
14 (4 heard only) on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
6 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
15 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
49 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
15 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
3 (1 heard only) at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
22 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
10 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
1 heard at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
15 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Eurasian Coot
骨顶鸡 (gǔdǐng jī)
Fulica atra

320 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
180 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
360 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
ca. 430 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
25 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
13 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
38 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
160 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
40 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Gruiformes: Gruidae

Siberian Crane
白鹤 (bái hè)
Grus leucogeranus

1 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Sarus Crane
赤颈鹤 (chìjǐng hè)
Grus antigone

1 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Red-crowned Crane
丹顶鹤 (dāndǐng hè)
Grus japonensis

12 (captive) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
10 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Common Crane
灰鹤 (huī hè)
Grus grus

25 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
25 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
501 (1 captive & wild flock of ca. 500) at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
3 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Hooded Crane
白头鹤 (báitóu hè)
Grus monacha

105 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
105 on Chongming on 2014-12-23

Charadriiformes: Recurvirostridae

Black-winged Stilt
黑翅长脚鹬 (hēichì chángjiǎoyù)
Himantopus himantopus

1 flying over narrow channel near Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
7 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
10 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
10 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
12 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
37 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Pied Avocet
反嘴鹬 (fǎnzuǐ yù)
Recurvirostra avosetta

4 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
1 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Charadriiformes: Charadriidae

Northern Lapwing
凤头麦鸡 (fèngtóu màijī)
Vanellus vanellus

1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
51 (flock of 50, 1 single) on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
65 (flock) on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
21 (flock) on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
22 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
2 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Grey-headed Lapwing
灰头麦鸡 (huītóu màijī)
Vanellus cinereus

1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30

Grey Plover
灰斑鸻 (huībān héng)
Pluvialis squatarola

22 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
3 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
49 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 60 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
15 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
ca. 70 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06
14 (flock) on Chongming on 2014-12-11
8 on Chongming on 2014-12-23

Little Ringed Plover
金眶鸻 (jīnkuàng héng)
Charadrius dubius

2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-11

Kentish Plover
环颈鸻 (huánjǐng héng)
Charadrius alexandrinus

ca. 450 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
15 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
92 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 100 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
5 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
113 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06
7 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
4 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
3 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
2 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
20 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
18 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Lesser Sand Plover
蒙古沙鸻 (měnggǔ shāhéng)
Charadrius mongolus

63 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
6 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
34 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06

Greater Sand Plover
铁嘴沙鸻 (tiězuǐ shāhéng)
Charadrius leschenaultii

7 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
130 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
15 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
115 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06

Greater Sand Plover or Lesser Sand Plover
蒙古沙鸻 (měnggǔ shāhéng) / 铁嘴沙鸻 (tiězuǐ shāhéng)
Charadrius mongolus or Charadrius leschenaultii

ca. 270 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05. Given the speed with which the tide was receding and the fluidity of the situation, Elaine and I did not attempt to distinguish between Greater and Lesser Sand Plover.
ca. 1230 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09. Given the speed with which the tide was receding and the fluidity of the situation, Elaine and I did not attempt to distinguish between Greater and Lesser Sand Plover.

Charadriiformes: Scolopacidae

Eurasian Woodcock
丘鹬 (qiū yù)
Scolopax rusticola

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03

Pin-tailed Snipe or Swinhoe’s Snipe
针尾沙锥 (zhēnwěi shāzhuī) / 大沙锥 (dà shāzhuī)
Gallinago stenura or G. megala

8 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.). I got good looks and photos of 2 individuals, both of which were clearly “Swintails.”

Common Snipe
扇尾沙锥 (shānwěi shāzhuī)
Gallinago gallinago

2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
6 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
29 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
3 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
9 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
2 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
6 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
5 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
3 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
1 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

? Snipe
?沙锥 (? shāzhuī)
Gallinago ?

1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (a.m.)
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
2 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07

Black-tailed Godwit
黑尾塍鹬 (hēiwěi chéngyù)
Limosa limosa

6 flying over mudlfats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11

Bar-tailed Godwit
斑尾塍鹬 (bānwěi chéngyù)
Limosa lapponica

23 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
47 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 80 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
17 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 baueri flying over mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
7 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04

中杓鹬 (zhōng sháoyù)
Numenius phaeopus

1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06

Eurasian Curlew
白腰杓鹬 (báiyāo sháoyù)
Numenius arquata

204 (flock) flying over sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
325 (flock) flying over sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
9 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 130 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
35 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
4 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-23

Far Eastern Curlew
大杓鹬 (dà sháoyù)
Numenius madagascariensis

1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
32 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 90 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
12 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
59 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11

Spotted Redshank
鹤鹬 (hè yù)
Tringa erythropus

8 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
12 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Common Redshank
红脚鹬 (hóngjiǎo yù)
Tringa totanus

1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
8 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
8 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
1 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Spotted Redshank or Common Redshank
鹤鹬 (hè yù) / 红脚鹬 (hóngjiǎo yù)
Tringa erythropus or T. totanus

1 juv. on Hengsha on 2014-12-07. Bright orange legs dangling behind.

Marsh Sandpiper
泽鹬 (zé yù)
Tringa stagnatilis

1 in pond near sea wall 1 km S of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
1 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
5 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
4 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
5 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
3 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
4 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-23

Common Greenshank
青脚鹬 (qīngjiǎo yù)
Tringa nebularia

3 heard calling from mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
3 heard calling from nearby mudflats at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
7 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
3 heard on mudflats near observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
2 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 heard along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 heard at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-11
1 heard at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
2 heard at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
2 on sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-30
1 heard on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
1 heard at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
1 heard at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
14 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
3 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
13 (3 heard only) on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
36 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
17 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
3 (1 heard only) on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
3 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
22 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
7 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Nordmann’s Greenshank
小青脚鹬 (xiǎo qīngjiǎoyù)
Tringa guttifer

7 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
2 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-03
10 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04

Wood Sandpiper
林鹬 (lín yù)
Tringa glareola

5 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
6 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
1 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18

Grey-tailed Tattler
灰尾漂鹬 (huīwěi piāoyù)
Tringa brevipes

6 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
3 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
35 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 250 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
3 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
19 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 on sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02

Terek Sandpiper
翘嘴鹬 (qiáozuǐ yù)
Xenus cinereus

16 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
3 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
89 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 180 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
4 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
89 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
ca. 40 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06

Common Sandpiper
矶鹬 (jī yù)
Actitis hypoleucos

1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
4 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
2 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
1 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
1 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
3 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
3 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
1 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Ruddy Turnstone
翻石鹬 (fānshí yù)
Arenaria interpres

16 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
4 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
4 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
66 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 170 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
37 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11

Great Knot
大滨鹬 (dà bīnyù)
Calidris tenuirostris

3 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
10 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 120 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
45 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-03
ca. 20 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04

三趾滨鹬 (sānzhǐ bīnyù)
Calidris alba

20 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
30 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 130 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
58 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06

Red-necked Stint
红颈滨鹬 (hóngjǐng bīnyù)
Calidris ruficollis

39 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
12 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
6 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
56 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 240 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
3 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
12 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
52 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
8 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
7 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
7 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06
3 on Chongming on 2014-10-18

Curlew Sandpiper
弯嘴滨鹬 (wānzuǐ bīnyù)
Calidris ferruginea

3 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06
2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02

Temminck’s Stint
青脚滨鹬 (qīngjiǎo bīnyù)
Calidris temminckii

2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
7 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
7 on Chongming on 2014-12-18

Long-toed Stint
长趾滨鹬 (chángzhǐ bīnyù)
Calidris subminuta

1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
6 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
尖尾滨鹬 (jiānwěi bīnyù)
Calidris acuminata

1 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10

黑腹滨鹬 (hēifù bīnyù)
Calidris alpina

ca. 600 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
186 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 700 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
18 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
136 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
ca. 20 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06
78 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
120 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
39 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
35 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
170 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
247 (flock) at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Spoon-billed Sandpiper
勺嘴鹬 (sháozuǐ yù)
Calidris pygmea

9 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-14
2 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-03
1 at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
2 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06
1 at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06

Broad-billed Sandpiper
阔嘴鹬 (kuòzuǐ yù)
Limicola falcinellus

27 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
65 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 210 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
6 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
present at roosting site inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06

Red-necked Phalarope
红颈瓣蹼鹬 (hóngjǐng bànpǔyù)
Phalaropus lobatus

37 (flock) at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
37 (flock) at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08. No change in number from yesterday.
9 (flock) at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
4 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03

Charadriiformes: Laridae

Black-headed Gull
红嘴鸥 (hóngzuǐ ōu)
Chroicocephalus ridibundus

4 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Saunders’s Gull
黑嘴鸥 (hēizuǐ ōu)
Chroicocephalus saundersi

18 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
13 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
7 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
34 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 140 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
1 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
9 at roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 on sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-30

Pallas’s Gull
渔鸥 (yú ōu)
Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus

1 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Vega Gull
西伯利亚银鸥 (xībólìyà yín’ōu)
Larus vegae vegae or L. v. mongolicus

1 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 near unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
3 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
120 (110 in 1 flock) on Chongming on 2014-12-11
175 around Huangpu Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-16
ca. 200 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
2 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
87 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Black-tailed Gull
黑尾鸥 (hēiwěi ōu)
Larus crassirostris

5 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05

Gull-billed Tern
鸥嘴噪鸥 (ōuzuǐ zào’ōu)
Gelochelidon nilotica

3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04

Caspian Tern
红嘴巨鸥 (hóngzuǐ jù’ōu)
Hydroprogne caspia

3 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03

Common Tern
普通燕鸥 (pǔtōng yàn’ōu)
Sterna hirundo

2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
ca. 100 on pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
4 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
4 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30

Whiskered Tern
须浮鸥 (xū fú’ōu)
Chlidonias hybrida

2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08

White-winged Tern
白翅浮鸥 (báichì fú’ōu)
Chlidonias leucopterus

1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
3 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
4 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
ca. 170 on pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
13 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
4 (3 juvs., 1 adult) on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02

Columbiformes: Columbidae

Feral Pigeon (Rock Dove)
原鸽 (yuángē)
Columba livia

1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
4 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
4 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
ca. 30 (flock) near Changfeng Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-02
2 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
4 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
20 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
1 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
8 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
ca. 10 mixed in w. captive pigeons at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Oriental Turtle Dove
山斑鸠 (shān bānjiū)
Streptopelia orientalis

2 on utility wire on road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
2 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
5 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-01
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
4 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
10 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
1 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
2 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
8 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Red Turtle Dove
火斑鸠 (huǒ bānjiū)
Streptopelia tranquebarica

1 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03

Spotted Dove
珠颈斑鸠 (zhūjǐng bānjiū)
Spilopelia chinensis

3 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
6 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
3 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
3 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
1 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
7 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
9 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
7 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
5 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
6 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
3 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
1 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
1 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-21
12 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
15 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
10 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
3 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
7 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
12 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
7 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
8 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18
2 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
29 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
17 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
16 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
20 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
2 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
1 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14
3 around Huangpu Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-16
2 (1 heard only) on Chongming on 2014-12-18
19 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
6 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
2 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
1 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
24 (2 heard only) at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Cuculiformes: Cuculidae

Greater Coucal
褐翅鸦鹃 (hèchì yājuān)
Centropus sinensis

1 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14

? Cuckoo
?杜鹃 (? dùjuān)
Cuculus ?

Note: Five Cuculus cuckoos occur in China (Eurasian, Himalayan, Indian, Lesser, & Oriental); distinguishing among species during fall migration season, when the birds are silent, is highly difficult. What’s more, all Cuculus cuckoos noted on this trip were juveniles, making ID even more difficult.

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
6 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
8 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
4 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
8 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
4 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
6 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
12 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
11 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-11
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
7 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
13 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
6 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
11 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
1 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19

Strigiformes: Strigidae

Oriental Scops Owl
红角鸮 (hóng jiǎoxiāo)
Otus sunia

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-01
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)

Northern Boobook
鹰鸮 (yīngxiāo)
Ninox japonica

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11

Owl sp.

1 on Chongming on 2014-12-11

Caprimulgiformes: Caprimulgidae

Grey Nightjar
普通夜鹰 (pǔtōng yèyīng)
Caprimulgus jotaka

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)

Coraciiformes: Coraciidae

Oriental Dollarbird
三宝鸟 (sānbǎo niǎo)
Eurystomus orientalis

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20

Coraciiformes: Alcedinidae

Black-capped Kingfisher
蓝翡翠 (lán fěicuì)
Halcyon pileata

1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11

Common Kingfisher
普通翠鸟 (pǔtōng cuìniǎo)
Alcedo atthis

1 near observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
2 in ponds along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 on sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-30
5 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
2 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
2 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
1 heard at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Bucerotiformes: Upupidae

Eurasian Hoopoe
戴胜 (dàishèng)
Upupa epops

1 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05 (a.m. I)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
4 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
4 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
4 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
1 near Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
5 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
6 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
4 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
9 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
1 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
2 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
4 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
2 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25

Piciformes: Picidae

Eurasian Wryneck
蚁䴕 (yǐ liè)
Jynx torquilla

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18

Great Spotted Woodpecker
大斑啄木鸟 (dà bānzhuómùniǎo)
Dendrocopos major

2 males at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Falconiformes: Falconidae

Common Kestrel
红隼 (hóng sǔn)
Falco tinnunculus

1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
6 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 female on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-11
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-12
8 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
7 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
1 female on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
3 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02

Eurasian Hobby
燕隼 (yàn sǔn)
Falco subbuteo

7 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06

Peregrine Falcon
游隼 (yóusǔn)
Falco peregrinus

2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
1 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
1 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-23

Passeriformes: Pittidae

Fairy Pitta
仙八色鸫 (xiān bāsèdōng)
Pitta nympha

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)

Passeriformes: Campephagidae

Black-winged Cuckooshrike
暗灰鹃䴗 (ànhuī juānjú)
Coracina melaschistos

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (a.m.)
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20

Passeriformes: Laniidae

Bull-headed Shrike
牛头伯劳 (niútóu bóláo)
Lanius bucephalus

1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 juv. at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
1 adult on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-01
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)
2 juvs. on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
3 (1 adult, 2 juvs.) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-12
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-12
1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 juv. at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
2 (1 adult, 1 juv.) on Hengsha on 2014-11-04

Brown Shrike
红尾伯劳 (hóngwěi bóláo)
Lanius cristatus

7 juvs. & adults at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
3 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
2 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
2 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
3 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 juv. at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
2 (1 adult, 1 prob. the juv. from previous days) at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
1 adult at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
28 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
7 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
2 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11

Long-tailed Shrike
棕背伯劳 (zōngbèi bóláo)
Lanius schach

3 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
4 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05 (a.m. I)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
4 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
2 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
3 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
3 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
5 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
9 (3 heard only) along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 heard along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
2 on mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-11
3 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
6 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
9 S of Yangkou and along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
7 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
13 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
4 (1 juv., 3 adults) at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
4 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
5 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
13 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
2 (1 heard only) at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-12
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
1 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
9 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
9 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
1 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
2 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-21
4 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
1 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
1 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
3 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
2 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
1 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
3 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
1 heard at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
4 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
28 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
22 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
3 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
4 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
23 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
6 (1 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-11-30
4 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
4 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
28 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
17 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
2 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
3 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
1 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14
7 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
6 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
25 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
4 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
14 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
4 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Chinese Grey Shrike
楔尾伯劳 (xiēwěi bóláo)
Lanius sphenocercus sphenocercus

2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
1 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
3 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-23

Passeriformes: Oriolidae

Black-naped Oriole
黑枕黄鹂 (hēizhěn huánglí)
Oriolus chinensis

1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (a.m.)
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
10 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
3 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02

Passeriformes: Dicruridae

Black Drongo
黑卷尾 (hēi juǎnwěi)
Dicrurus macrocercus

3 on road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
2 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
2 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 near Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
8 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
2 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03

Ashy Drongo
灰卷尾 (huī juǎnwěi)
Dicrurus leucophaeus

2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03

Passeriformes: Monarchidae

Japanese Paradise Flycatcher
紫寿带 (zǐ shòudài)
Terpsiphone atrocaudata

1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)

Passeriformes: Corvidae

Azure-winged Magpie
灰喜鹊 (huī xǐquè)
Cyanopica cyanus

9 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
9 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
ca. 80 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
41 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
45 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
15 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
70 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
14 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
ca. 75 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Eurasian Magpie
喜鹊 (xǐquè)
Pica pica

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 on utility pylon S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
1 heard along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 heard along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 near Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
2 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
4 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
2 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
1 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
7 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
2 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
91 (2 heard only) on Chongming on 2014-12-11
6 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
30 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
7 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
60 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02

秃鼻乌鸦 (tūbí wūyā)
Corvus frugilegus

2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20

Large-billed Crow
大嘴乌鸦 (dàzuǐ wūyā)
Corvus macrorhynchos

2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02

Passeriformes: Paridae

Japanese Tit
远东山雀 (yuǎndōng shānquè)
Parus minor

3 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05 (a.m. I)
3 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
4 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-11
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
1 heard at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-09-20 (2nd session)
2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-09-20 (3rd session)
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
7 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
1 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
1 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
8 (5 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
5 (2 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
2 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
4 (3 heard only) at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
3 (1 heard only) in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
3 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
3 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
2 (1 heard only) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
2 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
4 (2 heard only) on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
2 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
2 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18
6 (1 heard only) in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
1 heard on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
4 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
6 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
6 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
2 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
1 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
2 around Huangpu Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-16
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
7 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
6 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Passeriformes: Remizidae

Chinese Penduline Tit
中华攀雀 (zhōnghuá pānquè)
Remiz consobrinus

72 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
ca. 140 (2 flocks) on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
ca. 140 (2 flocks) on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
5 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Passeriformes: Alaudidae

Eurasian Skylark
云雀 (yúnquè)
Alauda arvensis

6 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
26 at Sod Farm on 2014-09-21
1 near sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-10-05
2 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
8 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
ca. 100 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
90 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
38 (2 flocks) on Chongming on 2014-12-11

Eurasian Skylark or Oriental Skylark
云雀 (yúnquè) / 小云雀 (xiǎo yúnquè)
Alauda arvensis or A. gulgula

ca. 300 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
ca. 135 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
ca. 300 on Chongming on 2014-12-23

Passeriformes: Pycnonotidae

Light-vented Bulbul
白头鹎 (báitóu bēi)
Pycnonotus sinensis

15 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-05
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
5 (flock) at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (a.m.)
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
3 near Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
4 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-09-20 (1st session)
3 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-09-20
10 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-09-20 (3rd session)
7 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
13 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
3 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
2 heard at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
5 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
5 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
20 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-07
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
ca. 20 at various locations at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
25 (ca. 20 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
20 (ca. 14 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
21 (10 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
42 (ca. 20 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
4 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
38 (ca. 30 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
11 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
12 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
65 (ca. 58 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
26 (23 heard) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-21
48 (35 heard only) at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
19 (16 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-10-23
30 (ca. 25 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
17 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
9 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
8 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
4 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
35 (ca. 30 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
35 (ca. 30 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-10-28
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
25 (ca. 18 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
6 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
7 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
20 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
15 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
131 (101 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-11-30
95 (ca. 75 heard only) at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
25 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
10 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
16 (15 heard only) on Chongming on 2014-12-11
25 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
10 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
50 around Huangpu Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-16
25 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
36 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
4 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
7 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
30 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
ca. 35 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
ca. 400 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Brown-eared Bulbul
栗耳短脚鹎 (lì’ěr duǎnjiǎobēi)
Hypsipetes amaurotis

1 amaurotis on Chongming on 2014-12-11
2 amaurotis around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
2 amaurotis on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02

Passeriformes: Hirundinidae

Sand Martin or Pale Martin
崖沙燕 (yáshāyàn) / 淡色崖沙燕 (dànsè yáshāyàn)
Riparia riparia or R. diluta

20 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
ca. 200 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10

Barn Swallow
家燕 (jiā yàn)
Hirundo rustica

6 singles on S225 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
12 singles in flight along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
6 flying over mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05
2 flying over small wood at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
7 flying near road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
6 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
7 flying above mudflats & sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
18 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
7 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
15 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
3 flying over roost inside sea wall S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
12 flying over mudflats S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
10 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (a.m.)
6 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
10 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
11 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
25 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
15 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
7 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
8 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-12
ca. 85 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
ca. 35 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
ca. 30 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
3 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14

Red-rumped Swallow
金腰燕 (jīnyāo yàn)
Cecropis daurica

ca. 30 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
ca. 15 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11

Asian House Martin
烟腹毛脚燕 (yānfù máojiǎoyàn)
Delichon dasypus

3 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25

Swallow or Martin sp.

6 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07

Passeriformes: Locustellidae

Locustella warbler I

1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09 Possibles: Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler (L. certhiola), Lanceoloated Warbler (L. lanceolata).

Locustella warbler II

1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10. Possibly Gray’s Grasshopper Warbler (L. fasciolata), but Pleske’s Warbler (L. pleskei) cannot be discounted.

Passeriformes: Cettiidae

Japanese Bush Warbler or Manchurian Bush Warbler
日本树莺 (rìběn shùyīng) / 远东树莺 (yuǎndōng shùyīng)
Horornis diphone canturians or H. borealis borealis

Note: IOC places the subspecies-level taxon canturians in Japanese Bush Warbler, not Manchurian Bush Warbler.

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (a.m.)
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
3 (2 heard only) on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
1 heard singing on Hengsha on 2014-11-04

Asian Stubtail
鳞头树莺 (líntóu shùyīng)
Urosphena squameiceps

1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)

bush warbler or Locustella warbler sp.

1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-19

bush warbler sp.

1 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02

Passeriformes: Aegithalidae

Black-throated Bushtit
红头长尾山雀 (hóngtóu chángwěishānquè)
Aegithalos concinnus

10 (flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
8 (flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
7 (flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-21
25 (2 flocks) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
15 (in a single loose flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
9 (flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
11 (flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06

Passeriformes: Phylloscopidae

Dusky Warbler
褐柳莺 (hè liǔyīng)
Phylloscopus fuscatus

1 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07

Radde’s Warbler
巨嘴柳莺 (jùzuǐ liǔyīng)
Phylloscopus schwarzi

1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03

Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
黄腰柳莺 (huángyāoliǔyīng)
Phylloscopus proregulus

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 heard on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
2 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
1 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
33 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
4 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
40 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
21 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
1 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
3 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
7 (2 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18
5 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
11 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
5 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
6 (1 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-12-04
1 around Huangpu Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-16
1 heard on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
9 (1 heard only) at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Yellow-browed Warbler
黄眉柳莺 (huángméi liǔyīng)
Phylloscopus inornatus

1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-09-20 (2nd session)
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-09-20 (3rd session)
10 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
1 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
4 (1 heard only) at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
7 (4 heard only) on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 heard at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
9 (1 heard only) on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
2 heard at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04
1 heard on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
1 heard at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-07
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
5 (2 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
4 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
6 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
3 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
1 heard on Chongming on 2014-10-18
10 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
7 (5 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
1 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-21
4 (1 heard only) at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
4 (1 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-10-23
6 (2 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
6 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (p.m.)
4 (2 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
6 (4 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-10-28
2 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
3 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
8 (4 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
7 (3 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18
4 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
1 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02

Arctic-type leaf warbler (Arctic Warbler Complex)

a. Arctic Warbler (极北柳莺 [jíběi liǔyīng])
Phylloscopus borealis borealis & P. b. kennicotti

b. Kamchatka Leaf Warbler (堪察加柳莺 [kānchájiā liǔyīng])
P. examinandus

c. Japanese Leaf Warbler (日本柳莺 [rìběn liǔyīng])
P. xanthodryas

Note: The three sp. in the Arctic Warbler Complex are virtually indistinguishable in the field except by song. (Japanese Leaf Warbler is on average more yellowish below than the other two.)

6 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
6 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-01
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-07
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19

Two-barred Warbler
双斑绿柳莺 (huāngbān lǜliǔyīng)
Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler or Sakhalin Leaf Warbler
灰脚柳莺 (huījiǎo liǔyīng) / 库页岛柳莺 (kùyèdǎo liǔyīng)
Phylloscopus tenellipes or P. borealoides

Note: Sakhalin Leaf Warbler is virtually indistinguishable from Pale-legged Leaf Warbler in everything but song. Pale-legged Leaf Warbler is the more common migrant in the region.

4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-05
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
3 heard at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
3 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-11
3 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
3 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)

Eastern Crowned Warbler
冕柳莺 (miǎn liǔyīng)
Phylloscopus coronatus

5 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-05
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
4 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
6 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
7 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
5 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05

Passeriformes: Acrocephalidae

Black-browed Reed Warbler
黑眉苇莺 (hēiméi wěiyīng)
Acrocephalus bistrigiceps

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (a.m.)
2 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04

Passeriformes: Cisticolidae

Zitting Cisticola
棕扇尾莺 (zōng shànwěiyīng)
Cisticola juncidis

2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
2 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
4 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Plain Prinia
褐头鹪莺 (hètóu jiāoyīng)
Prinia inornata

2 in reeds along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 in reeds at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 heard at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
18 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
2 heard on Temple Mount on 2014-10-12
2 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
2 (1 heard only) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (p.m.)
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
1 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
2 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
1 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
4 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
4 (1 heard only) on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
28 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Passeriformes: Leiothrichidae

Chinese Hwamei
画眉 (huàméi)
Garrulax canorus

1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
1 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 at Century Park on 2014-11-30

Red-billed Leiothrix
红嘴相思鸟 (hóngzuǐ xiāngsīniǎo)
Leiothrix lutea

9 (flock) at Chángfēng Yī Hào Lǜdì (长风壹号绿地), Shanghai, on 2014-12-02

Passeriformes: Sylviidae

Vinous-throated Parrotbill
棕头鸦雀 (zōngtóu yāquè)
Sinosuthora webbiana

ca. 10 (flock) near observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
ca. 20 (flock) near observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
ca. 10 (flock) near observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
ca. 20 (flock) along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
ca. 10 (flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
ca. 25 (flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
13 (flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
ca. 15 (flock) heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
ca. 15 (flock) heard on Chongming on 2014-10-18
ca. 15 (flock) heard at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
ca. 15 (flock) heard at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
ca. 20 (flock) at Century Park on 2014-10-23
10 (flock) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
ca. 15 (flock) heard near Magic Parking Lot on 2014-10-25
15 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
1 heard vaguely in distance at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
15 (flock) at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
25 (flock) at Century Park on 2014-12-04
ca. 10 (flock) heard on Chongming on 2014-12-11
ca. 30 (2 flocks) heard at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
20 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
60 (3 flocks each of about 20, 2 flocks heard only) on Chongming on 2014-12-23
ca. 20 (flock) heard at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
ca. 90 (3 flocks) at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
ca. 21 (flock of ca. 20 heard only) at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Reed Parrotbill
震旦鸦雀 (zhèndàn yāquè)
Paradoxornis heudei

1 heard in reeds at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 heard along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 heard on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
ca. 40 (flock) on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
ca. 35 (flock) on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
ca. 10 (flock) heard at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
ca. 10 (flock) heard at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
ca. 30 (2 flocks, heard only) at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Passeriformes: Regulidae

戴菊 (dàijú)
Regulus regulus

8 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
2 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
5 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
2 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
3 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
4 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Passeriformes: Sturnidae

Crested Myna
八哥 (bāgē)
Acridotheres cristatellus

4 on S225 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
10 (flock) at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
3 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-19
3 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
8 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
19 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
10 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
30 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
8 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14
10 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
8 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
20 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Red-billed Starling
丝光椋鸟 (sīguāng liángniǎo)
Spodiopsar sericeus

6 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
12 (flock) on sea wall N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
2 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
3 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
13 along sea-wall road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
5 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
40 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
105 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
19 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

White-cheeked Starling
灰椋鸟 (huī liángniǎo)
Spodiopsar cineraceus

2 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
2 flying over pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
2 along sea-wall road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
13 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
11 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
8 (flock) at Century Park on 2014-11-30
209 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
4 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
3 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-12-14
10 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
4 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
7 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
10 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
12 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Passeriformes: Turdidae

Siberian Thrush
白眉地鸫 (báiméi dìdōng)
Geokichla sibirica

1 female at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07. Appeared briefly at 11:20. Was quickly chased off by one of the Long-tailed Shrikes & was not seen again.
1 female or 1st-winter male at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-11
1 female at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
1 female at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
2 (1 adult male, 1 female) on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 1st-yr. male at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
1 female on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 male on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19

White’s Thrush
怀氏虎鸫 (huáishì hǔdōng)
Zoothera aurea

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
14 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
5 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
6 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
2 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
2 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
1 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
1 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
1 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Grey-backed Thrush
灰背鸫 (huībèi dōng)
Turdus hortulorum

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
4 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
3 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
2 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
2 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
1 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
8 (7 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-10-23
4 (2 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
5 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
5 (3 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
8 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
8 (4 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
1 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
3 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
11 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
10 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Japanese Thrush
乌灰鸫 (wūhuī dōng)
Turdus cardis

1 female at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
2 (1 male, 1 female) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25

Chinese Blackbird
乌鸫 (wū dōng)
Turdus mandarinus

1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
6 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
6 (2 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
9 (3 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
4 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
5 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
7 (5 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-21
25 (4 heard only) at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
74 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
44 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
2 (1 heard) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18
68 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
50 (5 heard only) at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
59 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
2 around Huangpu Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-16
6 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-25
2 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
8 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
ca. 200 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Eyebrowed Thrush
白眉鸫 (báiméi dōng)
Turdus obscurus

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
2 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
1 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22

Pale Thrush
白腹鸫 (báifù dōng)
Turdus pallidus

1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
1 at Nanhui on 2014-10-25
3 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
3 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
7 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
4 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
3 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
25 (3 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-11-30
5 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
29 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
7 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
9 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
7 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
4 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
7 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
15 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
ca. 60 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Brown-headed Thrush
赤胸鸫 (chìxiōng dōng)
Turdus chrysolaus

1 prob. 1st-yr. in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22

Red-throated Thrush
赤颈鸫 (chìjǐng dōng)
Turdus ruficollis

1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03

Naumann’s Thrush
红尾鸫 (hóngwěi dōng)
Turdus naumanni

8 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
3 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
4 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
9 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
10 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Dusky Thrush
斑鸫 (bān dōng)
Turdus eunomus

1 male on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
3 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
2 (1 female, 1 male) on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
29 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
13 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
12 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
50 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
63 (1 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-11-30
97 (4 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-12-04
11 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
12 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
13 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
1 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
3 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
4 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
25 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Naumann’s Thrush or Dusky Thrush
红尾鸫 (hóngwěi dōng) / 斑鸫 (bān dōng)
Turdus naumanni or T. eunomus

ca. 200 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Passeriformes: Muscicapidae

Oriental Magpie-Robin
鹊鸲 (quèqú)
Copsychus saularis

1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
5 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
5 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
1 heard at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
2 (1 heard only) at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18

Siberian Blue Robin
蓝歌鸲 (lán gēqú)
Larvivora cyane

1 female at Nanhui on 2014-09-21

Grey-streaked Flycatcher
灰斑鹟 (huībān wēng)
Muscicapa griseisticta

1 near observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
6 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
2 at Nanhui on 2014-10-19
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26

Dark-sided Flycatcher
乌鹟 (wū wēng)
Muscicapa sibirica

1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
1 in reeds near observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-11
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
6 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
3 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19

Asian Brown Flycatcher
北灰鹟 (běihuī wēng)
Muscicapa latirostris

4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05 (a.m. II)
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-05
6 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 heard along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-11
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 in reeds at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
5 along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (a.m.)
2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
11 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
7 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
6 (2 heard only) on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
39 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
8 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
10 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
10 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
10 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
7 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
5 (2 heard only) at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-11
18 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
7 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
2 at Nanhui on 2014-10-19
3 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
3 at Nanhui on 2014-10-25
5 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
5 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26

Blue-and-white Flycatcher
白腹姬鹟 (báifù jīwēng)
Cyanoptila cyanomelana

2 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-11
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
7 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
11 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (p.m.)
28 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
15 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
2 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
7 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
7 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
4 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
3 at Nanhui on 2014-10-19
2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
3 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03

Verditer Flycatcher
铜蓝鹟 (tónglán wēng)
Eumyias thalassinus

1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26

Rufous-tailed Robin
红尾歌鸲 (hóngwěi gēqú)
Larvivora sibilans

3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05 (p.m.)
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17.
4 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19

Siberian Rubythroat
红喉歌鸲 (hónghóu gēqú)
Calliope calliope

1 female on sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06
1 male on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 male in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
1 male at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26

Red-flanked Bluetail
红胁蓝尾鸲 (hóngxié lánwěiqú)
Tarsiger cyanurus

1 at observation point S of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
2 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
4 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
1 at Nanhui on 2014-10-25
4 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
4 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
3 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
4 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
9 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
5 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
9 (2 adult males) at Century Park on 2014-11-30
1 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
4 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
9 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
15 (1 ad. male) at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
白眉姬鹟 (báiméi jīwēng)
Ficedula zanthopygia

2 (1 male, 1 female) at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
1 female at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-04
1 female at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05 (a.m. I). Likely the individual seen on 2014-09-04.
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05 (a.m. II). The 2nd of 2 females seen there today.
2 (1 male, 1 female) at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-06
1 female at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 female along unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-07
1 female at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (p.m.)
1 heard at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
1 heard on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21

Mugimaki Flycatcher
鸲姬鹟 (qú jīwēng)
Ficedula mugimaki

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
3 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)
4 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
4 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-21
2 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
5 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
1 female at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18

Taiga Flycatcher
红喉姬鹟 (hónghóu jīwēng)
Ficedula albicilla

3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
2 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
2 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05

Daurian Redstart
北红尾鸲 (běi hóngwěiqú)
Phoenicurus auroreus

1 female at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-04
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-06
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-11
2 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
18 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 male at Century Park on 2014-10-23
9 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
3 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
10 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
1 at Nanhui on 2014-10-25
5 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (a.m.)
12 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
2 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (p.m.)
14 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
6 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
2 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
11 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
108 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
35 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
14 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
16 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
7 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
5 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
9 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
1 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
4 (1 male, 3 females) at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
1 male at Century Park on 2014-12-04
22 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
11 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
16 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
6 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
5 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
12 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
18 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
2 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
5 at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
23 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
8 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
5 (4 males, 1 female) at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Blue Rock Thrush (“Red-bellied Rock Thrush”)
蓝矶鸫 (lán jīdōng)
Monticola solitarius philippensis

1 female at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-09
1 near observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
20 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
5 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
24 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
11 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
3 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
3 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-12
6 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
6 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
2 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
3 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
2 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
6 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02

White-throated Rock Thrush
白喉矶鸫 (báihóu jīdōng)
Monticola gularis

1 female at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-01
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
2 (1 male, 1 female) at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-03
1 female at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)

Stejneger’s Stonechat
东亚石䳭 (dōngyà shíjí)
Saxicola stejnegeri

1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-12
4 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
2 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
35 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
1 male on Chongming on 2014-12-11

Northern Wheatear
穗鵖 (suì jí)
Oenanthe oenanthe

1 1st-year bird on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21

Passeriformes: Passeridae

Eurasian Tree Sparrow
树麻雀 (shù máquè)
Passer montanus

ca. 25 on sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
15 on sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
38 S of Yangkou & along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
ca. 75 near Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
ca. 15 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13
ca. 20 (flock) at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-13 (a.m.)
ca. 10 S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
ca. 25 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
ca. 35 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-29
ca. 100 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04
ca. 30 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
ca. 70 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
ca. 30 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
7 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
ca. 40 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
9 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (p.m.)
ca. 25 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
ca. 200 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
ca. 40 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
26 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-20
ca. 35 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-21
1 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
55 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
35 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-24
41 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
30 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
25 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-27
10 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
ca. 30 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
ca. 25 in fruiting tree at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-03
230 (flock of ca. 200 plus scattered singles) on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
ca. 50 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05
210 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
ca. 50 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-18
20 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
39 (flock) on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
ca. 20 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
14 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
ca. 25 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
17 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
ca. 1300 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
ca. 100 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
4 around Huangpu Park (Shanghai) on 2014-12-16
200 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
ca. 1600 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
40 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
15 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
ca. 350 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
ca. 25 at Zhongshan Park on 2015-01-06
ca. 50 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Passeriformes: Estrildidae

Scaly-breasted Munia
斑文鸟 (bān wénniǎo)
Lonchura punctulata

1 juv. on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
3 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-18

Passeriformes: Motacillidae

Forest Wagtail
山鹡鸰 (shān jílíng)
Dendronanthus indicus

1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-05 (a.m. I)
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
1 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08

Eastern Yellow Wagtail
黄鹡鸰 (huáng jílíng)
Motacilla tschutschensis

3 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-06
1 in mediocre wetland W of clam-digger station S of Yangkou on 2014-09-07
5 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-08
8 tschutschensis at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
8 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
78 tschutschensis at Sod Farm on 2014-09-21
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
2 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
4 at Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-10-02
5 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
8 taivana on Chongming on 2014-10-18
23 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-19
16 taivana at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
33 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
15 (flock) on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
1 taivana on Chongming on 2014-12-11
15 taivana at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
1 taivana on Chongming on 2014-12-23
7 taivana at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Grey Wagtail
灰鹡鸰 (huī jílíng)
Motacilla cinerea

3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-11
2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-12
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
1 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02

White Wagtail
白鹡鸰 (bái jílíng)
Motacilla alba

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, records are for “Amur Wagtail” M. a. leucopsis.

3 on utility wire at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-04
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-10
2 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-11
1 along sea-wall road S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-14 (a.m.)
19 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-20
23 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
7 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-21
4 (2 heard only) at Nanhui on 2014-09-28
7 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
2 at pond across from Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
2 around Little Temple on 2014-10-03
2 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-11
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-12
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-13
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-15
7 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
2 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
1 at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
1 juv. at Century Park on 2014-10-23
1 heard on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
13 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
4 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-26
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (p.m.)
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
5 (1 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-10-28
2 at Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-11-02
1 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-02
36 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
17 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
1 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 at land reclamation project (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
4 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
2 (1 heard only) at Century Park on 2014-11-30
1 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
19 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
4 (3 leucopsis, 1 ocularis/lugens) on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
10 (7 ocularis/lugens) at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
3 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
9 (1 ocularis/lugens) on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 ocularis at Dafeng Seawall on 2014-12-25
6 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
10 (6 ocularis/lugens) at Nanhui on 2015-01-02
9 (1 lugens) at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Richard’s Pipit
田鹨 (tián liù)
Anthus richardi

3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
4 at observation point S of Yangkou on 2014-10-07
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-11
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-12
2 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
2 at sod farm at Nanhui on 2014-10-25
9 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
5 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
11 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
2 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
6 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-23

Olive-backed Pipit
树鹨 (shù liù)
Anthus hodgsoni

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30
3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
6 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
21 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
13 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-25
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
7 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
3 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
5 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
7 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
2 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
18 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
4 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
9 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
17 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
5 heard at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Red-throated Pipit
红喉鹨 (hónghóu liù)
Anthus cervinus

9 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04

Buff-bellied Pipit
黄腹鹨 (huángfù liù)
Anthus rubescens japonicus

17 at sod farm (Nanhui) on 2014-10-25
43 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
54 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
66 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
40 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
19 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
28 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
9 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Water Pipit
水鹨 (shuǐ liù)
Anthus spinoletta

3 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
3 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
5 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Passeriformes: Fringillidae

燕雀 (yànquè)
Fringilla montifringilla

1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
5 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
70 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
35 (flock) on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-25
23 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
20 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
4 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
40 (flock) on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-26 (a.m.)
42 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
2 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
80 (3 flocks) on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
162 (4 flocks plus scattered singles) on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
26 on Hengsha on 2014-11-061 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
15 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
101 (incl. flock of ca. 100) on Chongming on 2014-12-23
19 (flock) at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Japanese Grosbeak
黑头蜡嘴雀 (hēitóu làzuǐquè)
Eophona personata

3 near Singaporean farm S of Yangkou on 2014-09-13
9 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (a.m.)

Chinese Grosbeak
黑尾蜡嘴雀 (hēiwěi làzuǐquè)
Eophona migratoria

1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
4 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (a.m.)
8 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-16 (a.m.)
3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
8 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
13 at Century Park on 2014-11-30
1 at Changfeng Park on 2014-12-02
ca. 50 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Grey-capped Greenfinch
金翅雀 (jīnchìquè)
Chloris sinica

ca. 10 heard at Century Park on 2015-01-25
3 at Nanhui on 2014-09-21
2 at Nanhui on 2014-09-28

Eurasian Siskin
黄雀 (huángquè)
Spinus spinus

1 male on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
72 (3 flocks) at Century Park on 2014-10-28
40 (2 flocks) on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
70 (flock) at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
2 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
30 (flock) at Century Park on 2014-11-30
ca. 40 (flock) on Hengsha on 2014-12-07

Passeriformes: Emberizidae

Meadow Bunting
三道眉草鹀 (sāndàoméi cǎowū)
Emberiza cioides

3 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-28
1 singing male on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 singing male in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
1 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-10-25
3 (2 singing males, 1 female) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
1 singing male in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
3 (2 singing & sparring males, 1 female) on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
1 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 (1 male, 1 female) at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
1 female on Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
5 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
2 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
6 (3 pairs) on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02

Tristram’s Bunting
白眉鹀 (báiméi wū)
Emberiza tristrami

2 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-14 (p.m.)
3 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-10-17
1 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
8 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 at Nanhui Dongtan on 2014-10-19
4 in small party at Century Park on 2014-10-23
4 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
7 at Xiǎoyánglíng Cove on 2014-11-02
1 female on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
1 at Zhongshan Park on 2014-11-05

Chestnut-eared Bunting
栗耳鹀 (lì’ěr wū)
Emberiza fucata

11 on Chongming on 2014-10-18
20 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
6 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
4 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Little Bunting
小鹀 (xiǎo wū)
Emberiza pusilla

1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-11
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
1 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
7 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
9 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
6 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
16 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
2 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

Yellow-browed Bunting
黄眉鹀 (huángméi wū)
Emberiza chrysophrys

1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-09-27
2 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
10 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
4 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
8 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02

Rustic Bunting
田鹀 (tián wū)
Emberiza rustica

1 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-11-02
4 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
36 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
6 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
2 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
27 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
7 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
1 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24

Yellow-throated Bunting
黄喉鹀 (huánghóu wū)
Emberiza elegans

1 male at Changfeng Park on 2014-10-22
2 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-25
4 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
5 in Garbage Dump Gully on 2014-10-26
1 female on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
ca. 40 on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02
120 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
18 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
4 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
8 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
5 at Century Park on 2014-12-04
10 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
5 around Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
9 at Temple Mount (Yangshan) on 2014-12-14
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
17 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
4 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Yellow-breasted Bunting
黄胸鹀 (huángxiōng wū)
Emberiza aureola

1 female or 1st-winter on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02

Chestnut Bunting
栗鹀 (lì wū)
Emberiza rutila

1 female at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-02
1 male on Lesser Yangshan on 2014-10-19
3 females on Temple Mount on 2014-11-02

Black-faced Bunting
灰头鹀 (huītóu wū)
Emberiza spodocephala

1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-09-30 (p.m.)
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04 (a.m.)
1 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-04
3 on unpaved road N of Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-05
1 at Haiyin Temple on 2014-10-06
2 on Garbage Dump Coastal Plain on 2014-10-11
2 at Century Park on 2014-10-23
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-25
1 on Temple Mount on 2014-10-26
7 at Century Park on 2014-10-28
1 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
1 in Garbage Dump Gully (Yangshan) on 2014-11-22
2 (1 male, 1 female) spodocephala at Century Park on 2014-12-04
12 spodocephala on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
14 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
7 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
2 at Crane Paradise on 2014-12-24
2 on Lesser Yangshan on 2015-01-02
6 at Century Park on 2015-01-25

Pallas’s Reed Bunting
苇鹀 (wěi wū)
Emberiza pallasi

15 on Hengsha on 2014-11-04
42 on Hengsha on 2014-11-06
ca. 200 on Hengsha on 2014-11-23
ca. 120 on Hengsha on 2014-12-07
36 on Chongming on 2014-12-11
40 (2 flocks) at Nanhui on 2014-12-14
2 on Chongming on 2014-12-18
1 on Chongming on 2014-12-23
ca. 200 at Nanhui on 2015-01-02

List of Place Names

Century Park (Shìjì Gōngyuán [世纪公园]): urban green space in Pudong New Area (Pǔdōng Xīn Qū [浦东新区]), Shanghai. Largest park in Shanghai. 31.219361, 121.551900.

Changfeng Park (Chángfēng Gōngyuán [长风公园]): urban green space in Putuo District (Pǔtuó Qū [普陀区]), Shanghai. 31.224860, 121.399155.

Chongming Dongtan National Bird Sanctuary and Nature Reserve (Chóngmíng Dōngtān Niǎolèi Guójiājí Zìrán Bǎohùqū [崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区]): nature reserve E Chongming Island. 31.510109, 121.961955.

Chongming Island (Chóngmíng Dǎo [崇明岛]): large alluvial island at mouth of Yangtze River. Area: 1041 sq. km. Part of municipality of Shanghai.

Dafeng Seawall (Dàfēng Hǎidī [大丰海堤]): dike with adjacent birding areas in Yancheng. Road runs atop dike. Birding spot 11.4 km S of Crane Paradise near intersection of Dafeng Seawall & Sheyang Levee (Shèyáng Hǎidī [射阳海堤]) at 33.514056, 120.530951.

Dongtai (Dōngtái [东台]): county-level city E Jiangsu, China.

East Tianmu Mountain Scenic Area (Dōng Tiānmùshān Jǐngqū [东天目山景区]): nature reserve in Zhejiang. 30.342422, 119.509490. See also West Tianmu Mountain Scenic Area.

Garbage Dump Coastal Plain: broad area between Donghai Bridge & Garbage Dump Gully on Lesser Yangshan Island. 30.638860, 122.060089.

Garbage Dump Gully: birding spot on Lesser Yangshan Island near Donghai Bridge, known for its tall trees. A small garbage-processing plant lies at mouth of gully. 30.641565, 122.062836.

Hǎiyìn Temple (Hǎiyìn Sì [海印寺]: place of worship Yangkou, Jiangsu. 32.558756, 121.044740.

Hengsha Island (Héngshā Dǎo [横沙岛]): small alluvial island at mouth of Yangtze River. Area: 56 sq. km. Part of municipality of Shanghai. S gate to birding area at 31.297333, 121.859434.

Huangpu Park (Huángpǔ Gōngyuán [黄浦公园]): green space on The Bund in Shanghai. 31.241578, 121.490811.

Huangpu River (Huángpǔ Jiāng [黄浦江]): river 113 km in length, running through Shanghai. Tributary of Yangtze River.

Jiangsu (Jiāngsū Shěng [江苏省]): province E China on Yellow Sea. Area: 102,600 sq. km. Population: 79.2 million.

Lesser Yangshan Island (Xiǎo Yángshān [小洋山]): island Zhejiang Province in Hangzhou Bay (East China Sea). 30.634096, 122.058079.

Magic Parking Lot: parking area next to Holiday Inn in Nanhui, one of the few places in the area with tall trees & thus attractive to many species of bird. 30.882784, 121.972782.

Nanhui (Nanhui [南汇]): area in Pǔdōng (浦东) in SE Shanghai, on Hangzhou Bay & East China Sea.

Pudong Nanhui Dongtan Wetland (Pǔdōng Nanhui Dōngtān Shīdì [浦东南汇东滩湿地]): nature reserve in Nanhui, on East China Sea. 30.920507, 121.973159 (corner of Shìjìtáng Lù [世纪塘路] & main access road leading inland).

Shanghai (Shànghǎi Shì [上海市]): provincial-level city E China, at mouth of Yangtze River on East China Sea. Area: 6341 sq. km. Population: 24.3 million.

Suzhou Creek (Sūzhōu Hé [苏州河]): tributary of Huangpu River; flows near Zhongshan Park in Shanghai. Also known as Wusong River (Wúsōng Jiāng [吴淞江]).

Temple Mount: area on Lesser Yangshan Island, named after Guānyīn Temple (Guānyīn Chánsì [观音禅寺]). 30.639945, 122.048277.

Wusong River: see Suzhou Creek.

Xiǎo Yángshān (小洋山): see Lesser Yangshan Island.

Xiǎoyánglíng Cove: bay & surrounding land on Lesser Yangshan Island. Named after Xiǎoyánglíng Tǎ (小洋陵塔), a Buddhist monument. To reach cove, walk through tunnel from Garbage Dump Gully. 30.642243, 122.066940.

Yancheng (Yánchéng [盐城]) prefecture-level city in Jiangsu, 300 km N of Shanghai. 33.383333, 120.116667.

Yangkou (Yángkǒu [洋口]), fishing town Rudong County, Jiangsu, China. 32.537730, 121.017746.

Zhejiang (Zhèjiāng Shěng [浙江省]): province E China, on East China Sea. Area: 101,800 sq. km. Population: 54.9 million.

Zhongshan Park (Zhōngshān Gōngyuán [中山公园]): urban green space 6 km W of People’s Square in Changning District (Chángníng Qū [长宁区]), Shanghai. 31.221888, 121.420066.

Selected Bibliography

Alström, Per, Krister Mild, & Bill Zetterström. Pipits and Wagtails. Princeton University Press.

Brazil, Mark. Birds of East Asia. Princeton University Press. Craig’s first reference in the Shanghai region.

del Hoyo, Josep, et al., eds. The Handbook of the Birds of the World. Lynx Edicions.

Kennerley, Peter & David Pearson. Reed and Bush Warblers. Christopher Helm.

Lynx Edicions. The Internet Bird Collection.

MacKinnon, John & Karen Phillipps. A Field Guide to the Birds of China. Oxford University Press.

Message, Stephen & Don Taylor. Waders of Europe, Asia, and North America. Christopher Helm.

Olsen, Klaus Malling & Hans Larsson. Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America. Christopher Helm.

Oriental Bird Club. Oriental Bird Images.

Robson, Craig. Birds of Southeast Asia. Princeton University Press.

Smith, Andrew T. & Yan Xie, eds. Mammals of China. Princeton University Press.

Svensson, Lars. Collins Bird Guide: The Most Complete Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. HarperCollins.

Xeno-Canto Foundation. Xeno-Canto: Bird Sounds from Around the World. Craig has downloaded hundreds of calls from this Web site.


Cameras: Nikon D3S; for landscapes, Apple iPad and Apple iPhone 4S
Lens: Nikon VR 600mm F/4G
Sound recorder: Olympus DM-650
Binoculars: Swarovski EL 8 x 32 (Craig), Zeiss Conquest HD 8 x 42 (Elaine)
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