Blunt-winged Warbler

Blunt-winged Warbler Acrocephalus concinens concinens breeds patchily across much of eastern China, north to Hebei. Winters Southeast Asia. HABITAT Breeds in reeds but also in montane scrub and grasslands away from water; to 3000 m (9,840 ft.). ID & COMPARISON Very similar to Paddyfield Warbler A. agricola and Manchurian Reed Warbler A. tangorum. Drabber and more uniform than other small Acrocephalus warblers in eastern China, with the most weakly marked head. Lacks band on crown above whitish supercilium, which is pale and diffuse and usually does not extend beyond eye. Upperparts brownish-olive, rump more rufous, but shows less contrast than Manchurian Reed Warbler and Black-browed Reed Warbler A. bistrigiceps. Whitish chin and throat, sandy brown across breast, whiter on belly. Flanks and vent may approach brownish-olive hue of upperparts. Unlike others in genus, the short, rounded wings do not reach base of tail, and primary projection is extremely short. BARE PARTS Long bill grey above, pink below. Feet grey-brown. VOICE Song a series of slurred whistles, chirrs, and buzzes, slower than Black-browed Reed Warbler. Calls a short, quiet check and a softer, longer chirr. — Craig Brelsford

THE REED WARBLERS OF CHINA covers most of the species in China in the family Acrocephalidae. Click any link:

Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Oriental Reed Warbler A. orientalis
Clamorous Reed Warbler A. stentoreus
Black-browed Reed Warbler A. bistrigiceps
Moustached Warbler A. melanopogon
Sedge Warbler A. schoenobaenus
Speckled Reed Warbler A. sorghophilus
Blunt-winged Warbler A. concinens
Manchurian Reed Warbler A. tangorum
Paddyfield Warbler A. agricola
Blyth’s Reed Warbler A. dumetorum
Eurasian Reed Warbler A. scirpaceus
Thick-billed Warbler Arundinax aedon
Booted Warbler Iduna caligata
Sykes’s Warbler I. rama
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler I. pallida


Daniel Bengtsson served as chief ornithological consultant for Craig Brelsford’s Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of China, from which this species description is drawn.

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