Japanese Robin, Century Park, Shanghai. 12 Nov. 2012. (Craig Brelsford)

Birds Recorded at Shanghai’s Century Park

by Daniel Bengtsson, with additions, editing, and layout by Craig Brelsford and Elaine Du

For ease of access and richness of birds, no park in Shanghai excels Century Park in Pudong. That’s why Century Park is the most birded park in Shanghai, the park with the most detailed history, and the most accurate indicator of the birds one is likely to find in urban Shanghai.

Our searchable Century Park All Time List is below. If you would like to add a species to the list, then reach Craig Brelsford at info@shanghaibirding.com. Please document your record.

Mandarin DuckAix galericulata鸳鸯 (yuānyāng)
Cotton Pygmy GooseNettapus coromandelianus棉凫 (miánfú)
Eastern Spot-billed DuckAnas zonorhyncha斑嘴鸭 (bānzuǐyā)
Eurasian TealAnas crecca绿翅鸭 (lǜchì yā)
Tufted DuckAythya fuligula凤头潜鸭 (fèngtóu qiányā)
Common PheasantPhasianus colchicus雉鸡 (zhìjī)
Black-throated LoonGavia arctica黑喉潜鸟 (hēihóu qiánniǎo)
Little GrebeTachybaptus ruficollis小䴙䴘 (xiǎo pìtī)
Great Crested GrebePodiceps cristatus凤头䴙䴘 (fèngtóu pìtī)
Yellow BitternIxobrychus sinensis黄苇鳽 (huáng wěiyán)
Black BitternDupetor flavicollis黑鳽 (hēiyán)
Black-crowned Night HeronNycticorax nycticorax夜鹭 (yè lù)
Striated HeronButorides striata绿鹭 (lǜ lù)
Chinese Pond HeronArdeola bacchus池鹭 (chílù)
Eastern Cattle EgretBubulcus coromandus牛背鹭 (niúbèi lù)
Grey HeronArdea cinerea苍鹭 (cāng lù)
Great EgretArdea alba大白鹭 (dàbáilù)
Little EgretEgretta garzetta白鹭 (báilù)
Oriental Honey BuzzardPernis ptilorhynchus orientalis凤头蜂鹰 (fèngtóu fēngyīng)
Crested GoshawkAccipiter trivirgatus凤头鹰 (fèngtóu yīng)
Chinese SparrowhawkAccipiter soloensis赤腹鹰 (chìfù yīng)
Japanese SparrowhawkAccipiter gularis日本松雀鹰 (rìběn sōngquèyīng)
Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipiter nisus雀鹰 (quèyīng)
Northern GoshawkAccipiter gentilis苍鹰 (cāngyīng)
Eastern BuzzardButeo japonicus普通鵟 (pǔtōng kuáng)
Brown CrakeAmaurornis akool红脚苦恶鸟 (hóngjiǎo kǔ'ě'niǎo)
White-breasted WaterhenAmaurornis phoenicurus白胸苦恶鸟 (báixiōng kǔ'ě'niǎo)
Common MoorhenGallinula chloropus黑水鸡 (hēi shuǐjī)
Eurasian CootFulica atra骨顶鸡 (gǔdǐng jī)
Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubius金眶鸻 (jīnkuàng héng)
Pheasant-tailed JacanaHydrophasianus chirurgus水雉 (shuǐ zhì)
Eurasian WoodcockScolopax rusticola丘鹬 (qiū yù)
Common SnipeGallinago gallinago扇尾沙锥 (shànwěi shāzhuī)
Wood SandpiperTringa glareola林鹬 (lín yù)
Green SandpiperTringa ochropus白腰草鹬 (báiyāo cǎoyù)
Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucos矶鹬 (jī yù)
Common TernSterna hirundo普通燕鸥 (pǔtōng yàn'ōu)
Whiskered TernChlidonias hybrida须浮鸥 (xū fú'ōu)
White-winged TernChlidonias leucopterus白翅浮鸥 (báichì fú'ōu)
Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon)Columba livia原鸽 (yuángē)
Oriental Turtle DoveStreptopelia orientalis山斑鸠 (shān bānjiū)
Spotted DoveSpilopelia chinensis珠颈斑鸠 (zhūjǐng bānjiū)
Chestnut-winged CuckooClamator coromandus红翅凤头鹃 (hóngchì fèngtóujuān)
Indian CuckooCuculus micropterus四声杜鹃 (sìshēng dùjuān)
Oriental CuckooCuculus optatus北方中杜鹃 (běifāng zhōngdùjuān)
Northern BoobookNinox japonica鹰鸮 (yīngxiāo)
Grey NightjarCaprimulgus jotaka普通夜鹰 (pǔtōng yèyīng)
Oriental DollarbirdEurystomus orientalis三宝鸟 (sānbǎo niǎo)
Black-capped KingfisherHalcyon pileata蓝翡翠 (lán fěicuì)
Common KingfisherAlcedo atthis普通翠鸟 (pǔtōng cuìniǎo)
Eurasian HoopoeUpupa epops戴胜 (dàishèng)
Eurasian WryneckJynx torquilla蚁䴕 (yǐ liè)
Great Spotted WoodpeckerDendrocopos major大斑啄木鸟 (dà bānzhuómùniǎo)
Common KestrelFalco tinnunculus红隼 (hóng sǔn)
Amur FalconFalco amurensis红脚隼 (hóngjiǎo sǔn)
Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinus游隼 (yóusǔn)
Ashy MinivetPericrocotus divaricatus灰山椒鸟 (huī shānjiāoniǎo)
Bull-headed ShrikeLanius bucephalus牛头伯劳 (niútóu bóláo)
Tiger ShrikeLanius tigrinus虎纹伯劳 (hǔwén bóláo)
Brown ShrikeLanius cristatus红尾伯劳 (hóngwěi bóláo)
Long-tailed ShrikeLanius schach棕背伯劳 (zōngbèi bóláo)
Black-naped OrioleOriolus chinensis黑枕黄鹂 (hēizhěn huánglí)
Black DrongoDicrurus macrocercus黑卷尾 (hēi juǎnwěi)
Ashy Drongo Dicrurus leucophaeus灰卷尾 (huī juǎnwěi)
Japanese Paradise FlycatcherTerpsiphone atrocaudata紫寿带 (zǐ shòudài)
Azure-winged MagpieCyanopica cyanus灰喜鹊 (huī xǐquè)
Oriental MagpiePica serica喜鹊 (xǐquè)
Japanese WaxwingBombycilla japonica小太平鸟 (xiǎo tàipíngniǎo)
Coal TitPeriparus ater煤山雀 (méi shānquè)
Yellow-bellied TitPardaliparus venustulus黄腹山雀 (huángfù shānquè)
Marsh TitPoecile palustris沼泽山雀 (zhǎozé shānquè)
Japanese TitParus minor远东山雀 (yuǎndōng shānquè)
Chinese Penduline TitRemiz consobrinus中华攀雀 (zhōnghuá pānquè)
Light-vented BulbulPycnonotus sinensis白头鹎 (báitóu bēi)
Barn SwallowHirundo rustica家燕 (jiā yàn)
Asian House MartinDelichon dasypus烟腹毛脚燕 (yānfù máojiǎoyàn)
Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler Horornis diphone canturians/H. borealis borealis日本/远东树莺 (rìběn/yuǎndōng shùyīng)
Brown-flanked Bush WarblerHorornis fortipes强脚树莺 (qiángjiǎo shùyīng)
Asian StubtailUrosphena squameiceps鳞头树莺 (líntóu shùyīng)
Black-throated BushtitAegithalos concinnus红头长尾山雀 (hóngtóu chángwěishānquè)
Dusky Warbler
Phylloscopus fuscatus褐柳莺 (hè liǔyīng)
Pallas's Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus proregulus黄腰柳莺 (huángyāoliǔyīng)
Yellow-browed WarblerPhylloscopus inornatus黄眉柳莺 (huángméi liǔyīng)
Arctic WarblerPhylloscopus borealis极北柳莺 (jíběi liǔyīng)
Pale-legged Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus tenellipes灰脚柳莺 (huījiǎo liǔyīng)
Sakhalin Leaf WarblerPhylloscopus borealoides库页岛柳莺 (kùyèdǎo liǔyīng)
Eastern Crowned WarblerPhylloscopus coronatus冕柳莺 (miǎn liǔyīng)
Oriental Reed WarblerAcrocephalus orientalis东方大苇莺 (dōngfāng dàwěiyīng)
Black-browed Reed WarblerAcrocephalus bistrigiceps黑眉苇莺 (hēiméi wěiyīng)
Pallas's Grasshopper WarblerHelopsaltes certhiola小蝗莺 (xiǎo huángyīng)
Gray's Grasshopper WarblerHelopsaltes fasciolatus苍眉蝗莺 (cāngméi huángyīng)
Plain PriniaPrinia inornata褐头鹪莺 (hètóu jiāoyīng)
Chinese HwameiGarrulax canorus画眉 (huàméi)
Red-billed LeiothrixLeiothrix lutea红嘴相思鸟 (hóngzuǐ xiāngsīniǎo)
Vinous-throated ParrotbillSinosuthora webbiana棕头鸦雀 (zōngtóu yāquè)
Japanese White-eyeZosterops japonicus暗绿绣眼鸟 (ànlǜ xiùyǎnniǎo)
GoldcrestRegulus regulus戴菊 (dàijú)
Crested MynaAcridotheres cristatellus八哥 (bāgē)
Red-billed StarlingSpodiopsar sericeus丝光椋鸟 (sīguāng liángniǎo)
White-cheeked StarlingSpodiopsar cineraceus灰椋鸟 (huī liángniǎo)
Black-collared StarlingGracupica nigricollis黑领椋鸟 (hēilǐng liángniǎo)
White's ThrushZoothera aurea怀氏虎鸫 (huáishì hǔdōng)
Siberian ThrushGeokichla sibirica白眉地鸫 (báiméi dìdōng)
Grey-backed ThrushTurdus hortulorum灰背鸫 (huībèi dōng)
Japanese ThrushTurdus cardis乌灰鸫 (wūhuī dōng)
Chinese BlackbirdTurdus mandarinus乌鸫 (wū dōng)
Eyebrowed ThrushTurdus obscurus白眉鸫 (báiméi dōng)
Pale ThrushTurdus pallidus白腹鸫 (báifù dōng)
Red-throated ThrushTurdus ruficollis赤颈鸫 (chìjǐng dōng)
Naumann's ThrushTurdus naumanni红尾鸫 (hóngwěi dōng)
Dusky ThrushTurdus eunomus斑鸫 (bān dōng)
Oriental Magpie-RobinCopsychus saularis鹊鸲 (quèqú)
Grey-streaked FlycatcherMuscicapa griseisticta灰斑鹟 (huībān wēng)
Dark-sided FlycatcherMuscicapa sibirica乌鹟 (wū wēng)
Asian Brown FlycatcherMuscicapa latirostris北灰鹟 (běihuī wēng)
Blue-and-white FlycatcherCyanoptila cyanomelana白腹姬鹟 (báifù jīwēng)
Siberian Blue RobinLarvivora cyane蓝歌鸲 (lán gēqú)
Rufous-tailed RobinLarvivora sibilans红尾歌鸲 (hóngwěi gēqú)
Japanese RobinLarvivora akahige日本歌鸲 (rìběn gēqú)
Siberian RubythroatCalliope calliope红喉歌鸲 (hónghóu gēqú)
Red-flanked BluetailTarsiger cyanurus红胁蓝尾鸲 (hóngxié lánwěiqú)
Yellow-rumped FlycatcherFicedula zanthopygia白眉姬鹟 (báiméi jīwēng)
Narcissus FlycatcherFicedula narcissina黄眉姬鹟 (huángméi jīwēng)
Mugimaki FlycatcherFicedula mugimaki鸲姬鹟 (qú jīwēng)
Taiga FlycatcherFicedula albicilla红喉姬鹟 (hónghóu jīwēng)
Daurian RedstartPhoenicurus auroreus北红尾鸲 (běi hóngwěiqú)
White-throated Rock ThrushMonticola gularis白喉矶鸫 (báihóu jīdōng)
Stejneger's StonechatSaxicola stejnegeri东亚石䳭 (dōngyà shíjí)
Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanus树麻雀 (shù máquè)
White-rumped MuniaLonchura striata白腰文鸟 (báiyāo wénniǎo)
Forest WagtailDendronanthus indicus山鹡鸰 (shān jílíng)
Eastern Yellow WagtailMotacilla tschutschensis黄鹡鸰 (huáng jílíng)
Grey WagtailMotacilla cinerea灰鹡鸰 (huī jílíng)
White WagtailMotacilla alba白鹡鸰 (bái jílíng)
Richard's PipitAnthus richardi田鹨 (tián liù)
Olive-backed PipitAnthus hodgsoni树鹨 (shù liù)
Red-throated PipitAnthus cervinus红喉鹨 (hónghóu liù)
BramblingFringilla montifringilla燕雀 (yànquè)
HawfinchCoccothraustes coccothraustes锡嘴雀 (xīzuǐ què)
Japanese GrosbeakEophona personata黑头蜡嘴雀 (hēitóu làzuǐquè)
Chinese GrosbeakEophona migratoria黑尾蜡嘴雀 (hēiwěi làzuǐquè)
Common RosefinchCarpodacus erythrinus普通朱雀 (pǔtōng zhūquè)
Grey-capped GreenfinchChloris sinica金翅雀 (jīnchìquè)
Eurasian SiskinSpinus spinus黄雀 (huángquè)
Tristram's BuntingEmberiza tristrami白眉鹀 (báiméi wū)
Little BuntingEmberiza pusilla小鹀 (xiǎo wū)
Yellow-browed BuntingEmberiza chrysophrys黄眉鹀 (huángméi wū)
Yellow-throated BuntingEmberiza elegans黄喉鹀 (huánghóu wū)
Chestnut BuntingEmberiza rutila栗鹀 (lì wū)
Black-faced BuntingEmberiza spodocephala灰头鹀 (huītóu wū)

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Featured image: Japanese Robin Larvivora akahige is among the rarities recorded at Century Park, the most popular park for birding in Shanghai. (Craig Brelsford)

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