by Craig Brelsford
Stimulating discussions about leaf warblers enlivened the lulls on Sat. 24 Sept. 2016, a day in which my wife Elaine Du and I once again partnered with veteran British birder Michael Grunwell. We noted 69 species, starting at the sod farm south of Pudong airport then spending the rest of the day at Cape Nanhui. Highlights:

Juvenile spotted on mudflats at high tide. A far-northern, trans-Eurasian breeder, Philomachus pugnax is a scarce passage migrant in Shanghai. Amid the greenshanks and godwits, the Ruff stood out with its buff-washed head and scaly upperparts. Juvenile Ruff resembles Buff-breasted Sandpiper, a much smaller American bird that we quickly ruled out.
Eurasian Hobby

1 juv. Earlier mis’ID as Peregrine Falcon; corrected 3 Oct. 2016.
White-winged Tern
A week ago ca. 2500, on Saturday only 10. Coastal birding is a parade of change, especially in migration season.
Other goodies: Eurasian Wryneck 2, Japanese Paradise Flycatcher 6, Amur Paradise Flycatcher 1, Richard’s Pipit 5, White’s Thrush 5 first-of-season, Rufous-tailed Robin 1 first-of-season. We introduced Benjamin to Reed Parrotbill calling unseen from the reeds below, we had a strong count of 16 Blue-and-white Flycatcher, and we noted two endangered species: Far Eastern Curlew and Yellow-breasted Bunting.

Sorry but not convinced that your falcon is a Peregrine, the head-pattern alone says juvenile Hobby to me. Will be interested to see if there are any similar comments.
Correction made! Thank you.
I think it worthwhile getting a 2nd opinion on your Peregrine