Golden-fronted Leafbird

Golden-fronted Leafbird
Chloropsis aurifrons
18 cm

The golden-fronted leafbird is found through much of India and mainland Southeast Asia. In China, pridii lives in southwestern and southern Yunnan (Ruili, Xishuangbanna) in hilly, forested country at moderate elevations. Eats insects, fruit, and nectar. Mainly green, but both sexes have flame-orange forecrown, black mask and lower throat, blue upper throat and moustachial line, and yellow border around throat. Has turquoise shoulder but lacks blue in flight feathers and tail, unlike blue-winged and orange-bellied leafbird. Juvenile all green except for dull forecrown, purple moustachial line and (often) yellow “spectacles.” Bill slightly curved, black; feet black. Lively, melodious song. Calls include harsh rattles and melodious whistles. Good mimic. — Craig Brelsford


Daniel Bengtsson served as chief ornithological consultant for Craig Brelsford’s Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of China, from which this species description is drawn.

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