Indian Golden Oriole

Indian Golden Oriole Oriolus kundoo breeds in China in western Xinjiang from Kashgar Prefecture south to the Karakoram. HABITAT & BEHAVIOR Stays hidden in canopy, feeding on insects and fruit, calling loudly in breeding season. ID & COMPARISON Very much like Eurasian Golden Oriole O. oriolus. Eurasian and Indian male mainly lemon-yellow except for mainly black wings and central tail. Distinct yellow carpal patch larger than Eurasian. Black lore becomes short eyestripe that extends beyond eye, unlike Eurasian. Female drabber and greener with streaking on yellowish to whitish underparts; streaking more distinct than Eurasian. Second-year male like female; some adult females have plumage that appears male-like. Juvenile streaked on whitish underparts; underparts greenish. BARE PARTS Thick bill lighter pink than Eurasian. Iris red in adults, dark in immature birds. Feet grey. VOICE Catlike mewing and liquid, whistling song. — Craig Brelsford

THE ORIOLES OF CHINA covers all seven members of Oriolidae in China. Click any link:

Maroon Oriole Oriolus traillii
Silver Oriole O. mellianus
Black-hooded Oriole O. xanthornus
Indian Golden Oriole O. kundoo
Eurasian Golden Oriole O. oriolus
Black-naped Oriole O. chinensis
Slender-billed Oriole O. tenuirostris


Daniel Bengtsson served as chief ornithological consultant for Craig Brelsford’s Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of China, from which this species description is drawn.

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